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Poll Question: How do you find Meshuggah to be?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 01:37
Originally posted by P.H.P. P.H.P. wrote:

So far 6 people have voted for option 1: awful!

so it's an option. Wink

maybe you could pick option 2, don't know...

So.. ummm... what exactly is it that you are trying to prove here? You don't like Meshuggah. Ok, we got that. You don't hate it but know of people who hate it who you then acuse of not loving music even if you consider Meshuggah not to be music Confused. Ooook.... Moving on, you consider Prog Music whatever you decide it to be when excluding all music you don't like or don't consider progressive (umm... does that mean that because I haven't gotten into Gentle Giant or Tangerine Dream they're not Prog?)

Meanwhile ignorant comments from everywhere keep you company (hey, if Meshuggah is noise, than Merzbow, which is also Noise, must sound the same; than than it means Yes and Pain of Salvation pretty much sound the same too, cause they're both Prog - or is it prog?! ) and you keep on telling us how you don't hate Meshuggah, but just consider it awful-awful music which should be banned from this site and possibly from everywhere around the world. Ouch

Look, sorry if I come off as an arrogant s.o.b., but you really should start being more open minded (the word gets thrown alot these days) and understand that you not liking a band means nothing beside you not liking a band. I too have a couple of bands I think don't belong on this site, but that's why we have a special sections of the forum for suggestions on here.

As for the vote, I went with Good, they're overall a good metal band because it wasn't quite the most balanced poll I've seen. Probably the fact that Meshuggah have sprunged an entire mini-genre of metal would matter very little.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 03:17
Originally posted by P.H.P. P.H.P. wrote:

Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

It must be terribly convenient that prog is only what you think it is.  But guess what, you don't get to decide what it is for anybody else.  There is lots of prog that fits solidly in the prog definition that I don't like, but flash, it does not stop being progressive because I don't like it.  Saying Meshuggah isn't prog is like saying a school bus is no longer a school bus because it ran over you. You may not like that particular school bus anymore, but it's still a school bus.

Don't quite see your point, but in order to be coherent with what is known as Prog music, we must follow pre-established lines of what Prog music has been, because if we don't, we would just not be coherent and we wouldn't be able to relate this with that, and in this case of Meshuggah I think it's pretty arbitrary to call them Prog, because they don't follow any line delimited by Prog music through decades, and finally there's no link with Prog music, and the statement of Meshuggah being Prog doesn't obbey any logic, ergo it's a weak and inconsistant argument, so it's not about what I think, it's about a fact that is.
The more you write, the more wrong you are. It is not fact as you put it, it is opinion based on your own prejudice.  If you want logic then read the definition section of the site:
"Some common, though not universal, elements of progressive rock include:"
I am not going to quote the entire list, you can read it yourself. But Meshuggah follow 7 of the 8 criteria listed. The only missing piece is inclusion of classical pieces, which is not found in a vast majority of prog/prog related music.  So to say,  "...they don't follow any line delimited by Prog music through decades" is, as you put it, "...a weak and inconsistant argument"
Now, my hypothesis of what you consider fact is: Meshuggah is not prog because the elements that make them prog are lost on you due to the fact you heard a sound that does not please you.
Like it or not, what is accepted in the field of Progressive music is not limited to Yes, Jethro Tull and ELP or bands that sound similar.  It is, as the name implies, a progression.  It can evolve from anywhere, any genre when artists refuse to be restrained by the boundaries of said genre.  And the fact is, not every prog fan is going to like every prog band. I know I don't.  As a matter of fact, there is much of Meshuggah I don't care for.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 03:27
Originally posted by #1floydfan #1floydfan wrote:

well there deffinatley prog... im not a huge fan but there not bad a little to "hardcore" for me...

That's a good one!ClapWink (definitely progressive/avant spelling here)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 03:32
My opinion on them seems to go up and down often.
I havn't listened to an album of their for... must've been awhile since i don't remember. Guess it was this winter.
Anyway, so my opinion is now: "Just Fine, they are too noisy and pointless sometimes though"
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 07:06
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

I haven't heard Merzbow yet. and quite frankly based on what I have heard on PA I am in no hurry to hear them.  But when listening to Catch 33 I imagined that is what Merzbow must sound like, because this album was just noise to me. 

