Mellow Records |
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Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Topic: Mellow Records Posted: August 22 2011 at 16:26 |
MELLOW RECORDS is an Italian independent record label with a history going back to the start of what progressive rock fans often describe as the terrible 1990's. One of the record labels that saw to it that those who enjoy art rock had purchasing options, as long as they stumbled upon this label in the pre-internet age that is.
Mellow Records are still very much active, and to date have close to 500 productions in their release history. As such they deserve to be recognized as a major player in this part of the music business. I'll try to update this list with new releases, and link to the artist and album pages in Progarchives when or of applicable. Spotify links will appear at a later date for the productions available at that system. IL SISTEMA: Il viaggio senza andata - (MMP 101) MUSEO ROSENBACH: Live 72 - (MMP 102) MUSEO ROSENBACH: Rare and unreleased - (MMP 103) CORTE DEI MIRACOLI: Dimensione onirica - (MMP 104) ST. TROPEZ: Icarus - (MMP 105) BIGLIETTO PER L'INFERNO: Il tempo della semina - (MMP 106) IL GIRO STRANO: La Divina Commedia - (MMP 107) JUMBO: Live - (MMP 108) LA COMPAGNIA DIGITALE: La Compagnia digitale - (MMP 109) LATTE E MIELE: Live - (MMP 110) LASER: Vita sul pianeta - (MMP 111) BALLETTO DI BRONZO: YS english version - (MMP 112) CELESTE: I suoni in una sfera - (MMP 113) BUCCHERI: Journey / 2nd Journey - (MMP 114) SITHONIA: Spettacolo annullato - (MMP 115) GENFUOCO: Dentro l'invisibile - (MMP 116) ERRATA CORRIGE: Mappamondo - (MMP 117) JACULA: Anno Demoni - (MMP 118) - Note: First issued as an Antonius Rex album, and listed as part of his discography JUMBO: Violini d'autunno - (MMP 119) CRYSTALS: Crystals - (MMP 120) MURPLE: Murple - (MMP 121) GOTHIC LUNCH: Gothic lunch - (MMP 122) NUOVA IDEA: Clowns - (MMP 123) NUOVA IDEA: Mr. E. Jones - (MMP 124) ATMO: Atmo - (MMP 125) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion LE STELLE DI MARIO SCHIFANO: Le stelle di Mario Schifano - (MMP 126) DRAFT & BILL: Reported missing - (MMP 127) PARADISO A BASSO PREZZO: Paradiso a basso prezzo - (MMP 128) DRAGON: Kalahen plus - (MMP 129) ALPHA III: Voyage to Ixtlan - (MMP 130) LATTE E MIELE: Vampyrs - (MMP 131) ALPHATAURUS: Dietro l'uragano - (MMP 132) SAGITTARIAN: Sagittarian - (MMP 133) FOLLI DI DIO: Folli di Dio - (MMP 134) LE ORME: Ad Gloriam - (MMP 135) JACULA: Tardo pede in magiam versus - (MMP 136) ATON'S: H - (MMP 137) CORTE DEI MIRACOLI: Live at Lux - (MMP 138) APOTEOSI: Apoteosi - (MMP 139) LOCANDA DELLE FATE: Live - (MMP 140) NOTTURNO CONCERTANTE: Erewhon - (MMP 141) CLARION: Clarion - (MMP 142) BLOCCO MENTALE: POA - (MMP 143) MARC CECCOTTI: M.A.S.C. - (MMP 144) NUVOLE DI PAGLIA: Live '73 - (MMP 145) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion GIALMA 3: L'isola del Tonal - (MMP 146) SLOGANS: Photosynthesis - (MMP 147) HORUS: Horus - (MMP 148) LUNA INCOSTANTE: Senzasanti - (MMP 149) BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO: Live - (MMP 150) LE ORME: L'aurora plus - (MMP 151) SNC: Assalto alle nuvole - (MMP 152) ALPHA CENTAURy: Alpha centaury - (MMP 153) CELESTE: Second plus - (MMP 154) UNICORN: Ever since - (MMP 155) THE ODEJA: Winds of may - (MMP 156) THIRD QUADRANT: Layered - (MMP 157) NOSTALGIA: Never too late - (MMP 158) QUELLA VECCHIA LOCANDA: Live - (MMP 159) CARAVAN OF DREAMS: An evening of magic (2 CD) - (MMP 160 A/B) - Note: Filed under Richard Sinclair AUDIO: Audio - (MMP 161) MO.DO.: La scimmia sulla schiena del Re - (MMP 162) AELIAN: Meeting the watcher - (MMP 163) VARIOUS ARTISTS: Progressive voyage - (MMP 164) KRAKEN IN THE MAELSTROM: Embryogenesis - (MMP 165) IL MUCCHIO: Il mucchio - (MMP 166) PAESE DEI BALOCCHI: Paese dei balocchi - (MMP 167) GLEEMEN: Gleemen - (MMP 168) CAFEWIEN: Terrae motus - (MMP 169) ZAUBER: Aliens - (MMP 170) EGOBAND: Fingerprint - (MMP 171) MELLONTA TAUTA: Mellonta tauta - (MMP 172) PAIKAPPU: Paikappu - (MMP 173) GARYBALDI: Bambi comes alive! - (MMP 174) NOTTURNO CONCERTANTE: News from nowhere - (MMP 175) ATMO: The sea and the dark land - (MMP 176) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion THEATRE: No more rhymes but Mr. Brainstorm - (MMP 177) ANONIMA SOUND: The Red Tape Machine - (MMP 178) MAXOPHONE: Maxophone Engl. vers. - (MMP 179) DUELLO MADRE: Duello Madre - (MMP 180) CAMPO DI MARTE: Campo di Marte - (MMP 181) FRANCO MARIA GIANNINI: Affresco - (MMP 182) EDITH: Dreams - (MMP 183) LETHE: Nymphae - (MMP 184) IT: Order Through Chaos - (MMP 185) I COCAI: Piccolo Grande Vecchio Fiume - (MMP 186) Various (STATALE 17/EMPHASIS): Statale 17/Emphasis - (MMP 187) - Note: Filed under Various Artists LA SECONDA GENESI: Tutto deve finire - (MMP 188) EXPLOIT: Crisi - (MMP 189) FLEA ON THE HONEY: Flea on the honey - (MMP 190) ALAN SORRENTI: Aria - (MMP 191) ALAN SORRENTI: Come un vecchio incensiere... - (MMP 192) SAINT JUST: Saint Just - (MMP 193) SAINT JUST: La Casa del Lago - (MMP 194) L'UOVO DI COLOMBO: L'Uovo di Colombo - (MMP 195) ART AND ILLUSION: Monolithos - (MMP 196) FILLE QUI MOUSSE: Trixie Stapelton 291 - (MMP 197) ATON'S: Dr. Faust - (MMP 198) A PIEDI NUDI: A piedi nudi - (MMP 199) PING PONG: Ping Pong - (MMP 200) PIERPAOLO BIBBO': Diapason - (MMP 201) ARCANSIEL: Normality of perversion - (MMP 203) FIABA: XII L'appiccato - (MMP 204) PROWLERS: Morgana - (MMP 205) ABISSI INFINITI: Tunnel - (MMP 206) ANTARES: The Sea of tranquillity - (MMP 207) I NOMADI: Mille e una sera - (MMP 208) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion ETNA: Etna - (MMP 209) BARICENTRO: Sconcerto - (MMP 210) BARICENTRO: Trusciant - (MMP 211) LEO NERO: Vero - (MMP 212) PRAXIS: Praxis - (MMP 213) GERMINALE: Germinale - (MMP 214) ALPHA III: The Edge - (MMP 215) EMERAUDE: Emeraude - (MMP 216) LAGGER BLUES MACHINE: The complete works - (MMP 217) NOTTURNO CONCERTANTE: The hiding place - (MMP 218) NUVOLE DI PAGLIA: And then... - (MMP 219) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion TNR (THE NOISY ROOM): Samsara - (MMP 220) MIRAGE: Frammenti - (MMP 221) FLASHMEN: Pensando - (MMP 222) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion I NOMADI: Per quando noi non ci saremo - (MMP 223) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion I NOMADI: I Nomadi - (MMP 224) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion I NOMADI: Un giorno insieme - (MMP 225) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion I NOMADI: Canzoni d’oltremanica… - (MMP 226) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion STEFANO TESTA: Una vita una balena bianca ed altre storie - (MMP 227) SITHONIA: Folla di passaggio - (MMP 228) ALUSA FALLAX: Intorno alla mia cattiva educazione - (MMP 229) NEW TROLLS: Singles A's & B's - (MMP 230) ANTONIUS REX: Zora - (MMP 231) ANTONIUS REX: Ralefun - (MMP 232) DALLAGLIO: Sera mattina - (MMP 233) CAPRICORN COLLEGE: Orfeo 2000 - (MMP 234) NOVA MALA STRANA: Nova Mala Strana - (MMP 235) HARLEQUIN MASS: Harlequin mass - (MMP 236) ALAN SORRENTI: Alan Sorrenti - (MMP 237) ANOXIE: Pastales - (MMP 238) I NOMADI: Gordon - (MMP 239) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion I NOMADI: Naracauli e altre storie - (MMP 240) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion ALGEBRA: Storia di un iceberg - (MMP 241) PETER HAMMILL: Roaring forties - (MMP 242) DRACMA: Limits - (MMP 243) MOONGARDEN: Moonsadness - (MMP 244) LA NUOVA ERA: La nuova era - (MMP 245) SPLEEN: Spleen - (MMP 246) TALAMASCA: Rights of passage - (MMP 247) NOSTALGIA: Is your spirit free? - (MMP 248) NEW TROLLS: FS - (MMP 249) KALEIDON: Free Love - (MMP 250) TONI VERDE: Calypso - (MMP 251) JENNY SORRENTI: Suspiro - (MMP 252) GULISANO/DI LORENZO: Somewhere in between - (MMP 253) FINISTERRE: Finisterre - (MMP 254) FINNEGANS WAKE: Yellow - (MMP 256) CAPITOLO 6: Frutti per Kagua - (MMP 257) BLUE: Blue - (MMP 258) LIVING LIFE: Let: from experience - (MMP 259) ATLANTIDE: Francesco ti ricordi - (MMP 260) DAVIDE SPITALERI: Uomo irregolare - (MMP 261) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion NOTTURNO CONCERTANTE: The glass tear - (MMP 262) I SANTONI: Noi - (MMP 263) BLACK SEPTEMBER: Black september - (MMP 264) LIVING LIFE: Mysterious dream - (MMP 265) BUCCHERI: Hand made - (MMP 266) PREGHIERA DI SASSO: Preghiera di sasso - (MMP 267) EDITH: Livetime - (MMP 268) A PIEDI NUDI: Creazione - (MMP 269) Various: A TRIBUTE TO GENESIS - The river of constant change (2 CD) - (MMP 270 A/B) SITHONIA: Confine - (MMP 271) PROWLERS: Mother and fairy (2 CD) - (MMP 272 A/B) ATON'S: Klein & Wagner - (MMP 273) ENEIDE: Uomini umili, popoli liberi - (MMP 274) MINDFLOWER: Purelake - (MMP 275) ALBION: Survival games - (MMP 276) MYROS: Time waves - (MMP 277) UNICORN: Emotional wasteland - (MMP 278) Various: Eyewitness - A TRIBUTE TO VDGG (2 CD) - (MMP 279 A/B) THE ANCIENT VEIL: The ancient veil - (MMP 280) DAPHNE: Daphne - (MMP 281) EGOBAND: We are... - (MMP 282) ART AND ILLUSION: Seasons - (MMP 283) MOONGARDEN: Brainstorm of emptyness - (MMP 284) GERMINALE: ...e il suo respiro ancora agita le onde... - (MMP 285) ENZO CAPUANO: Storia mai scritta - (MMP 286) FOGLIE DI VETRO: Foglie di vetro - (MMP 287) LYNNE: Witchwood - (MMP 288) CLARION: Bourrče - (MMP 289) RICCARDO ZAPPA: Celestion - (MMP 290) FINISTERRE: In limine - (MMP 291) USE OF ASHES: Firetree - (MMP 292) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion E.A.S.: Absolute presence - (MMP 293) RICCARDO ZAPPA: Chatka - (MMP 294) MAAD: Maad - (MMP 295) THE GREEN CHILDREN: The awakening - (MMP 296) AMANITA: L'oblio - (MMP 297) BLONDIE