I tend to be a bit long winded so bear with me....
Today I had a great experience. I have an hour commute from
work and usually leave home with a couple CD's to help pass the
time. Today unfortunately I left them at home so I was at the
mercy of local radio stations. My morning was handled by the wit
and sarcasm of the 'I-man', but the afternoon I was forced to navigate
the morass of country stations... hip-hop stations... and the local
rock station whose idea of 'classic-rock' entails the same 15-20
Zeppelin, Aerosmith, AC/DC, and Skynrd songs repeated ad nauseum.
Well I happened to actually hear something decent on the rock station
so I stopped my surfing and dug the nostaglia inducing strains of Bob
Segar's 'Night Moves' when the local D.J. comes on to say he has Rick
Wakeman on the phone...... HUH!!!! (as Micky nearly drives off
the road... as an aside I live in central North Carolina... not exactly
a hot bed of prog rock.... or good rock stations

The D.J. was halfway competent.... he was able (with one noteable
exception) to name all the Yes album's Wakeman played on in the
70's. The exception... perhaps the greatest of all Yes albums but
oh well. Lots of talk about how great a player Wakeman is,
and his prodigious recording career. Things started getting
interesting when the talk turned to Yes. Obviously Yes is on a
bit of a hiatus while Jon's voice recovers (doctor's orders) When asked
about future Yes plans.. Rick said that he and Steve Howe had
lunch today and towards the end of this year we may be seeing the Yes
men back in the studio.

However the real treat of the interview for me was to come.......
Wakeman was asked when he felt he was at his creative height... Wakeman
replied that it would have been in the early 70's... before the rise of
the music business sticking it's nose in recording sessions and the
general corporate nature of the rock business. Great answer
Rick... and he proceeded to start to make an analogy to prove his
point.....when to my horror... Wakeman was interrupted in mid sentence
by the D.J. who proceeded to tell Wakeman to stand by because they
needed to go to commercial break.......needless to say.... I projectile
spewed Dr. Pepper on my windshield first in laughter then in horror at
this..... this outrage and disrespect shown one the great GODS of prog
rock. From Wakeman....dead silence... what was an animated
Wakeman previous to the interuption now was silence to the requests to
stay on the line for a few minutes... finally the D.J. managed a
monotome... alright out of him. As my speedometer topped 85
and my blood pressure twice that... I waited through 5 MINUTES of
commericals.. only to get dead air... then an AC/DC song (Big Balls....

). Did Wakeman suffer this
outrage and stay on the line.... like a contestant from American Idol
would or did he mutter bollocks and hang up on him.. I'll never
know. As I pulled into the driveway..... a second song comes on,
the garbage known as Skynyrd saying....'turn it up'... as I turned it
off wondering about the state of corporate rock stations these