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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote laplace Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 20 2008 at 12:25
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

Since this topic came up, does any of you intelligent people have good ideas for fellow intelligent people like me who are intelligent enough not to want a job, but who, nevertheless, want to make as much money as possible? I've already thought of becoming a bad writer or a bad musician. I can't paint badly, so that's out of the question. Oh, and I'm pretty bad at gambling. Any other ideas?

If you keep track of individual frequencies of appearance among lottery balls, you could give yourself as much as a 0.0001% edge against the more care-free lotto players when it comes to deciding your numbers, thanks to the miniscule but statistically relevant wear introduced by machine nozzle agitation. [doublestrike]Also you could pick your birthdate, your house number, the age of your cat [quadruplestrike]and the year you convinced yourself you lost your virginity because all those are proven to be lucky by all the previous winners.

Adware propogator.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Petrovsk Mizinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2008 at 07:23
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

Since this topic came up, does any of you intelligent people have good ideas for fellow intelligent people like me who are intelligent enough not to want a job, but who, nevertheless, want to make as much money as possible? I've already thought of becoming a bad writer or a bad musician. I can't paint badly, so that's out of the question. Oh, and I'm pretty bad at gambling. Any other ideas?
Bad musician....hmmm. Perhaps you could give yourself the stage name "KWestZ" which of course is not pretty the same as that shared by a bazillion other hip hop "musicians" around the world and proceed to rap until the bling, hoes and excess mansion comes in?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 23 2008 at 17:52
I'm not so sure if I can become a bad rapper, because I can't make a difference between good and bad rappers. I might accidentally become a good rapper, and that would be bad. However, in this moment I'm a bad philosopher, and I thought [this]<- somehow I forgot to write this word, so I added it later. is the perfect place for my new, highly intelligent and philosophical essay,

On the Indeterminacy of Bookhood:

What is a book?
Can there be a book with an infinite number of pages?
Is a book that's being written a book with an infinite number of pages?
Is a book that's being written, but will never be finished, really a book at all?
And if it's not a book, what is it?
Is it ever justified to say "I'm writing a book?" if it's not certain that it will be finished?
And if I'm not writing a book, what am I writing?
Imagine this:
Someone is writing what he thinks will be a book without ending.
He imagines his daughter will continue writing it when he's dead.
He dies, and his daughter continues writing it.
The daughter imagines her son will continue writing it when she's dead.
This is supposed to go on and on, so the book will never be finished.
The question is, are they really writing a book or something else entirely?
It seems to me they're writing something that resembles a book in every other aspect except for the fact that it has no ending and will never have an ending.
Now, imagine this:
Someone finds the beginning of the book, say, the first 1000 pages, and publishes that portion of the text as a book.
The writers of the "book" do not know about this, but go on writing as if nothing had happened.
The question is, was the writer of the first 1000 pages writing a book after all?
Or was he writing sometimes else, something that resembles a book but doesn't have an ending?
Can it be that he was writing both the book that's 1000 pages long and the "book" without ending?
But how could he be writing two things at the same time?
Was he writing what he believed he was writing, the "book" without ending?
But if he was, who wrote the book that was 1000 pages long?
If he wrote it, who wrote the first 1000 pages of the "book" without ending?
Could it be that he was writing two things at the same time?
It seems to me he was writing what he believed he was writing, the "book" without ending.
The book that's 1000 pages long is only a portion of the "book" without ending.
So the book that's 1000 pages long isn't really a (whole) book at all.
So neither of the "books" is really a book!
This takes us to the definition of the word 'book':
'Book' is a complete text that the writer intended to write.
But didn't the writer also intend to write the first 1000 pages?
Yes, but he didn't consider the first 1000 pages a book.
'Book' is a complete text that the writer considers a complete text.
But, imagine this:
Someone is writing a book that's already 2000 pages long.
He doesn't think it's finished yet.
But one day, he reads through it and thinks the first 1000 pages would make a good (complete) book.
So, do the first 1000 pages now make a complete book?
If they do, what happened to the longer book?
The short book cannot be a portion of a longer book. If the first 1000 pages is a portion a longer book, they're just a portion, not a book. (Otherwise the writer would have been writing two books at the same time.)
But, if the first 1000 pages make a book, what about the rest of the pages? They can't be a part of any book.
If the book the writer was writing was really the longer book, the first 1000 pages are only a portion of it.
Imagine this:
The first 1000 pages have been publishes as a book.
The writer looks through his writings and thinks he should continue the book, that it's not yet finished.
He adds 1000 pages to the "previously finished" book and publishes it as a complete book.
Was the first book ever really complete?
If it wasn't, is there any reason to consider the new, longer book complete? It seems to me there's not.
There's no objective way to determine when a book is finished.
If we can't know if a book is finished, how do we know if it's a book at all, or will it ever become a book?
An unfinished book is not (yet) a book.
There are no books.

