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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: New vinyl set-up, opinions?
    Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:14
I have been buying vinyls like crazy for the past half year or so, and the only real opportunity I have to play them at the moment has now failed me(Damn you Bang & Olufsen!!!!)Dead

So just today I was having a look at some of the used items around where I live, and I fell over this little beauty:
Denon stereoanlæg og Dali højtalere Radio/TV Anlæg, billede 1 

The full monty is like 267 pounds, but I can possibly acquire the Denon Quartz DP-47f and the amp Denon PMA-720 separately.

Here's another pic of the tower close up:
Denon stereoanlæg og Dali højtalere Radio/TV Anlæg, billede 2 

and here the Dali speaker:
Denon stereoanlæg og Dali højtalere Radio/TV Anlæg, billede 3

The buyer sounds like he was a pensioner, and he swore to me that it played immaculately. He was selling it, because they(he and the missus) opted for a newer one with regards to a living-room cinema type thing... (I may just have to go for the whole thing, if it plays well! I have heard a lot of good stuff about Dali speakers, but I don't know these. IS 9821 they're called...?

So what are your thoughts out there? Do you know these products - and can you recommend them? 
I am looking for any type of guidance here, as long as it's constructiveBig smile 
I have an appointment with buyer to go have a look see tomorrow evening.

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HolyMoly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:24
I've had 2 Denon turntables in my life, and I loved both of them, so I can probably vouch for that one.

That tape deck looks almost exactly like mine (which broke recently, not that I use it much anymore) too.

Whatever you do, do it quickly.  Life without a stereo is like.... I don't even want to think about it.
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:30
Originally posted by HolyMoly HolyMoly wrote:

I've had 2 Denon turntables in my life, and I loved both of them, so I can probably vouch for that one.

That tape deck looks almost exactly like mine (which broke recently, not that I use it much anymore) too.

Whatever you do, do it quickly.  Life without a stereo is like.... I don't even want to think about it.

Exactly! I just bought some new vinyls in Copenhagen during the weekend, and coming home to a stereo that doesn't work, is a pretty uncomfortable situation...

I was actually thinking about going completely old school buying a Thorens turntable, but they are really expensive and I don't get that amp as well...

Oh and thanks for the input regarding Denon turntables Steve, much appreciatedSmile The more I think of it, the more I am preparing myself for an actual buy.

Edited by Guldbamsen - September 25 2012 at 08:31
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:39
That's a nice Denon table.....Denon tables are well respected and perform well. That Denon is a fully automatic table with a quartz lock for speed stability. I would make sure it still works and find out how many hours the cartridge has on it. The tonearm is a nice low mass arm and it is a direct drive model so I would listen for any motor problems, you should not hear the motor nor feel it when you put your fingers on the plinth.....all though just depends on how it was taken care of, or not.
Bottomline is you have to hear it....Take a favorite album with you to listen. I have never heard the Dali speakers, listen to them and you decide. Take a look at the speaker surrounds make sure they are not cracked or you are looking at a re-foam job....Again just depends on the age and how he took care of the gear.
Denon electronics are pretty nice stuff. If you buy the table you can get the owners manual from as well as any information you need for mating a new cartridge to it.
Have fun!
(Vinyl Rules!!!) I probably just pissed off 98% of PA members by saying that Big smile
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:45
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

That's a nice Denon table.....Denon tables are well respected and perform well. That Denon is a fully automatic table with a quartz lock for speed stability. I would make sure it still works and find out how many hours the cartridge has on it. The tonearm is a nice low mass arm and it is a direct drive model so I would listen for any motor problems, you should not hear the motor nor feel it when you put your fingers on the plinth.....all though just depends on how it was taken care of, or not.
Bottomline is you have to hear it....Take a favorite album with you to listen. I have never heard the Dali speakers, listen to them and you decide. Take a look at the speaker surrounds make sure they are not cracked or you are looking at a re-foam job....Again just depends on the age and how he took care of the gear.
Denon electronics are pretty nice stuff. If you buy the table you can get the owners manual from as well as any information you need for mating a new cartridge to it.
Have fun!
(Vinyl Rules!!!) I probably just pissed off 98% of PA members by saying that Big smile

I guess it's a feel thing, but I sure do feel itBig smile As far as I can gather, there are no real scientifics disclosing the true difference between analogue and digital, and which is better. But lately I've been completely smitten by vinyl. The larger cover arts - as well as the whole package being something that deserves much more respect and care than any cd casing. Just my opinion of course, but there's just something about this media that exudes patience and reverence. I really like the "sound" as well...