LOL You'd be surprise in how wrong you are. He sounds nothing like Meshuggah and they're a flower field compared to Merzbow.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 09:25
Originally posted by P.H.P. P.H.P. wrote:

Originally posted by ProgBagel ProgBagel wrote:

I chose genius...and note that they aren't my favorite band and probably not even in my top 30.
They brought something new to the genre and their music revolves heavily around rythm and heaviness.
The only downfall is that you have to be in one and only one mood to listen to them...'pissed off'.
Most prog-metal bands mention them as in influence...they are a very influential band.

To end this....they are an extremely unique band that blends simple bone crushing riffs, to very complex time signatures and has a Holdsworth infuenced guitarist (Fredrik Thordendal).

The vocals and heaviness can be a turn-off to anyone...I wouldn't blame them anyway.
Bands or band members could say anything about their "influences", but it doesn't matter that much who are you influenced by, what really matters is the factual music you do.and I don't think "pissed off" is a good mood for listening music, you'd better just listen  to some noise instead, IMO.and I don't think they're influential in Progressive metal bands, oh and if you're talking about Dream Theater and what they did, they even said it as a joke, so I wouldn't consider that as a serious influence on DT's stuff. LOL

Yes, because when I say they are an influential band...I am just solely talking about there influence on dream theater, right?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 09:32
As stated before, P.H.P., the more you write the more you are indeed wrong. I've heard DT mention Meshuggah a few times and I'm assuming you are talking about the DVD. Opeth Mikeal Afakafhsghsg is influenced by Camel...dunno how but he is...the factual music doesn't have an extreme amount to do with it. Old Porcupine Tree is associated with a lot of Floyd..listen to their previous 4 would never guess it.

I've been seeing a lot of kids on my campus walking around in Octavarium's disgusting, you're not a DT newb too right?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 09:42

My absolute favorite metal band, as well as one of the most heavy, original and technically competent metal bands ever. Their songs are obviously carefully thought out and extremely well-composed. Those 'noisy' parts are meant to be there, and they fit perfectly and none of their material is weak or pointless. Of course, it's all a matter of taste (or moronic close-mindness) whenever people hate'em or like them.

And they are progressive, notably I and Catch 33. Even their 1991 debut is quite proggy and is a awesome technical metal album overall with longer songs and frantic melody shiftings. I love this band!

Edited by Bj-1 - September 28 2007 at 09:42
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 10:13
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

Like it or not, what is accepted in the field of Progressive music is not limited to Yes, Jethro Tull and ELP or bands that sound similar.  It is, as the name implies, a progression.  It can evolve from anywhere, any genre when artists refuse to be restrained by the boundaries of said genre.  And the fact is, not every prog fan is going to like every prog band. I know I don't.  As a matter of fact, there is much of Meshuggah I don't care for.
clappies for you, sir.  well said!
This is the essence of progressive music.  Coming up with something new, expanding boundaries, finding a deeper level than your predecessors.
Bands that "follow the pre-established lines of what prog music has been" are not progressive at all, in fact they are regressing.
So Meshuggah is a prime example of progression in metal.  There's something appealing to me about the sound of a giant steel furnace playing jazz...

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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 10:42

Obviously based on my previous post I am not an expert on Meshuggah given that I had only heard Catch 33 and I couldn't even finish it since I disliked it so much.  This morning I listened to the 3 other songs that PA has for on-line streaming and they were slightly better than what I heard on catch 33.  However, basically all that I was hearing was thrash metal, which is another subgenre of metal that I could never really get into (also not able to get into Black or Death Metal).  Again probably because of the vocals.  I prefer clean vocals to angry screaming/growling.  At least with Opeth I like the music even though I can't get past the vocals.  With Meshuggah the music doesn't really work for me either.  Not being into thrash metal, I suppose that Meshuggah could be "progressive" for a thrash metal band but I haven't heard it in the small samples of their music that I have listened to. 

