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el dingo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2008 at 03:19
Originally posted by DJPuffyLemon DJPuffyLemon wrote:

I find that most prog lyrics are pretty terrible. perhaps only Pink floyd and King crimson are exceptions
I'd agree with that; I love Waters' more acerbic stuff particularly.
I also love some  of Caravan's stuff which I find totally relevant to the music (Memory Lain, etc).
How times change: when I was about 15 I enjoyed early Queen lyrics because they were, well, different.
Now I'd controversially say the three greatest poets of my generation are Ray Davies,Joe Strummer and Nick Jones.
I could listen to most prog without cognisence of the lyrical content, but take the words away from the Kinks, the Clash and the Manics? No can do!
It's not that I can't find worth in anything, it's just that I can't find worth in enough.
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infandous View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2008 at 13:08
I can understand someone not enjoying vocals in music.  But, in Prog at least, lyrics are so often an integral part of the music (yes, the music).  Think Van der Graaf Generator.  Or PG Genesis.  I personally can't imagine those vocal lines being done without lyrics.  Lyrics can very definetly be musical.  Of course, you could just dictate words over music and then they wouldn't be, but to me that's a different thing (and mostly I find "spoken word" stuff to be kind of annoying in music..........but occasionally it works).

On the other hand, I can often ignore poor or even bad lyrics if the music is strong enough and the singer is good enough.  Though in many of those cases I find myself thinking they should have just done wordless vocals or used some other instrument for the vocal melodies.  But I really don't come across that all that often in Prog.  Or at least the Prog I choose to listen to (that has vocals and lyrics in the first place).

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DatM View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2008 at 13:36
Generally, I've never put much attention to lyrics...I always pay attention to the music first.  If the music is really good, I start paying attention to the lyrics.  Sometimes this can be bad thing, because if the lyrics are really bad, they can throw me off of the music.  But if they're really good, the make the music that much powerful.  If they're ok, they don't really make a difference LOL

It's true though that the human voice gives a certain personality to music which instrumental music can't achieve...BUT there's a certain magic to instrumental music in that it can stir emotion in us without actually saying anything, this is what's always blown me away about music.
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Toaster Mantis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 23 2008 at 03:53
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

I think that depends on whether or not you think Jon Anderson's ridiculous ramblings are worth listening to.

I have a fairly high threshold for bizarre metaphors in lyrics as long as the accompanying music is appropriately otherworldly, so I think the silliest thing about Jon Anderson is his vocal style rather than any of his songwriting. I've never liked his singing all that much, but at least it's expressive and the other components of Yes' music is good enough that his sub-Neil Young nasalness becomes more of an endearing quirk than a deal breaker in my book.
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88melter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2008 at 20:03
  A lyric used to be a word-painting, but has been reduced to a coathanger for guitar-shredding and bashing percussion. Even YES' Jon Anderson cannot make an abstract image with words anymore. The words on "Magnification" are downright preachy. Neal Peart has changed so much from his life experiences that we ought not to expect his writing to remain the same.
   If someone writes a mating ritual-type song, as Steve Hackett used to call them, that kind of lyric needs a certain kind of music. By the same token, time changes, advanced harmony, and exotic scales need to be complemented by a word-picture that is equally uncommon.
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Kestrel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2008 at 22:53
Originally posted by topofsm topofsm wrote:

Well here's my two cents...
Most artists today (prog or non prog) suffer because they feel that songs are just a couple of riffs thrown together with a few words about love or sex or something. They feel that words are what make a song, however useless the words are. So a lot of the time, lyrics will just get in the way of being creative. And after all, some of the best music is instrumental. Most notably Jazz and Classical music, where the more glorified and long lasting pieces are instrumental. By focusing entirely on the music, an artist can create a mood or an idea far better than any words can.
However, there are bands like Tool and Pink Floyd, who make great music, but the way they use their music and compliment it with the lyrics, it puts the music on a different level, if not necessarily a better or worse one. But the truth is, sometimes I beleive that music as an art form speaks out like fine literature or poetry best with lyrics, because just like the two, it gives the listener/reader a chance to analyze the artists' opinion, and it also gives the viewer a chance to discover the problems with society and mankind, which is what fine poetry and literature are all about. You can't do that very well with instrumental bands.
Sorry if my words don't make sense, I should prolly get to bed.


This is what I have been trying to say for years now, but summed up more eloquently than I ever would/could. This is exactly what I feel bands like Genesis, Yes, VDGG and others were very aware of and is what made them so great. A song can be just a couple of riffs and a stupid lyric about sex and drugs, but it isn't how you make a beautiful song.

In most cases, anyway.

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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2008 at 05:45
No, I found them.  They were over there in the corner. Tongue
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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OzzProg View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2008 at 19:38
I could live without lyrics

Sure, everyone loves to extract a really catchy phrase, or a metaphorical line somewhere along the line. But does it really have anything to do with the music? My personal opinion is no.

Vocals are just another instrument, used to create music with the rest of the band. Whether a vocalists sings "I get up, I get down!!!" or "Na Naaa, naaa naa NAA!!!", it still makes good music. I LOVE a lot of music like this, like the end part of "South Side of the Sky" by Yes, or "Peking O" by Can, where all sorts of stuff is being screamed at loud volumes.

To be completely honest, I prefer instrumental music (And music in foreign languages). Why? This way I can immagine in my own mind what the music reminds me of, not what the vocalist is singing to me. Music should be that way in my opinion.