FOX: Agua - (MMP 298) Various: Harbour of joy: A Tribute to Camel (2 CD) - (MMP 299 A/B) Various: Giant for a life: A Tribute to Gentle Giant (2 CD) - (MMP 300 A/B) FLASHMEN: Flashmen - (MMP 301) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion CITIZEN CAIN: Ghost dance - (MMP 302) NOVA MALA STRANA: NeMeSi - (MMP 303) HENRY KRUTZEN: Iceland - (MMP 304) LOUIE MASTRO: Mermaid in the mist - (MMP 305) REJOICE: Rejoice - (MMP 306) FRENCH TV: After a lengthy silence - (MMP 307) MAXOPHONE: MAXOPHONE (Italian version) - (MMP 308) THE THIRD ESTATE: Years before the wine - (MMP 309) TIPOGRAPHICA: God says I can't dance - (MMP 310) ADVENT: Advent - (MMP 311) ATON'S: A.I. 2984 - (MMP 312) EVOLUTION: The first signs of life - (MMP 313) LUNA INCOSTANTE: Luna incostante - (MMP 314) PIETRO RATTO: Xenia - (MMP 315) NIGHTALES: The voyage - (MMP 316) ARS NOVA: Ars Nova - (MMP 317) NOSTALGIA: Welcome to Edo's land - (MMP 318) ZAUBER: Venti - (MMP 319) HOSTSONATEN (FINISTERRE PROJECT): Hostsonaten - (MMP 320) FINNEGANS WAKE: Green - (MMP 321) AVIOLINEE UTOPIA: Aviolinee utopia - (MMP 322) PROWLERS: Sweet metamorfosi - (MMP 323) SCOTT MC GILL: The hand farm - (MMP 324) KUNDALINI: Asylum for astral travellers - (MMP 325) THE ROOTS OF ECHO: Nothing between you and the sun - (MMP 326) DONO CELESTE: So-linger - (MMP 327) Various: ZARATHUSTRA'S REVENGE - A tribute to italian progressive rock of the seventies (4 CD) - (MMP 328 (A/B/C/D)) A PIEDI NUDI Eclissi - (MMP 329) 3VEL: Riflessioni - (MMP 330) S.P. GULLIVER: Coasts of endlessness - (MMP 331) DORACOR: The long pathway - (MMP 332) MARY NEWSLETTER: Distratto dal sole - (MMP 333) IL CERCHIO D'ORO: Il cerchio d'oro - (MMP 334) LEVIATHAN: Volume - (MMP 335) FINISTERRE: Live - margini della terra fertile - (MMP 336) PHIL MERCY: Fear of Fantastic Flight - (MMP 337) TRAMA: Prodromi di funzioni sovrapposte - (MMP 338) MASCARADA: Urban names - (MMP 339) ENDLICH ALLEIN: Le voci del mondo - (MMP 340) CHAMELEON: Luminous morning - (MMP 341) MAD CRAYON: Diamanti - (MMP 342) Various: FANFARE FOR THE PIRATES - A tribute to ELP (3 CD) - (MMP 343 A/B/C) COOPERATIVA DEL LATTE: Cooperativa del latte - (MMP 344) HOSTSONATEN: Mirrorgames - (MMP 345) BONDAGE: Anima Terra - (MMP 346) FABIO ANTONELLI ENSEMBLE: The art of dreams in a bottle - (MMP 347) - Note: Sorted under Mindflower in the PA database DORACOR: Segni premonitori - (MMP 348) LUZ ESCONDIDA: Luz escondida - (MMP 349) PATRICK BROGUIERE: Mont Saint-Michel - (MMP 350) SITHONIA: Hotel Brun - (MMP 351) THE COAL TATTOO BAND: Step we gaily on we go... - (MMP 352) KOPECKY: Kopecky - (MMP 353) LOST TALES: A volo radente - (MMP 354) GUERCIA: Guercia figura goffa plus... - (MMP 355) GROUP THERAPY: Atlantis - (MMP 356) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion MALIBRAN: La cittŕ sul lago - (MMP 357) SNOWDONIA: Pallas - (MMP 358) CRISTIANO ROVERSI: Music from my room's window - (MMP 359) LODOVICO ELLENA: Good Morning Mr Barrett - (MMP 360) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion Various: TO CANTERBURY AND BEYOND - A tribute to the Canterbury scene (2 CD) - (MMP 361 A/B) GREENWALL: Il petalo del fiore - (MMP 362) SUNSCAPE: Sunscape - (MMP 363) GIALMA 3: Rain's