I am generally open minded to new ideas, but I suppose I have my self-imposed definition of what constitutes prog rock and prog metal and what I have heard from Meshuggah is outside of those limits.  For those of you who enjoy Meshuggah, please continue to do so. Don't stop enjoying them on my account (not that you ever would). LOL 
Thing of interest to note:  PA's definition of Prog Metal discusses how King's X is a representative on the mellow fringe of Prog Metal and Opeth and Meshuggah are representatives on the heavier fringe of prog metal.  And yet, King's X is not on PA and was reportedly rejected by the prog metal team, but Meshuggah is included.  A comparison of these couple of bands tell you just how expansive a genre Prog Metal is, and certainly create a great argument for the dreaded additional subgenres.  There is a recent thread where this has been discussed in detail that everyone should participate in if you haven't already.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 11:09
meshuggah's wacky
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P.H.P. View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 11:35
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

The more you write, the more wrong you are. It is not fact as you put it, it is opinion based on your own prejudice.  If you want logic then read the definition section of the site:

LOLLOL Seriously??
"Some common, though not universal, elements of PROGRESSIVE ROCK include:"

I am not going to quote the entire list, you can read it yourself. But Meshuggah follow 7 of the 8 criteria listed. The only missing piece is inclusion of classical pieces, which is not found in a vast majority of prog/prog related music.  So to say,  "...they don't follow any line delimited by Prog music through decades" is, as you put it, "...a weak and inconsistant argument"

We're talking about ROCK!! not metal, how could they follow 7 of the 8 criteria, if in reality  Meshuggah's music is in between metal and noise, we are talking about real music, you know melody, direction, harmony, etc., not just a bunch of noisy guys playing like apes..., it's about making art.LOLLOL
Now, my hypothesis of what you consider fact is: Meshuggah is not prog because the elements that make them prog are lost on you due to the fact you heard a sound that does not please you.

I'm not talking about what pleases me, I'm talking thay by every cannonical view they don't fit the idea of "good", and evidently we have totally OPPOSITE universes with Meshuggah in one hand and Prog music in the other hand, just realize that.
Like it or not, what is accepted in the field of Progressive music is not limited to Yes, Jethro Tull and ELP or bands that sound similar.  It is, as the name implies, a progression.  It can evolve from anywhere, any genre when artists refuse to be restrained by the boundaries of said genre.  And the fact is, not every prog fan is going to like every prog band. I know I don't.  As a matter of fact, there is much of Meshuggah I don't care for.
So, you're proposing that EVERY band that scapes from doing commercial things or just do anything "not common" will be automatically Prog???

Prog fits the perception of what's "good", Meshuggah's music...hardly.

If you think like that, my question is...what are you listening then? Prog Rock? because it just doesn't seem like you are...

7 people so far have agreed with my point about Meshuggah, they also realized that Meshuggah just DOESN'T BELONG HERE, WE'RE IN A PROG ROCK RELATED MUSIC SITE, finding any links with their music and Prog for me, and many more, is impossible.

Edited by P.H.P. - September 28 2007 at 11:48
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 11:57
Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

clappies for you, sir.  well said!
This is the essence of progressive music.  Coming up with something new, expanding boundaries, finding a deeper level than your predecessors.

The essence of Progressive music is to come with something new and fresh but something that still could be considered "good", because new doesn't imply "good".

Bands that "follow the pre-established lines of what prog music has been" are not progressive at all, in fact they are regressing.

Bands that follow SOME of the pre-established line, and that's the reason why we can recognize them as Prog.
So Meshuggah is a prime example of progression in metal.  There's something appealing to me about the sound of a giant steel furnace playing jazz...

Meshuggah is a prime example of what happens when you go NOISY, please guys don't take Prog music as a simple matter of technicality, because doing that will be WRONG, Prog music isn't about how much complex or technical you can get, think well.