However, I do understand that a lot of people really enjoy listening and reading all the lyrics, and trying to find out the meaning, or just plain get the message the band is trying to get through. These people just enjoy their poetry and music together.

It also seems that I am missing the part of your brain that picks up on lyrics, and character's names in movies (same part of the brain?). I never catch on to any of them, I don't notice lyrics, unless I read them, and only know name's of characters if I ask a friend.

As for modern prog lyrics, I agree with you entirely; they are lacking the same "poetry" that earlier music had. The bands In general, don't put as much effort into creating lush metaphors of love, myth, or fantasy. Oh, and isn't signing about love in the 21st century "Gay"? It seems as if the bands are too scared to truly express the emotional sides of themselves, or simply don't care to make meaningfull lyrics.

I feel the same way with the production level of new albums too, they aren't as polished.

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fuxi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2008 at 04:47
Originally posted by TGM: Orb TGM: Orb wrote:

Bland opening statement: It depends on the genre/band/album/song TongueControversial clarification: But I think a lot of people by saying, 'the voice is just another instrument', are missing the point of some albums in which the music is aimed at evoking and expressing the lyrics (or indeed the reverse... the lyrics emphasising the feel of the music), or the lyrics at adding another dimension or context to the music (and vice versa).Sometimes, actually, the lyrics are really good regardless of the music, and may convey a well-expressed message, commentary on life, philosophical point... etc.Anyway, to say the least, music is not necessarily more important than lyrics.So, just to give a few examples:
  • Man Erg (Van Der Graaf Generator, Pawn Hearts)... if you take the basic song, sans lyrical content, it's a jumble of ideas, all of which are rather awesome, tunefully implemented, and neatly put together. However, the concept (that of the uncertain balance between conscious and subconscious thought... the uncertainty of human nature itself) is provided by the lyrics, and it provides a meaning, a reasonable intent, for the musical ideas expressed. Take a look at Certif1ed's review of In The Court Of The Crimson king for another, much better expressed, example.
  • You And I (Yes, Close To The Edge)... here, the case is the music modifying the lyrics. Apart from a number of rather neat lines, and a generally human feel, just listen to the last verse... the range of And you and I... (climb clear cross the shapes of the morning etc.) gives an initial impression of cohesion, of unity, of togetherness, but the verse title (apocalypse) and that final fading chord completely change the idea of (And you and I climb over valleys of endless seas)... between them, they take the togetherness which we'd defaultively expect of 'you and I' and remould it into an implication that 'you and I' are in fact doing this separately... that we aren't communicating properly.
  • Cheap Day Return (Jethro Tull, Aqualung)... here, I'd say that the music is supplementing the feel of the lyrics (or vice versa... it doesn't really matter...) - the disillusion and the panic of the lyrics. About Pilgrims (Van Der Graaf Generator, Still Life), I'd say the reverse, that the lyrics are, stunningly, emphasising the developing feel of the music (and attaching the search theme which is a key to that album.
  • Peter (Gnidrolog, In Spite Of Harry's Toenail... IIRC) is an example of social commentary through lyrics. Echoes (Pink Floyd, Meddle) is a didactic piece about (though quite obscurely... analysed it in the review... I suppose Pigs On The Wing would be a more obvious song) the value of cooperation. Slender Threads (Peter Hammill, Chameleon In The Shadow Of The Night) is a rather philosophical piece, while the autobiographical German Overalls from the same album is equally impressive.
So... just a few examples... of course it varies piece by piece, but I think the people who think that you should ignore lyrics/dissociate them from the music will end up really missing out on a couple of pieces.

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88melter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2008 at 08:34
Gents, and ladies,
   If the lyrics were meant to be ignored, there wouldn't be any. OR, would there? Does an opera audience know the specific words they are listening to? Do Germans know Italian? Do the French know German? Maybe, a little, but not very much. ( More than most Americans though, but that's another story...)
   I think the same dynamic applies to progressive rock. Just as an opera needs a story to hang the music on, so P-R needs something extra-musical to drap itself over. The more attention the band pays to the words, the better they are, and the more one gets out of noticing them.
   If one thinks that Pink Floyd's music is good, but the lyrics are a bit fractured, well, listen to the music. If one thinks that YES' lyrics are an integral part of the YesExperience, ignore them at your peril!
  Rush seems to be making lots of specific points in their script, and Genesis tells some wonderfully odd little tales.
   I find the more I listen to, and read, the words and liner notes to P-R albums, the more I get out of the experience.
  I'm done, this thread is getting threadbare...
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CPicard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2008 at 12:14
I agree with you, but slightly less loudly.

Edited by CPicard - December 02 2008 at 12:15
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J-Man View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 03 2008 at 17:47
Look, the lyrics are meant to show the singer's skill and show the concept or story of the song. The lyrics have always been written similarly, though I never cared that much; as long as they were there.Smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 13 2008 at 04:44
Originally posted by aapatsos aapatsos wrote:

Are we missing a huge point in prog music by neglecting the lyrics?
Do you get the same feel?

No, can't say that I do.  However, the lyric by Peter Gabriel on TLLDOB:  "And I am hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway," before 'Fly on the Windshield,' is brilliant - and, no doubt, adds to the prog greatness of that instrumental number...
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peskypesky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2008 at 17:17
People who think lyrics are unimportant, well, what can I say? You can read poetry to a mule, but you can't make him appreciate it.

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hermosotrozo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 15 2008 at 07:22
well, thats prett natural, if the sound is good we really dont mind any music (i mean i am talking about myself.)
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