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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 15 2007 at 05:37
Well, here's part 4. Have fun.
Day 4


10 AM, control room.


Chris meets with the CEO from Yes’ record company.


CEO: It’s your responsibility, Chris. You’ve got to make it happen!

Chris: Yes, sir.

CEO: A hitsingle, Chris! You’ve got it in you, you’ve just got to let it out. Can I count on you?

Chris: You can, sir.

CEO: (Hits with his hand on the table) You’ve done it before! You’ve written Owner Of A Broken Heart, which was a smash hit, and even your album 90265 was a big hit. So I see no reason why you can’t do it again.

Chris: Yes, sir, there’s this tiny little problem.

CEO: There are no problems, Chris, just challenges. Did you know that the Chinese have just one word for crisis and challenge?

Chris: So I’ve been told, sir, but you see, the guy who wrote the hit single, Trevor Rabin, he left the band yesterday. He got an offer from a movie company he can’t refuse.

CEO: Well, get him back! My money’s is as good as theirs! Tell him I pay double what they offer him. We can’t let him go. Think of what the stock holders might say. What’s Yes without Trevor Raven? And by the way, where’s Trevor Horn?

Chris: He’ll join us in a few days, sir.

CEO: And the rest of the band?

Chris: Doing just fine, sir. We’ve just created some great piece of music, called The enlightening path… , um… I mean Keep On Movin’ You Oiled Up Love Machine.

CEO: That’s too long, abbreviate it to Love Machine, do you hear me?

Chris: Loud and clear, sir.

CEO: I can picture it before me (creates an imaginary billboard with his hands): Yes with their new hit single Love Machine. Splendid! Does it have any hit potential?

Chris: Um, it’s 10 minutes long, so…

CEO: Chris, what decade is this?

Chris: The … double zero’s?

CEO: Well, let’s call it like that, shall we. So… make music that sounds like double zero music! This isn’t the ‘70’s anymore, Chris!

Chris: I know it isn’t, sir.

CEO: I heard some of your big band have left. Do you miss someone, except your hit single writer?

Chris: Um no, we’re even lucky to still have three keyboardists.

CEO: Three keyboardists?

Chris: Actually, four in a few days time, because Tony Kaye, the original keyboard player, is gonna drop by.

CEO: Why do you need three or four keyboardplayers, Chris?

Chris: That’s part of the Yes extravaganza. The fans love us for that! And they can get along well, so…

CEO (shakes his head in disbelief): I hope one of them is Rick Wakeman?

Chris: Yes, sir.

CEO: Do the others contribute something substantial?

Chris: Well, Geoff Downes is the greatest keyboard player Yes ever had. He actually listens to the others when he plays, and he thinks keyboards are part of the rhythm section. And Tony just pops in to do some rocking, Hammond things. The fans love Tony!

CEO: And Patrick Moraz?

Chris: Um, Patrick…

(Silence; the CEO delivers an impatient drum roll with his fingers)

Chris: Is just as good as Rick. Great virtuoso player. Adds some jazz…

CEO: Jazz? You don’t need jazz on your album.

Chris: You see, the thing is…

CEO (suddenly stands up): I have to go. Another meeting. Nice to have spoken to you, Chris. At least I can talk with you. You’re the only one with sense. The others are just… (turns his face into a grimace) .. artists! Okay, and remember Chris: get Trevor Raven back, help the band to focus on a hit single, and get Moraz out of the band. He adds nothing substantial. Oh, and tell Rick Wakeman to wear a silver cape on stage.

Chris: But sir!

CEO: (Leaves the room in haste) I’ll call you. Take care.


2 PM, band meeting

Jon: There’s something I gotta tell you. Someone’s trying to sabotage this project. You’ve all heard about the strange notes of the last few days…

Patrick: But that’s just some joker, right? Strange coincidence that every day one person left, but surely nothing but a coincidence.

Jon: I’m afraid not, Patrick. You see, this morning Chris got on the phone with Trevor Rabin.

Chris: Um, yeah, the offer he got yesterday turned out to be fake. No Hollywood company had actually called him.

Rick: So will he be coming back?