dream - (MMP 364) DISCUS: 1st - (MMP 365) ODESSA: Stazione Getzemani - (MMP 366) IL BALLETTO DI BRONZO: Trys - (MMP 367) DORACOR: Antiche Impressioni - (MMP 368) MALIBRAN: In concerto - (MMP 369) SENS: Les regrets d'Isadore D. - (MMP 370) BARROCK: La strega - (MMP 371) KURT RONGEY: That was propaganda - (MMP 372) D.F.A.: Duty free area - (MMP 373) ASTRALIA: Connected - (MMP 374) HEATWAVE: Inside me, out of time - (MMP 375) AKO DOMA: Ako Doma - (MMP 376) Various: Omaggio a Demetrio Stratos - (MMP 377) HOLY LAMB: Salt of the earth - (MMP 378) CORMORANO: Giro tondo (giro) fuori scena - (MMP 379) 3VEL: Strange shape - (MMP 380) EGOBAND: Earth - (MMP 381) QUASAR LUX SYMPHONIAE: Mit - (MMP 382) MINDFLOWER: Mindfloater - (MMP 383) MARY NEWSLETTER: Del perduto coraggio - (MMP 384) Various: A TRIBUTE TO THE FINNISH PROGRESSIVE - Tuonen Tytar (2 CD) - (MMP 385 A/B) DAVID BAGSBY: Transphoria - (MMP 386) CABARET DU CIEL: Blue form - (MMP 387) LA N.A.V.E.: Le quattro stagioni - (MMP 388) TRIODE: On n'a pas fini d'avoir tout vu - (MMP 389) TRAVELLING: Voici la nuit tombee - (MMP 390) RA RA AVIS IN TERRIS: Au crepuscule du temps - (MMP 391) D.F.A.: Lavori in corso - (MMP 392) ARMONITE: Inuit - (MMP 393) INTERFACE: Interface III - (MMP 394) GARLIC: L'enigma della trottola - (MMP 395) MALIBRAN: The wood of tales plus - (MMP 396) GREENWALL: Elektropuzzles - (MMP 397) MOONGARDEN: The gates of Omega (2 CD) - (MMP 398 A/B) GROOVECTOR: Ultramarine - (MMP 399) RAINS: Apokalyptische Stadt - (MMP 400) ZAUBER: Profondo blu - (MMP 401) MAHOGANY BRAIN: With/When - (MMP 402) SEMOOL: Essais - (MMP 403) HORDE CATALITIQUE POUR LA FIN : Gestation sonore - (MMP 404) CHENE NOIR : Aurora - (MMP 405) GERMINALE : Cielo & Terra - (MMP 406) APHELANDRA: Aphelandra - (MMP 407) DORACOR: Transizione - (MMP 408) MALIBRAN: Oltre l'ignoto - (MMP 409) FREE WAVE SYSTEM: Nonostante tutto - (MMP 410) YULAN: Yulan - (MMP 411) - Note: Announced, not yet released LETHEAN: Lethean - (MMP 412) MONTEFELTRO: Il pesce rosso... - (MMP 413) HAIKARA: Tuhkamaa - (MMP 414) PERCEPTION: Perception - (MMP 415) OVERHEAD: Zumanthurm - (MMP 416) NOTTURNO CONCERTANTE: Riscrivere il passato - (MMP 417) GROUP THERAPY: Melatomania - (MMP 418) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion SUBMARINE SILENCE: Submarine Silence - (MMP 419) MOON FOG PROPHET: Taunting tin bells - (MMP 420) FINISTERRE: Harmony of the spheres (2 CD) - (MMP 422 A/B) OUTSIDE: Freedom - (MMP 423) APRYL: Alorconfusa - (MMP 424) GARDEN WALL: Forget the colours - (MMP 425) DJORDJE ILIJIN: Zabranjeno Prisluskivanje - (MMP 426) ZAQ: Zaq - (MMP 427) LA MASCHERA DI CERA: La Maschera di Cera - (MMP 428) QUADRAPHONIC: Il giorno sottile - (MMP 429) ANCESTRY: Discendenze - (MMP 430) DEMETRIALMENTE: Demetrialmente - (MMP 431) - Note: Announced, not yet released ANIMA MUNDI: Septentrion - (MMP 432) LAZONA: Le notti difficili - (MMP 433) THE FAR SIDE: Parallelebiped - (MMP 434) ALPHA III: Mar de Cristal - (MMP 435) - Note: Announced, not yet released ALPHA III: Sombras - (MMP 436) - Note: Announced, not yet released ONZA: Zona crepuscular - (MMP 437) TILION: Insolitariamente - (MMP 438) THE GIANT HOGWEED ORCHESTRA: The Giant Hogweed Orchestra - (MMP 