Thanks for the heads up btw. Will be sure to have those things in mind, when I go and have a listen tomorrow.
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 08:59
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

That's a nice Denon table.....Denon tables are well respected and perform well. That Denon is a fully automatic table with a quartz lock for speed stability. I would make sure it still works and find out how many hours the cartridge has on it. The tonearm is a nice low mass arm and it is a direct drive model so I would listen for any motor problems, you should not hear the motor nor feel it when you put your fingers on the plinth.....all though just depends on how it was taken care of, or not.
Bottomline is you have to hear it....Take a favorite album with you to listen. I have never heard the Dali speakers, listen to them and you decide. Take a look at the speaker surrounds make sure they are not cracked or you are looking at a re-foam job....Again just depends on the age and how he took care of the gear.
Denon electronics are pretty nice stuff. If you buy the table you can get the owners manual from as well as any information you need for mating a new cartridge to it.
Have fun!
(Vinyl Rules!!!) I probably just pissed off 98% of PA members by saying that Big smile

I guess it's a feel thing, but I sure do feel itBig smile As far as I can gather, there are no real scientifics disclosing the true difference between analogue and digital, and which is better. But lately I've been completely smitten by vinyl. The larger cover arts - as well as the whole package being something that deserves much more respect and care than any cd casing. Just my opinion of course, but there's just something about this media that exudes patience and reverence. I really like the "sound" as well...

Thanks for the heads up btw. Will be sure to have those things in mind, when I go and have a listen tomorrow.
I have the same feelings about vinyl, I never really left the media.....and lately there have been a lot of amazing issues released...I listen to my CDs still and will never abandon them but 99.99999% Big smile of the time I prefer vinyl.....and it has pretty much everything to do about the sound.
My system is built for vinyl playback/reproduction........Let me know if I can help in anyway.
Online resources, if you can get past the snooty attitudes LOL, best sources are for turntables and for all audio.
There is a lot of information on those sites. Vinylengine you can also print off the cartridge alignment protractors ,for free after you register, for your Denon.......CRITICAL for best sound.
Have fun!
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Eetu Pellonpaa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 10:14
Don't have particular experience of the brands, but according the picture, turntable seems being pleasantly heavy and solid for firm operating.

About the speakers, don't know what kind of tone they have, but they seem to have good stands isolating them from the floor and wooden shelter of the stereo set.
This would exclude the most bizarre experience with old stereo set was a case where the speakers started to give feedback from the vinyls. (!)
I first did not believe it, but went to my friend's home to hear it myself.
I searched technical manuals from web, and learned that syringes vibrations from the LP can transfer though wood to the speakers, and cause this feedback though there is no microphone.
Would be wonderful to have such experience when listening Amon Düül in altered paranoid states of mind. Wacko

If the speakers should be a weak link, I think you could get them sold away as second hand as they are made in Denmark, and buy better quality gear if needed.

Have a nice time with the new vinyl player listening sessions. Party
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2012 at 13:00
Yes Eetu.....having the speakers to close to the turntable and right next to it as the pic shows, can cause feedback issues as well as the needle will pick up the low end speaker driver vibrations and cause a "rumble" type noise. Its best to position your speakers as far away as possible but really just keep them in front of your table and this issues is usually not a problem.
I keep my speakers almost 1m in front of my table and system so the sound is thrown forward and away......I would like some Amon Duul on vinyl....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2012 at 01:12
^ There are two vinyl reissues found from the local recordshop (sorry for offtopic) Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2012 at 14:38
^ Thanks for the link...although that is expensive plus I need to add a lot of freight to get it to the US.....I will have to think about it.
Wow....lots of great LPs on that website store......I need to find similar here in the US, I could go broke easily!!