Edited by P.H.P. - September 28 2007 at 11:57
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 12:22
Originally posted by P.H.P. P.H.P. wrote:

1. Wow! 26% of poll voters share your opinion. Lets go ahead and ignore the other 74% since they do not.
2. You can't seem to wrap your mind around the concept of what is good is purely subjective.  Countless prog bashers have proclaimed similar feelings about bands like Gentle Giant and King Crimson.   
3. Taking statements to extremities such as, "So, you're proposing that EVERY band that scapes from doing commercial things or just do anything "not common" will be automatically Prog???" and using words like everybody, all and never are the foundations of specious logic and overall poor debating skill.
4. The bands on this site are decided by commitee, obviously they found enough of the elements mentioned to include them.
5. What you have created is nothing more than a hate thread, despite your thin disclaimer.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 12:26
Originally posted by P.H.P. P.H.P. wrote:

Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

clappies for you, sir.  well said!
This is the essence of progressive music.  Coming up with something new, expanding boundaries, finding a deeper level than your predecessors.

The essence of Progressive music is to come with something new and fresh but something that still could be considered "good", because new doesn't imply "good".
"Good" in any musical context, is completely subjective.  diff'rent strokes...

Bands that "follow the pre-established lines of what prog music has been" are not progressive at all, in fact they are regressing.

Bands that follow SOME of the pre-established line, and that's the reason why we can recognize them as Prog.
Again, it's all about interpretation of definitions.  Whether it's "music that sounds like prog", or if it's "music that progresses"
So Meshuggah is a prime example of progression in metal.  There's something appealing to me about the sound of a giant steel furnace playing jazz...

Meshuggah is a prime example of what happens when you go NOISY, please guys don't take Prog music as a simple matter of technicality, because doing that will be WRONG, Prog music isn't about how much complex or technical you can get, think well.
It's not entirely a matter of technical.  I could name many metal bands that are extremely technical, but in no way progressive.  Meshuggah have carved out a sound that is entirely their own.  It's definitely not your cup of tea, and many people have the same feeling... it is difficult music to listen to.  But, if it's what you're into, then their relentless polyrhythmic time signatures, atonal riffs and dissonant harmonies are something to behold.
Oh well.... here we go again....

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 12:54
You say music is about even underlined the damn word. Then you say music should have harmony and underline those words as well.

For the 3rd time...the more you write the more it does not make sense.

What the hell is wrong with you?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 12:58
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

My absolute favorite metal band, as well as one of the most heavy, original and technically competent metal bands ever. Their songs are obviously carefully thought out and extremely well-composed. Those 'noisy' parts are meant to be there, and they fit perfectly and none of their material is weak or pointless. Of course, it's all a matter of taste (or moronic close-mindness) whenever people hate'em or like them.

And they are progressive, notably I and Catch 33. Even their 1991 debut is quite proggy and is a awesome technical metal album overall with longer songs and frantic melody shiftings. I love this band!
Fanboi! Tongue
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 16:36
I love them, definitely prog in my opinion... just bought Rare Trax, a couple more EP's and my collection will be complete

So the last option... genius in their own way, I've never heard anything like it and probably won't anytime soon.

Edited by The Miracle - September 28 2007 at 16:37
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 18:28
Meshuggah are a complete waste of space.

Third rate metal and not remotely progressive. Rammstein are more progressive and generally a lot better than Meshuggah.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2007 at 18:59
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

1. Wow! 26% of poll voters share your opinion. Lets go ahead and ignore the other 74% since they do not.

Error, 53% of poll voters share at least in a way my oppinion that Meshuggah isn't Prog, and it's not about ignoring other's oppinion at all.
2. You can't seem to wrap your mind around the concept of what is good is purely subjective.  Countless prog bashers have proclaimed similar feelings about bands like Gentle Giant and King Crimson.  

There's no way of comparing those PROG bands with Meshuggah, just like water and oil.
3. Taking statements to extremities such as, "So, you're proposing that EVERY band that scapes from doing commercial things or just do anything "not common" will be automatically Prog???" and using words like everybody, all and never are the foundations of specious logic and overall poor debating skill.

I don't need debating skills here, the music of Meshuggah speaks for itself.

4. The bands on this site are decided by commitee, obviously they found enough of the elements mentioned to include them.

Do you really have to believe everything PA says??, the answer is NO, if you have your own well-formed Prog criteria you will not, just like everyone else does...

5. What you have created is nothing more than a hate thread, despite your thin disclaimer.
Again, not a hate thread, I'm just asking if what I think repeats in more Prog fans, and if it does consistently repeats, then it probably be true.
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