Edited by Vompatti - January 23 2008 at 17:57
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 24 2008 at 07:15
The New Rules of Figure Skating

The basic fault in the rules of figure skating is that they treat figure skating as a sport. There are certain arbitrary rules defining what the skaters are supposed to do and how. These rules are designed - and this is the only purpose they serve - to tell the good skaters (those who can follow the rules) from bad skaters (those who cannot follow the rules). This is clearly wrong.

Figure skating is art. Either it should have no rules at all, or the rules - if they're considered necessary - should work as a boundary between what's figure skating and what's not. For example, dancing without skates is not figure skating, so it's not something that one should do while figure skating. However, "You should not dance without skates while figure skating" is not a rule concerning figure skating. If it's a rule at all, it's a rule about practising art in general. For if you're figure skating, it's not possible for you to dance without skates. If you were to start dancing without skates, the act of figure skating would end there. This is why "You should not dance without skates while figure skating" is a rule of which it is logically impossible not to follow if dancing without skates is taken as something that doesn't belong to the field of figure skating.

So, does the fact that we don't need rules such as "You should not dance without skates while figure skating" imply that we don't need rules at all? In a way, yes; We do not need rules to tell a figure skater what she should or should not do. However, we do need a way to tell figure skating from other areas of art, like dancing. It is crucial for the figure skater to know when she is figure skating and when she is doing something else. But the difference between what's figure skating and what's not can be seen from the definition of 'figure skating' which would be something like "To figure skate is to wear skates and move in such and such ways." However, this is the definition of 'figure skating', it's not a rule about figure skating. It's not a rule at all, unless it's taken to mean "You should use the term 'figure skating' to refer to an act of wearing skates and moving in such and such ways." But this is not a rule about figure skating, it's a rule about the correct use of language.

So, what kind of rules do we need for figure skating? Of course the figure skater can think: "I'm going to do a performance of figure skating. During this performance I must do what is defined as 'figure skating.'" If she thinks like this, she's following a rule that says "To do something is to do what it is." Is this what the figure skater is thinking? Surely not! However, it would seem that the figure skater has to know the definition of 'figure skating' to know if she's figure skating or not. She probably even has an intuition about what's figure skating and what's not, so that when she's figure skating she doesn't need to think what she should do in order to be figure skating.

Still, whether she's thinking about the definition or not, it seems to me obvious that she has to be doing something that fits the right definition of 'figure skating.' If she's mistaken about the definition so that she thinks she can take off her skates and start to dance and still be figure skating, we wouldn't say that she's figure skating even if she believed she was figure skating. Perhaps we could give her the right definition and she would see that she wasn't in fact figure skating when she was dancing without skates.

The same works the other way around too. Imagine someone who's only seen figure skaters with white skates and thinks the definition of 'figure skating' is "wearing white skates and moving in such and such ways." He might point at a figure skater who's wearing blue skates and say "She's not figure skating." Then we could tell him that the colour of the skates doesn't matter, and he would admit that he was wrong and that she was, in fact, figure skating.

I'm not going to go into the problems of following a rule. To be able to focus on figure skating and perhaps even say something meaningful about it I'm going to assume that there is or at least we can decide on a right definition for 'figure skating' and that this definition determines certain acts as figure skating and all other acts as something other than figure skating. Without this assumption any attempt to define 'figure skating' would turn out fruitless.

So what is the right definition of figure skating? Do the current rules of figure skating give a definition for 'figure skating?' If they do, they certainly do a lot more than that: They tell what the figure skater should do to be a "good" figure skater. For example, if a figure skater falls down we say "She made a mistake (in figure skating)." We do not say: "At that moment when she fell she wasn't figure skating." She was figure skating, but still she did something she shouldn't have done while figure skating! So the current rules of figure skating are much more than just rules to what you should do to be figure skating; they are rules to what you should do while figure skating. These are the kind of rules that limit the possibilities of the figure skater and should thus be adandoned.

If we abandon all the rules that tell what a figure skater should do to be a "good" figure skater, what are we left with? Just the definition of 'figure skating' and nothing more. But what is the definition of 'figure skating?' Certainly it involves wearing skates and moving in certain ways, but now that we've abandoned all the rules for the "right" moves of figure skating, what tells us how a figure skater should move? In fact, do we have to assume that a figure skater has to move? Remember, figure skating is art, not sport. If the figure skater can express what she intends to express by standing still on the ice wearing skates, should we say that she's not figure skating? That she's standing on the ice, wearing skates, doing some kind of a performance, but not figure skating?

What if a figure skating number included a section where the figure skater stops, stands still for a couple of seconds and continues moving? Would we say that during those couple of seconds she was not figure skating? Would we say that she did two numbers with a short intermission between them? No! We would say that the figure skating number included a section where the figure skater stood still. Now, what if the figure skater stood still for the whole performance? Why would we say that she wasn't figure skating? It seems to me there is no reason to say that she was not figure skating.