Chris: I’m afraid not. He’ll stay where he is. He’s a bit fed up with how things are going right now. Oh, and another thing. I’ve just spoken on the phone with the CEO about the notes and about Trevor. Tomorrow we’ll get a private detective. To help us solve the rhyme thing which takes so much of our energy.


2.30 PM, rehearsal room

The band is creating their second piece of music. Working title… depends on who you speak to. According to Jon it ought to be called: The uplifting energy of Hopi rites of passage. Chris suggested “Groove Movement” and Rick suggested: A curry and a tea will give us new energy. Whatever the title, the music’s really happening.


4.00 PM Tea time


Chris takes Steve and Jon aside.

Chris: What do you think of Patrick?

Jon: He’ll be alright.

Steve: I’m not so sure. When we go whoooosh with the band, he doesn’t come along with us. It’s like he does mush instead of wooooosh.

Chris: Sorry to say, he’s not getting into the swing of things. The record company has its doubts too.

Steve: Well, it was to be expected.

Jon: Because?

Chris (in a whisper): He’s… Swiss!

Jon: So?

Chris: Come on, think about it, how many good Swiss rock stars are there.

Steve: Psychologically, he’s still a foreigner.

Chris: I don’t think there’s a word for woooosh  in the Swiss vocabulary, so to say.

Jon: And what do you intend to do about it?

Chris: Well…


At the end of day, Patrick is leaving. The rest of the band eats in the cafeteria, some of them taking a more than copious meal, as if to compensate for their depressed mood. At the end of the meal, fortune cookies are being distributed. Chris opened his, and a note came out, saying:


“Seven little proggers were making an exciting musical mix,

Then one got the axe and suddenly they were six.”


Edited by Moogtron III - March 15 2007 at 05:43
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Frasse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 15 2007 at 08:12
hehe, poor Patrick.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 09:47
ISKC Rock Radio
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 16:48
Thanks once again for your kind comments! Here's the next part. Hope you'll like it.

Day 5


10 AM, control room, private investigations


A private detective called inspector Cluedo drops by. Jon, Steve and Chris are giving him all the information they know about the false telephone call and the “10 little progger” rhymes.


Inspector: This is all very streunge.

Chris: So do you have any clue?

Inspector: Wah’ll get this prehblem sol-ved in neu time.

Steve: Excuse me?

Jon: He says he’ll solve it in no time. He’s from French origin.

Chris: But do you have any clue?

Inspector: A cleu? Where?

Chris: No, do you have a clue!

Inspector: Well… it isn’t easy… Someone’s putting these swine tricks on yeu. It could be…

Chris, Jon and Steve: Yes??

Inspector (smiles mysteriously from under his moustache): …A pink conspiracy!

Chris: Pink?

Steve: How do you mean, pink?

Inspector: Well, yeuw kneuhw, those swines with the seufty pins and the spike bands and the terrible music.

Steve: I think he means punk.

Inspector: Yes, pink! That’s what I have been saying, you idiot! Now, about yeur guitar player that has been fah-yered.

Steve: No, he got a false phone call. It was one of the keyboard players…

Inspector (impatient): Yes I kneuw that, I kneuw that. You got to watch out, yeuw kneuw. Next time it can be a behm.

Steve: A behm?
Jon: He means a bomb.

After half an hour, where inspector Cluedo unfolded his theories that Alan performed the perfect crime with the chandelier in the library, Geoff with the knife in the dining room and Rick with a dagger in the billiard, eventually Steve, Jon and Chris gave up and asked the inspector kindly to leave. They decided to ask the record company to give them a better detective this time. They got another shock, because inspector Cluedo was never been sent by the record company. They wondered where he came from, but were unable to find the answer themselves. The record company promised to send a real detective the next day. In the mean time Jon was planning on doing some investigations himself.


2 PM, control room, Band meeting

Jon: Tomorrow we’ll get a new detective. At this moment I would like to know some things from you. How do you experience this project, apart from the unrest that is being generated by our… joker. Is this a dream come true? This is what you really want to do? Nothing else at the moment?

Alan: No, nothing else.

Steve: No, nothing else.

Jon (smiles): Great! Great!

