I have to admitt that I like almost everything that is about Aladdin frenchaise, it got the best villans, most powerfull magical beings, most adventrue, most wild and crazy, also very violent and scary at times,
Aladdin movie form 92 ranks among the best full time animated movies in Disney, but contrast to the other movies th follow-up movies did not stink, the Return of Jafar and the King of Thieves are really good to, and the series is besides Lilo & Stitch the most viewable series (on average quality through all seasons) all have good climaxes and their is a qouple of awesome villans that returns or few single cards that should be more often, Mozenrath is really cool, Mirage is also a tough one, Mechanicles is funm to watch, Abis Mal can be a bit boring but he have a fun side-kick in Harood. mini-devils, elementals, other genies, giene eaters, the wonderfull Chaos who should be featured more often.
so yeas I really like Aladdin, their is Disney moveis that I can rank above it but that is few, but as a total package of Movies and Series, Aladdin is the best one disney have actualy made (besides Lilo and Stich when both movies series and spinoffs are counted with, the Stich Anime is even better then the origianl

I wish for a Aladdin spinoff, but only with Genie

Genie & Stich the blue adventure