So, if the figure skater doesn't need to move to be figure skating, should any act that involves wearing skates be called 'figure skating?' Obviously not. Ice hockey is not figure skating. Speed skating is not figure skating. They are sports, but figure skating is art. Now what if a figure skater started skating fast around the arena just like a speed skater? Would we say that she's not figure skating anymore, that now she's speed skating? No. We would say she's representing the act of speed skating, that the act of speed skating is a part of her figure skating performance.

This takes us to the conclusion: Figure skating is any artistic act where the performer wears skates. This is not a "rule" of figure skating, it's simply a definition. A "good" figure skater is someone who succeeds in expressing what she intended to express, not someone whose performance concists of certain predefined moves.
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The Pessimist View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The Pessimist Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2008 at 15:03
i tell you what, i now have a creationist theory that makes mathematical sense. as far as i see it, christians could be right about God, hear me out:

first things first, where did god come from? the question has been asked many times and it drives people nuts. how can something be created out of nothing? it is regarded as impossible. everything must have a beginning.

however there is a loophole: we live in a 4D world, 1D = forwards and backwards, 2D = left and right, 3D = up and down, 4D = the direction of time. hence for something to have a beginning and an end of its existance, then it has to be a property of the 4th dimension.

so what if the creator of all life and being was not a property of the 4th dimenion, but lived outside of time itself? that would mean it created time for us to live in, and therefore does not need a beginning or an end, being a 1D-3D God. this way, all of our creationist questions are answered, and it is all perfectly logical.

it's a tricky concept to get your head around (being proggers you're all used to getting your heads round concepts anyway ), but it all makes sense in the end.
"Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."

Arnold Schoenberg
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2008 at 15:13
Originally posted by kibble_alex kibble_alex wrote:

i tell you what, i now have a creationist theory that makes mathematical sense. as far as i see it, christians could be right about God, hear me out:

first things first, where did god come from? the question has been asked many times and it drives people nuts. how can something be created out of nothing? it is regarded as impossible. everything must have a beginning.

however there is a loophole: we live in a 4D world, 1D = forwards and backwards, 2D = left and right, 3D = up and down, 4D = the direction of time. hence for something to have a beginning and an end of its existance, then it has to be a property of the 4th dimension.

so what if the creator of all life and being was not a property of the 4th dimenion, but lived outside of time itself? that would mean it created time for us to live in, and therefore does not need a beginning or an end, being a 1D-3D God. this way, all of our creationist questions are answered, and it is all perfectly logical.

it's a tricky concept to get your head around (being proggers you're all used to getting your heads round concepts anyway ), but it all makes sense in the end.

I agree with your idea, but this guy thought of it before you did.
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The Pessimist View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The Pessimist Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 04 2008 at 14:03
damn it, i thought i was being original... still, at least i know i'm on the same wavelength of a genial philosopher
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Slartibartfast Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 04 2008 at 17:35
Intelligent People's Thread?  I am far too smart to engage in that.
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Petrovsk Mizinski View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Petrovsk Mizinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2008 at 06:28
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Intelligent People's Thread?  I am far too smart to engage in that.
No one is too smart for this thread....... NO ONE, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 21 2008 at 18:26
The other day I was at the university library reading William Blake, when suddenly I felt really intelligent. Then I went home to eat.
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1800iareyay View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

The other day I was at the university library reading William Blake, when suddenly I felt really intelligent. Then I went home to eat.

I'm afraid to read at college. I'm already getting high on elitism just watching movies that aren't insanely moronic. I watched Blade Runner the only day and felt like the loneliest guy in the world. If I bust out some Oscar Wilde or even some Douglas Adams I fear I shall implode.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 28 2008 at 14:28
I'm less intelligent today than I thought I was yesterday. Unhappy
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Petrovsk Mizinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 28 2008 at 21:17
Chances are, I'll be more intelligent tommorow than I am todaySmile, but then again, it's only a chance..............
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vompatti Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 06 2008 at 16:44
Once again, I'm hungry. I believe this is because of my unusually high intelligence: my brains work so hard that they consume hamburgers faster than I can afford to eat. Just like the Greeks said, or was it the Israelites: "He who thinketh a lot, eateth a lot of hamburgers." Being an intellectual sure is a tough job!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Petrovsk Mizinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2008 at 01:48
I'm so intelligent, that my brain has enough power to allow me to eat burgers without moving a muscle.
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Shakespeare View Drop Down
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Yeah well I'm so intelligent I don't even HAVE muscles. HA!
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Also, your sig gets me every time.
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You have a nice sig too. Big%20smile
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Petrovsk Mizinski Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 08 2008 at 02:01
Anyway, let us get back to the intellectual topics at hand...............
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote debrewguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 08 2008 at 10:39
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Intelligent People's Thread?  I am far too smart to engage in that.

 Between you & me , that makes three Big%20smile
"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.
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