Steve: Except…

Jon (frowning): Except??

Steve: Well, I’ve got this record with Paul Sutin, which is only for the health food stores, but for the rest… Oh yeah, and a reunion with Bodast.

Chris: Yeah, as for me… making another solo album would have been nice as well… Or another cd with Billy Sherwood.

Rick: A new Close To The Edge would be fantastic. But I do have some other projects… A solo album called 20.000 Leagues Under The Sea, a Wakeman With Wakeman - album with my son Adam, a new gospel album, a piano album, I’ve been asked to do a show called Rick Wakeman on ice, I have this talk show on tv…

Alan (pensive): Maybe I could do another solo album… And I'm thinking about a project with Tony Kaye...

Jon (dreamy): I suppose I could team up with Vangelis once again. Well… (Suddenly comes to his senses). No, this is crazy! Geoff, how about you?

Geoff: There’s nothing else I’d like to do at the moment.

Jon: Great! Come on, people, let’s go for it! This afternoon, we’ll move to the studio. To put down all the music we’ve got thus far. Four o’clock, studio 1.


4 PM, Studio 1

Rick and Steve enter the studio. Rick sees a room within the room.

Rick (shocked): What’s that?

Steve: It’s a bathroom.

Rick: Yes, but what is it doing in our studio??

Steve: Well, Jon is much more at ease when he’s singing under the shower. So…

Rick: So??

Steve: There’s a microphone for him in the bath tub.

Rick: He’ll be singing his parts under the shower?? This band is completely crazy!

Steve (smiles): Says the guy who once recorded his organ parts via a Swiss telephone line.

Rick (shakes his head): Yes, I must be completely crazy myself to be in this band.


4.30 PM, roll call

Jon: Chris is missing.

Rick: The next one in line? This is hopeless!

Jon: Without hope you cannot start the day, Rick.

Rick: Starting the day at 4.30 PM?

Jon: Forget about it. Let’s start playing anyway.

Rick: I gotta go to the bathroom first. Not the one in the studio.


5 PM

Steve: Rick didn’t come back from the toilet down the hall.

Alan: He’s been there now for almost half an hour. You don’t think the joker…?

Jon (angry): Great! Fabulous! Two down, four to go??


5.30 PM

Rick returns from the bathroom. His face is green.

Rick: Must have been the beans I ate at noon. The bloody things went through me like a Ferrari!

Jon (sighs): I’m glad you didn’t leave as well. Let’s call it a day. See you all tomorrow. With Chris, I hope. I fear the worst, though.

Geoff: Jon, Steve, can I speak you in private?


5.35 PM, control room

Geoff: Guys, I would like to leave the band.

Jon: Why, Geoff, why??

Geoff: To be honest, I’m bored to death here. I’d like to play with Asia again. I got all these musical ideas and I just can’t use them here.


After some fruitless discussions, Jon and Steve accept the fact that Geoff leaves.


6 PM, studio 1

Jon and Steve are mixing some fresh Yes music. The secretary, followed by two guitar players, heavily armed with Stratocasters and Marshall amps, enter the room.

Secretary: Mr. Anderson?

Jon: Yes?

Secretary: Here’s a rock-o-gram for you, mr. Anderson.

Jon: A rock-o-what?


The two guitar players suddenly start to play and sing, in a style vaguely reminiscent of the Sex Pistols’ nice little tune called Pretty Vacant.


“Six little proggers were keeping the music ali-i-i-i-i-i-ve!

Then one was bored to death and suddenly they were f-i-i-i-i-ve!”


After the savages had left the room, Steve and Jon were alone.


Jon: I don’t understand!

Steve: What?

Jon: This crazy rhyme was about Geoff, no doubt, but we lost Chris as well. This time we lost two members instead of one.

Steve: Maybe there’s a logic to it.

Jon: What do you mean?