439) X RELIGION: Dances on Gobelins - (MMP 440) YLECLIPSE: Prime substance - (MMP 441) GROOVECTOR: Enigmatic Elements - (MMP 442) LA MASCHERA DI CERA: Il grande labirinto - (MMP 443) LUCIO LAZZARUOLO: My favourite - (MMP 444) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion ALTAIR: 3 - (MMP 445) GIARDINI D'AUTUNNO: Frammenti di idee perdute - (MMP 446) ALPHA III: Shades of windows - (MMP 447) - Note: Announced, not yet released SCARLET THREAD: Psykedeelisia Joutsenlauluja - (MMP 448) PHILIPPE GRANCHER: 3000 miles away - (MMP 449) APOGEE: On the aftertaste - (MMP 450) SATURNIA: Hydrophonic Gardening - (MMP 451) AZAZELLO: The wings - (MMP 452) PROJECT:: <<Name Stolen>> - (MMP 453) GARDEN WALL: Aliena(c)tion - (MMP 454) CONTRAPPUNTO: Elegie d'inverno - (MMP 455) MALIBRAN: Strani colori - (MMP 456) ARNE SCHAFER & GERALD HEIMANN (VERSUS X): Die Glaserne Wand & Schleifen - (MMP 457 A/B) CRISTIANO ROVERSI: The park - (MMP 458) EDHELS: Saltimbanques - (MMP 459) Various: A TRIBUTE TO KING CRIMSON - The Letters (3 Cd) - (MMP 460 A/B/C) TAPROBAN: Outside nowhere - (MMP 461) GROOVECTOR: Live at Tavastia - (MMP 462) GARDEN WALL: Towards the silence - (MMP 463) GOAD: Raomen - (MMP 464) - Note: Announced, not yet released SPIRITS BURNING: Found in nature - (MMP 465) TANGLE EDGE: Serpentary quarter - (MMP 466) MAURY E I PRONOMI: (Ec)citazioni neoclassiche - (MMP 467) MARY NEWSLETTER: L'attenzione debole - (MMP 468) ZAAL: La lama sottile - (MMP 469) QUIET CELEBRATION: Sequel - (MMP 470) MELTING EUPHORIA: From the madness we began - (MMP 471) - Note: Announced, not yet released ZEROTHEHERO: Horror vacui - (MMP 472) FUNGUS: Careful! - (MMP 473) GOAD: The wood - (MMP 474) HOSTSONATEN: Springtides - (MMP 475) MASCHERA DI CERA: In concerto - (MMP 476) SONIC PULSAR: Out of place - (MMP 477) GROUP THERAPY: Nightmare in the College - (MMP 478) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion ARIES: Aries - (MMP 479) OBSCURA: Le cittŕ invisibili - (MMP 480) Various: A tribute to the moody blues (3 CD) - (MMP 481 A/B/C) ER.J. ORCHESTRA: On the hill again plus… - (MMP 482) DORACOR: Evanescenze - (MMP 483) NODO GORDIANO: Alea - (MMP 484) YLECLIPSE: Opus - (MMP 485) NOTABENE: Notabene - (MMP 486) AARDVARK': Tuntematon Sotilas - (MMP 487) TAPROBAN: Posidonian fields - (MMP 488) Various: A TRIBUTE TO SANTANA -Guitars dancing in the light (2 CD) - (MMP 489 A/B) CORTE AULICA: Il temporale e l'arcobaleno - (MMP 490) ROUSSEAU: One step up...Two back - (MMP 491) JINETES NEGROS: Omniem - (MMP 492) SEED: The way - (MMP 493) - Note: Announced, not yet released SEED: Tierra - (MMP 494) - Note: Announced, not yet released DORACOR: Onirika - (MMP 495) NOTABENE: Sei lacrime d'ambra - (MMP 496) TENMIDNIGHT: Run - (MMP 497) THE JUNIORS: The Juniors story - (MMP 498) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion NIC-G AND THE MOGSY: Nic-G and the Mogsy - (MMP 499) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion J'ACCUSE..!: Abbandono del tempo e delle forme - (MMP 500) OLIVE MESS: Cherdak - (MMP 501) CORAL CAVES: Mitopoiesi - (MMP502) EGO: MCM Egofuturismo - (MMP503) DORACOR Lady Roma - (MMP504) YLECLIPSE: Trails of Ambergris - (MMP505) ITALIAN PROGRESSIVE BATTLES: various artist - (MMP506) - Note: Announced, not yet released Various: A TRIBUTE TO MARILLION - Recital for a season's end - (MMP507 A/B) ROZ VITALIS: Overcoming-Up - (MMP508) - Note: Announced, not yet released BAROCK PROJECT: Rebus - (MMP509) MOOGG: Le ore, i giorni gli anni - (MMP510) TENMIDNIGHT: The city of angel - (MMP511) LUC HENRION: Galerie - (MMP512) DAAL: Disorganicorigami - (MMP513) GANDALF'S PROJECT: Insights - (MMP514) FABIO ZUFFANTI: Ghiaccio - (MMP515) MARCO CIARGO: Poema Sinfonico Electrico - (MMP516) JAY TAUSIG: Delirium - (MMP517) - Note: Announced, not yet released FAMILY SNAPSHOT: A tribute to Genesis solo albums - (MMP518 A/B/C) Various: TALES FROM THE EDGE: A tribute to the Music of Yes - (MMP519 A/B) PROWLERS Sogni in una goccia di cristallo - (MMP520) LA COSCIENZA DI ZENO: La coscienza di Zeno - (MMP521) Doracor: La vita che cade (MMP522) Finisterre: Memoirs (MMP 524) - Note: Announced, not yet released Heatwave Drum: Following The Traced Line (MMP 525) ARENA DI TOLLO MARRAS: ADM (MMP 526) YLECLIPSE: SONGS FROM THE CRACKLING ATHANOR (MMP 528) Massimo Mazzeo: ...Like Words in the Rain (MMP 529) ----- Vinyl Lp division HOPO: Dietro la finestra - (CAM 001) CELESTE: Celeste 2 - (MAC 1001) IL SISTEMA: Il viaggio senza andata (2 LP) - (MMLP 100-101) MUSEO ROSENBACH: Rarities - (MMLP 102) BIGLIETTO PER L'INFERNO: Il tempo della semina - (MMLP 103) FINISTERRE: Finisterre (2 LP) - (MMLP 104-105) A PIEDI NUDI Creazione (LP plus 7") - (MMLP 106) ----- Fruit Salad Division MIRRORS: Ghosts in the fog - (MMFS 1000) POLVERE DI PINGUINO: Leggi ed allucinazioni - (MMFS 1001) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion THE FELLOWSHIP: La sorcičre et le villageois - (MMFS 1002) SERENA ROCK BAND: Like a dream - (MMFS 1003) WEIGHT WATCHERS: Rock'n roll - (MMFS 1004) TWENTY FOUR HOURS: Intolerance - (MMFS 1005) MONO: Mono - (MMFS 1006) EFFERVESCENT ELEPHANTS: The complete works - (MMFS 1007) GHOSTLY MEDLEY: Freakish trip - (MMFS 1008) MARCELLO CAPRA: Imaginations - (MMFS 1009) T.M.A.: Vision - (MMFS 1010) THE ARCANES: Quiet and stormy - (MMFS 1011) TWENTY FOUR HOURS: The smell of the rainy air - (MMFS 1012) ASTRAL WEEKS: The original Astral Weeks' sound (MMFS 1013) - rejected for Progarchives inclusion ----- Mellow Records / Polygram joint releases JUMBO: Jumbo JUMBO: Dna IBIS: Ibis LATTE E MIELE: Papillon (english version) SENSATIONS FIX: Fragments of light LOCANDA DELLE FATE: Forse le lucciole BALLETTO DI BRONZO: Ys ----- Beat Division I BISONTI: I nostri successi - (BEAT 10) - no relation to progressive rock I RAGAZZI DAI CAPELLI VERDI: La storia - (BEAT 20) - no relation to progressive rock ----- Vico Records LODOVICO ELLENA E GLI ASSURDI: Musica per topi - (VICO 01) EFFERVESCENT ELEPHANTS: Quando gli spinaci erano stravolti (Book + CD) - (VICO 02) LODOVICO ELLENA: Storia della musica psichedelica italiana (Book) - (VICO 06) Edited by Windhawk - September 18 2013 at 16:36 |
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Special Collaborator Joined: October 15 2008 Location: Okayama, Japan Status: Offline Points: 17493 |
Posted: August 23 2011 at 06:42 |
MMP 287 ... Foglie Di Vetro, that's been unavailable for a long while.
