Dick Heath wrote:
Can you really believe 2m for the first album - you sure an extra nought hasn't been added to most of those figures? Found one quote on the web suggesting Fleetwood Mac's Rumours by 1997 had sold 25 millions - and what that, the 3 or 4 th best selling album ever? The local remaindered book shop have been selling a series of books with the title (approx) the best selling albums of the decade, (Abacab is included in one but sales figures, if I remember correctly, are <5million.
Actually , it is not hard to believe. have you seen how many tim es it has been released both on vinyl and in Cd. I stopped counted after 20 different sleeves and title. they must've suckered a lot of people into buying it more than once.
I have this one as Rock Roots (from Decca/London). I love the silent Sun artwork: a sun setting behind a bare tree: reminded me of W&W.