Steve: Just a thought. Maybe it was Chris who sabotaged our band all the time…




Edited by Moogtron III - March 18 2007 at 16:56
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Uroboros View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 17:09
It had to come to this sooner or later... I like the way the story often re-tells or at least brings to mind some real events in Yes' history. And yes, Chris had been acting a little strange indeed... he just might have been behind this... can't wait to find out. Smile
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Frasse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 17:35
Now it's getting really exciting!Big%20smile
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Angelo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 18:15
Good one again - keep going!
ISKC Rock Radio
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 19:12

Uroboros: It's fun in particular to use old Yes-anecdotes in the story. All the Yes fans who know the history of the band find several nods and winks in the story, and I can see you're one of them! Yes is really a great band for a story like this, because this band is sometimes stranger than fiction Smile

Frasse: I was a little bit unsecure about if the people would like this part, with the "whodunnit" side of it. Thanks for you reply!
Angelo: Thank you! I will keep on going, but I think I will only be able to write a sequel next weekend.

Edited by Moogtron III - March 18 2007 at 19:13
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Jeams Pfirp View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 22:10
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Moogtron III View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2007 at 04:01
For those who like it:

Day 6


10 AM, control room


The new inspector, from Scotland Yard, England Yard, Wales Yard and even Northern Ireland Yard fame, questions the four remaining band members. The new inspector had nothing in common with the old one. He had “no nonsense” written all over him. “Efficiency” was his middle name and… well, you get the picture.


Inspector: What have you discovered yet yourself?

Jon, Steve, Rick, Alan: Nothing yet.

Inspector: Amateurs. Have you taken fingerprints, talked with the personnel?

Jon, Steve, Rick, Alan: Not yet.

Inspector (frowning): Idiots. Haven’t you done anything at all??

Jon: Excuse me? We’ve done so much! We’ve made the most wonderful music!

Inspector: Hmph, artists. Do you suspect someone?

Jon: Well, our bass player has disappeared since yesterday. He’s often late, but always stayed, no matter how bad the music was. So…

Inspector: Well, let’s see, does he have a motive for sabotaging the band?

Jon: None that we can think of.


The inspector left the band and started investigating.


10.30 AM, band meeting

Jon: Right, bar nr. 22, note nr. 6. What do you think? Should the next note be an F or an F sharp?

Steve: Maybe an F, maybe part of the Fsus-chord that I had in mind.

Alan: Why not F major 7?

Steve: Because of the chord after that. It’s F major. It wouldn’t work out. A plain F7 would do, but that wouldn’t help us to get to the chord after the next chord.

Rick: Listen, do we have to talk about each note??

Jon (surprised): Well, of course! After all, we’re a democratic band, aren’t we? Now, all in favour of F for note nr. 6, put up the green cards that I gave to you.

Alan: Abstention.

Jon: Put up your white card then.

Steve: No, the white card is for blank votes.

Alan: What’s the difference with abstention?

Steve: Couldn’t we work out a compromise before voting? This is all going a bit too fast.

Rick: Fast?? This is all going nowhere! Couldn’t we just play the music? Improvise a bit? We’re not the House Of Commons, are we?

Alan (smiles): But we are The House of Yes.

Rick: This is too much! I’m off to the tearoom. I’ll join you later.


(Rick walks away, gazing at his shoes)


Jon (shakes his head): I’m worried about Rick.

Steve: Yes, if he misses this meeting, he might be playing F major 7 after all. Imagine where that could lead us to?


2 PM,  Studio 1

Jon: I just got a call from Trevor Horn. He’ll join us later this afternoon. He brings some James Brown horn samples. Says it will fit perfectly within the music.

Rick: He hasn’t even heard the music. So why can he say that it fits perfectly?

Alan: Well, maybe he’ll bring some songs of his own.

Rick: Don’t trust him. He has a history of playing whole albums by himself! I know this much: I won’t let him play my keyboards.

Alan: He can do bass though, since Chris left.

Rick: By the way, Jon, when are you going to use the bathroom for your vocals? It just comes out of the studio and it stands there.

Jon: Twenty-four before my love and I’ll… Sorry, I meant to say: just at the final recording sessions.


Suddenly a funny noise is being heard from inside the studio - bathroom. Steve jumps up.


Steve: There’s someone in the bathroom!

Jon: Sounds like he’s armed too. I hear some kind of chainsaw.

Steve: It’s moving! Or he’s moving!

Rick (suddenly grins from ear to ear): No mystery about that.