I've ordered this stuff via Mauro Moroni, the Mellow owner but he's said the contract with them had already run out, sadly. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Posted: October 20 2011 at 22:53 |
Gialma 3 (currently under consideration by the jazzrock/fusion team)
Album: L'Isola Del Tonal (1993) Track list: 1. L'isola Del Tonal 5:26 2. La Corsa Sballata 4:40 3. Pavane 6:51 4. Belo Horizonte 5:35 5. Francis Drums 4:48 6. Marangoue 3:55 7. Ballad 3:30 8. Gialma Planet 3:41 9. Thank You 3:47 |
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Marty McFly
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: March 23 2009 Location: Czech Republic Status: Offline Points: 3968 |
Posted: November 18 2011 at 18:25 |
My sympathies for this list. Cristiano Roversi under observation by Crossover team. |
There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"
-Andyman1125 on Lulu Even my |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Posted: November 18 2011 at 21:45 |
The aim for this list is that label enthusiasts will find it useful. And that, perhaps, it might make some a label enthusiast as well. If you want to dish out sympathies, take a look at the Musea Records thread ;-)
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Posted: January 14 2012 at 02:55 |
Next forthcoming album from Mellow:
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Forum Newbie Joined: November 01 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 15 |
Posted: July 09 2012 at 13:58 |
This is out - and it's pretty good (and I'm not just talking about the Din Within track).
Mark Gollihur, Din Within Digital Din Productions |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Posted: July 09 2012 at 14:38 |
Indeed it is, and I've linked to the item in question on my master list - i.e. the opening post ;-)
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: December 28 2006 Location: Norway Status: Offline Points: 11401 |
Posted: November 12 2013 at 16:37 |
Mellow Records have now set up a label page on bandcamp
Websites I work with: My profile on Mixcloud: |
Forum Senior Member Joined: January 24 2010 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 8711 |
Posted: November 12 2013 at 20:21 |
Does anybody know where i can purchase a copy of Mellow Record's Latte e Miele-Live, long out of print? Will Mellow Records re-issue it, possibly?
Forum Senior Member Joined: January 04 2007 Location: Grok City Status: Offline Points: 17995 |
Posted: November 13 2013 at 10:27 |
MUSEO ROSENBACH: Live 72 - (MMP 102) MUSEO ROSENBACH: Rare and unreleased - (MMP 103) BIGLIETTO PER L'INFERNO: Il tempo della semina - (MMP 106) LE ORME: Ad Gloriam - (MMP 135) LE ORME: L'aurora plus - (MMP 151) PETER HAMMILL: Roaring forties - (MMP 242) ATLANTIDE: Francesco ti ricordi - (MMP 260) FINISTERRE: In limine - (MMP 291) FRENCH TV: After a lengthy silence - (MMP 307) FINISTERRE: Harmony of the spheres (2 CD) - (MMP 422 A/B) LA MASCHERA DI CERA: La Maschera di Cera - (MMP 428) ZAAL: La lama sottile - (MMP 469) Will someone please wake me up when I have enough money to burn?
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told! |
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