Edited by Catcher10 - September 26 2012 at 14:44
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2012 at 15:37
I have a brand new stereo system!!!!!!! Man this smokes! Very smooth and dynamic sound to it. Feels like it can survive a nuclear winter and then still be playing in a hundred years. It is damn heavy, but that only adds to my belief, that this truly is some hardy gear.
First thing I played on it to check out the sound quality was Marillion - Fugazi:-D

Edit: I finished Fugazi, and I think I really made a sweet deal with this buy. He said he had spent around 35000 kroner on it, which translates into something like 3500 English pound sterling....and it shows! I started out balls to the walls loud, but then turned it right down to a whisper - and it was still crystal clear. Something that usually tells if the amp and speakers match each other, or if one of em is out of shape. With this it was just as clear and vibrant as when played at a regular volume.
BTW he mentioned that he'd just bought that pick up and that it had a diamond in it(?) Either way the turntable works very smoothly and there is no audible sound coming from the deck when it runs. I really dig the old school mechanics too. Simple but nice.

Oooohhh and I totally forgot about those speakers!!!! These things are heavy man! Must've weighed 20 pounds each, at least. They feel like they're made of stone. That doesn't show in the photo. They quite simply sound fantastic!

All of this equals one happy bunny

Edited by Guldbamsen - September 26 2012 at 16:49
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2012 at 22:30
Congratulations! Beer
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 27 2012 at 13:13
Excellent! Congrats and enjoy the vinyl......remember vinyl rules!!!!!! Clap
Also all phono cartridges use a diamond tip on the end of the cantilever. The diamond is what is actually riding in the vinyl grooves.
Make sure you go to and print out an alignment protractor for that turntable and re-align the cartridge and set the VTF to what the cartridge mfg recommends. This is critical in making sure the table is tracking properly and you get the best sound possible. If it is out of alignment you will hear the difference when you fix it.
Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to help.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2012 at 12:27
^Thanks a lot for all your help, I really appreciate it.
I have been listening to it non-stop since last week, and I keep getting surprised by just how well this system plays!
I will take you up on the advice, if I ever need one. 
Again thank you.
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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HolyMoly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2012 at 19:08
Just for you, David, some tips from Mr Know it All:

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 20 2012 at 23:23
Love my 2 Denon DP-47F's.
Push Botton magic!
Rosewood plinths.... :P~~~
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2012 at 10:02
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I have a brand new stereo system!!!!!!! Man this smokes! Very smooth and dynamic sound to it. Feels like it can survive a nuclear winter and then still be playing in a hundred years. It is damn heavy, but that only adds to my belief, that this truly is some hardy gear.
First thing I played on it to check out the sound quality was Marillion - Fugazi:-D

Edit: I finished Fugazi, and I think I really made a sweet deal with this buy. He said he had spent around 35000 kroner on it, which translates into something like 3500 English pound sterling....and it shows! I started out balls to the walls loud, but then turned it right down to a whisper - and it was still crystal clear. Something that usually tells if the amp and speakers match each other, or if one of em is out of shape. With this it was just as clear and vibrant as when played at a regular volume.
BTW he mentioned that he'd just bought that pick up and that it had a diamond in it(?) Either way the turntable works very smoothly and there is no audible sound coming from the deck when it runs. I really dig the old school mechanics too. Simple but nice.

Oooohhh and I totally forgot about those speakers!!!! These things are heavy man! Must've weighed 20 pounds each, at least. They feel like they're made of stone. That doesn't show in the photo. They quite simply sound fantastic!

All of this equals one happy bunny

Hey hey. Congrats man! I always love hearing when people are basking in the glory of their sound systems. I really glad you are happy cause I'm always apprehensive to buy second hand sound equipment. Anyway enjoy man and I hope INCUBIS off the FUGAZI record sounded jaw dropping for you. ;). Oh and the's a good thing that they are heavy. 20lbs sounds right. That means they used thick high quality magnets in the speaker driver area, so you have mInimal to no interference or distortion from other sources. Enjoy your new sound palace. Happy progging.
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2012 at 12:52
try not to scratch it.  do not buy this record if it is scratched.  also beware of your hovercraft getting full of eels...

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2012 at 22:55
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

^Thanks a lot for all your help, I really appreciate it.
I have been listening to it non-stop since last week, and I keep getting surprised by just how well this system plays!
I will take you up on the advice, if I ever need one. 
Again thank you.

Just remember if it the system fails you can always turn to digital laser/fibre optics. Come into the red light!!    I'm just messing with ya, but digital rules!!!
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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