Steve: What do you mean?

Rick: Guys, I think I solved your mystery, or at least part of the mystery. In the old days, what used to be Chris Squire’s nickname, do you remember that?

Jon: His nickname? Wasn’t it… the fish?

Rick: Correct. Now why did he get that nickname?

Jon: I remember. Because of his marathon stinches in the b… You mean…?

Rick (still grinning): No doubt about it.

Steve: Could that really be true?

Jon: There’s only one way to find out.


(Jon knocks on the bathroom door).


Jon: Chris? Schindleria Praematurus? Is that you?

Chris: Huh?... Yeah, hold on a moment.


Five minutes later, a clean but sleepy Chris Squire steps out of the bathroom.  


Jon: We’ve been worried, Chris!

Chris: Well, you know, I saw the bath, and I thought, like, why shouldn’t I...  you know… (Looking at his watch): Hey, wait a minute! I’m right on time! We had an agreement on playing at two o’clock in this studio!

Jon: Yes, Chris, 24 hours ago…


At the end everybody was happy that there was still a full Yes after all. Chris was still mumbling from time to time: “Well, I was almost ready”. But apart from that, the band was in a good mood.


Alan: Great! This is the Going For The One, Keys To Ascension formation!

Steve: The definitive Yes - members are still here.

Jon: Yes, the Tales From Topographic Oceans group is still here!

Rick: Don’t push your luck, Anderson!


The band decided to do some playing. They cut another track and at 4 PM Trevor Horn joined the band. After listening to the music he decided to put on his producer’s cap. Rick went away to the tearoom, where he had a date with a girl for whom he had fallen “hook, line and sinker”, as he called it, but not before he asked everyone to pay attention that Trevor wouldn’t touch his keyboards. They all decided to be back in the studio at 7 PM.


Studio 1, 7 PM

Rick enters the studio. Trevor Horn was already there. He sees 6 pairs of slippers in the studio, a hallstand with six bathrobes, a pile of newspapers and a bottle of sherry with glasses.


Rick: Say, Trevor, what are you up to? What is all this stuff doing here? Do we have to share the room with the Rotary or what?

Trevor: Ah, you mean the slippers and all? No, that’s all for you. You know (in a whisper) we’re doing bass tonight!

Rick: Excuse me?

Trevor: Well, Chris still has to catch up with the rest, but apart from that, he has a habit of… taking his time, you know?

Rick: You mean…

Trevor: What I mean is that you probably have to stay here ‘till six in the morning. Chris wants it all sorted out alright. You know Chris. So sit back and relax, you can take a bath as well if you wish. Take your time… Maybe we should build a sauna in the studio as well.


Studio 1, 10.30 PM


The band is helping out with Trevor’s production. Read: Chris is checking his bass parts, while Jon tries to read the Times, Steve the Daily Telegraph, Rick is reading… well, never mind. They try to read, but every 5 minutes or so, Chris starts the following discussion or variations on the following discussion:


Chris: There seems to be a funny noise here.

Jon, Steve, Alan and Rick: No, Chris, there isn’t!

Chris: You don’t hear it? Then you must listen to it again.

Rick: No!

Jon: Okay, okay! There is a funny noise.

Chris: So you did notice! Maybe we should play the whole thing over again. What do you think?

Rick: I don’t think that’s necessary.

Chris: Maybe you didn’t hear it right?

Jon, Steve, Alan and Rick groan, and every time they grudgingly agree that the sound became better and better.


At 11 PM, Rick answers his mobile phone. It turns out to be a girlfriend. Rick sneaks out for a date.


Studio 1, 11.45 PM


The night watch enters the room, to inform Jon that somebody’s on the phone for him. It’s Rick.


Rick: Sorry Jon, I’m leaving.

Jon: Rick, say it ain’t so! Why?

Rick: Well, you were in the same room with me tonight, weren’t you? I don’t think you need a further explanation.

Jon: That was only tonight, I’m sure.

Rick: Jon, how many normal days did we have yet?

Jon: I see what you mean, but…

Rick: This time I made up my find. I want a peaceful life, if you know what I mean. Has our mysterious joker called yet?

