All said I still Love Roger Waters....I just wish music wouldn't get political. |
Can't agree more with you Gdub, music is an art that can express ideas or ideologies, but I hate when music is used as an instrument of a determined person or Government.
For example, I love the music from a Cuban author named Silvio Rodriguez, but the guy lives like a king compared with all Cuban citizens, tours around the world (when the normal Cuban citizen can’t leave the country), but the guy has sold his art to Fidel Castro and became a politician instead of a real artist.
I love Roger Water's music, don't share his political vision but I always respected it because he expressed his honest perception, but he shouldn't become the chief of campaign of any political leader.
With this I don't say I agree or disagree with Bush or Kerry, my opinion about this issue is personal, especially because I'm not a USA citizen.
Politics are too dirty and music as any art should be above that.
Edited by ivan_2068