Jon: No, he hasn’t. I'm glad about that.

Rick: One mustn't speak too soon. Jon, listen to this little verse I made:


“Five little proggers were aiming for more and more and more,

Then one thought: less is more, and he slipped out through the door.”


Jon: Rick… was it you all the time?? You’re the joker?

Rick (sighing): Goodnight Jon.



Edited by Moogtron III - March 26 2007 at 04:12
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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2007 at 04:28

Great stuff!!



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Frasse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2007 at 10:44
Originally posted by Moogtron III Moogtron III wrote:

Alan: Great! This is the Going For The One, Keys To Ascension formation!

Steve: The definitive Yes - members are still here.

Jon: Yes, the Tales From Topographic Oceans group is still here!

Rick: Don’t push your luck, Anderson!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 01 2007 at 18:02
Thank you, Glass House and Frasse!
Here's part 7 of my story, for those who like it!
Day 7


9.30  AM, studio 1


Jon enters the studio, and suddenly sees that somebody put graffiti art on the studio bathroom. There were some messages to be read:


“Our reason to be here”,

“Always doors to lock away your dreams”


“After all don’t doubt your part”


10 AM, control room


The inspector gives the first results of his investigations to the four remaining band members.


Inspector: I’ve found no fingerprints yet, and no other marks that could help me solve the case. Not a clue from the graffiti either, except that the messages… They’re from one of your albums, isn’t it?

Steve: Yes, they’re all quotations from the Relayer album.

Chris: Even now I don’t have a clue what the words mean.

Inspector: It might help us, though.

Jon: But have you talked to Rick yet? I told you about his phone call from last night. He delivered me personally one of those crazy ten little progger rhymes.

Inspector: Mr. Anderson, has mr. Wakeman made a confession to you?

Jon: Not in so many words, but when I asked if he was the joker, he didn’t deny it.

Inspector: This morning I had a phone call with mr. Wakeman myself, and he said he didn’t do it, that he wasn’t the joker. And I must tell you, I’m inclined to believe him.

Jon: But still he delivered me one of those crazy rhymes!

Inspector: Come on, mr. Anderson, you collected all those rhymes. Didn’t you notice that there was something different about mr. Wakeman’s rhyme? It didn’t end like the other rhymes. It should have ended with: “And suddenly they were four”, or “And then they were four”, but it didn’t. It ended with “door”.

Jon: Meaning?

Inspector: Meaning, that it could very well be that mr. Wakeman was just joking when he made the rhyme, a somewhat bitter joke, but that he wasn’t the joker, if you know what I mean.

Steve: Still, it is strange that our usual joker didn’t deliver his usual rhyme afterwards. You’d think that if it wasn’t Rick, that it must have been someone who is very well acquainted with the band, and the present state of things. Now why didn’t the real joker deliver a rhyme? He must have known that Rick had left.

Jon: It’s still the most likely thing that the joker is one of us, one of the remaining members of the band.

Inspector: Because?

Jon: Because the other band members, the ones that left the band, have also left the building!

Inspector: Do you think?

Jon: You’re not going to tell me that it isn’t so, are you??

Inspector: Let me respond with a question. Mr. Anderson, how many studios are there, in this building?

Jon: One, I suppose?

Steve: No, there are nine other, smaller studios, down the hall, around the corner.

Inspector: And that’s making things not any easier.

Jon: What are you trying to say?

Inspector: Mr. Anderson, prepare yourself for a shock.


(Unfolds a paper)


Inspector: Take a look at the present studio schedule.


Studio 1:   Yes

Studio 2:   Bill Bruford’s Earthworks

Studio 3:   Flash

Studio 4:   Patrick Moraz

Studio 5:   The Buggles

Studio 6:   Vangelis

Studio 7:   - r e s e r v a t i o n –

Studio 8:   -

Studio 9:   -

Studio 10: -


Jon: I can’t believe this!

Chris: Flash, isn’t that that Peter Banks’ old band?

Steve: And The Buggles, that’s with Geoff Downes?

Inspector: Absolutely correct! I’ve checked it out with Kitty, the secretary of this building. Nobody of your band has really left the building, at least not during the day time. Nobody except Trevor Rabin who’s still in the US. And mr. Wakeman. But he made a reservation for studio 7 for tomorrow.

Jon: Really? And what about Vangelis? What is he doing here?

Inspector: Like the others, recording an album.

Jon: But why here?

Inspector: Vangelis says, and they all say  by the way, that it’s for the same reason as you guys, it’s a new studio here, a cheap studio, yet completely state-of-the-art.

Jon: It’s so hard to believe.

Inspector: I agree.

Jon: But why did they all stay here, and why didn’t they talk to us?

Inspector: Well, I don’t know that yet.

Jon: Where’s Trevor Horn by the way?

Inspector: He’s doing the Buggles’ album with Geoff.



2 PM, studio 1


Band rehearsal.


Jon (singing softly): Celestial dreamer, coming out of thin air

Chris: Earth to Jon, come in Jon!

Jon: Excuse me?

Chris: We’ve already finished, and you’re still singing.

Jon: Well, it was a short piece of music.

Chris: It was not! I clocked at… (looking at the control panel) 3: 30!

Jon: That is short, it’s like… a hit single!

Chris: Just the way it was intended.

Jon: We’re not a hit single band!

Chris: You’ve got a hit single disease!

Jon (sighs): Okay, okay, a hit single it shall be. Let’s try again.


Alan, Steve and Chris play some hard rocking music. Jon starts singing.


Jon: “The gentle river springs from the silent mountain, butterflies spreading their colourful wings…”


Chris suddenly stops. The rest of the band follows.


Chris: Jon, what is all this river – mountain stuff?

Jon: Just some words that fit within the music.

Chris: But we’re doing a heavy rock jam!

Jon: Maybe you should play a little softer then.

Chris: Maybe you should sing other words! Something with balls, not this airy-fairy nonsense.

Jon (sighs): Well, I’ll try.


7 PM, studio 1

Alan, Chris and Steve return in the studio. They wait for Jon, but when they find out that he doesn’t show up, they start playing all the same. At 9 PM, when Jon still isn’t there, they discuss the situation, and Steve’s staring at the studio schedule. Suddenly he jumps up when he sees something has changed.


Steve: Studio 6, Jon and Vangelis??


He holds up the paper and shakes his head in disbelief.


Alan: Wait! There’s something written on the back.


And at the back of the paper there was a little rhyme:


“Four little proggers were playing heavy,

But one liked “twee”, and then there were three.”



Edited by Moogtron III - April 01 2007 at 18:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 01 2007 at 18:59
Ah thanks. Some first class entertainmentSmile A relief from all those horrid Aprils Fools jokes. 
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Crazy Penguin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2007 at 13:18
High quality stuff Thumbs%20Up  Have you written similar stories before? You're quite good at this.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2007 at 14:34

All bow to the great storyteller Moogtron III.

This is top notch stuff!!! Clap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2007 at 16:52
Thank you all!!
Crazy Penguin: I did write a short story (or dialogue) before, about Genesis reforming, when that was a hot item on PA, more than a year ago. It's called Genesis Worst Case Scenario, and there's no link on PA anymore (only items that are younger than one year are being stored on the site). If you're interested, I can send it to you by PM (and to anybody else who's interested).
Oh, and I also wrote a short dialogue about a scientific congress where some professors were exchanging theories about the homo symphonicus or homo progressus. I didn't save it, because I thought all old items were being stored by PA Embarrassed . That was my debut story and I'm not too proud of it, so maybe it's for the best that I lost it LOL .
Thanks everybody for the kind comments, I appreciate!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 05 2007 at 10:06
Moogtron III, was that the story about the Genesis Reunion First Rehearsal? I remember laughing out loud. I would love a copy!
Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 05 2007 at 10:20
Originally posted by Firepuck Firepuck wrote:

Moogtron III, was that the story about the Genesis Reunion First Rehearsal? I remember laughing out loud. I would love a copy!
Yes, it was. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was much fun putting it together. I'll send you a copy right away.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 05 2007 at 11:18
Got it! Yes, that was the story I remember - very, very funny.
Thank you.
Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
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