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Topic: Whats In Your Rig? (Your musical rig!) Posted: July 22 2005 at 23:08 |
Tonight I pulled out some old gear, hooked it up, and had a great time
sifting through old presets, and creating some new tones. My guitar rig
is ever-changing, but the staples of it are my Strat, a Line 6 Pod xt,
a Behringer FCB 1010 controller and an ancient Acoustic 165 tube combo.
Tonight I pulled out my old Digitech GSP 2101, dusted it off, placed
the Pod xt in it's effects loop, and shortly discovered that with this
rig I can cover virtually any guitar tone I could think of. I set
about programming the FCB to approximate my pedal board from the
1980's, which I was able to do with the Pod's models and some of the
2101's more arcane delays.
Next thing I knew, I had another new part developing. Funny that, how using old equipment can be inspiring...
"I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress..."
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Posted: July 23 2005 at 02:24 |
Well, Im real excited to talk about this, as I have just added two new kids to the "gear" family!!!! 
First off, I got myself a great Fender stratocaster which plays beautifully, it's in a cream color, with a very strange enigmatic pickguard color, it's got some sort of duncan pickups, looks like minihumbuckers, but Im not sure, though they sound fantastic.
Also, today, (what I actually went to the store to pick up ) I got myself an E-MU Xboard 49 MIDI controller to play all my awesome mellotron, moog, string synths, etc with. I just barely installed it and played on my mellotron plugins for a few minutes and Im already loving this controller!! I dont think anything really beats it for the money!
Anyways, my guitar rig consists of my Laney VC30 which sounds fantastic, though I always run my guitar into my Digitech GNX processor to get all my custom made effects and tones for specific sounds. Before today, the guitar I mostly played on (electric anyway) was my Epiphone LP Custom with replaced parts, including new Duncan pickups, which I love with all my heart.
Also, the guitar I play most is my acoustic, some sort of rare Takamine model with a cutaway and a preamp in it, I love it to death, and I think it sounds fantastic. I just absolutely adore my equipment, and just like you said it Pam, it all in itself inspires me everyday to come up with great music playing these awesome instruments!
Links to musical projects coming soon!!!
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Posted: July 29 2005 at 12:20 |
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Posted: July 29 2005 at 12:45 |
ESP Horizon NT-II + Vox Tonelab SE. It's amazing, I don't need anything else.
The Owl
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Posted: July 30 2005 at 19:14 |
Pretty simple for me:
Epiphone SG (cherry red)
Traynor YCV-40 tube amp (it's like having a Fender Deluxe and a Marshall Plexi in one amp, tone for days!)
Yamaha Magic Stomp multi-effects pedal
Volume Pedal
For Recording:
PC with Cubase SE software (up to 48 tracks audio and unlimited MIDI)
Alesis Multi-Mix 16-Channel USB/Audio mixer
A ton of VST Soft-Syths (Mellotrons, Clavinet, Organs, e-pianos, Mini-Moog and ARP 2600 synths to name a few)
Edited by The Owl
People are puzzled why I don't dig the Stones, well, I listened to the Stones, I tried, and I tried, and I tried, and--I Can't Get No Satisfaction!
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Posted: August 01 2005 at 17:52 |
A bunch of keyboards (11 or so, mainly Korg, Yamaha and Novation), 2 Pods (Bass and Guitar XT Pros), Westone Thunder 1A, Ovation and Fender Katana Bass. I don't use my amps these days, but I've got a Laney 45 that gets a superb sound when combined with the Westone, and a Yamaha B-100 combined with a Peavey 2x10 and 1x18 Black Widow cab for el basso profundo - and with that setup, it gets pretty profundo!
These all feed into a 3Ghz HT Wintel PC running Sony Acid 5.0, equipped with an aging Echo Gina sound card.
Sam Fire
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Posted: September 10 2005 at 17:23 |
For guitar, I use a Gibson '72 Les Paul or a Peavey Raptor Plus EXP through a Black Cat Moan/Wah, Ross distortion, Electro-Harmonix Bad Stone Phase Shifter, and a Digitech Digiverb, all into a Peavey TransTube 258 EFX or a Behringer GMX210.
For guitar, I use a Peavey Foundation, Squire P-bass Special, Peavey Milestone IV, and soon a Rogue LX200BF fretless, all ito a Peavey Bassic 112 (low-end), which feeds a Peavey MicroBass (high-end). And then I will reroute my effects loop into the bass amp.
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Posted: September 10 2005 at 17:35 |
I only use a Vox ToneLab SE - and my guitar. It's all I need ... and it covers a lot of sounds and effects.
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Posted: September 11 2005 at 01:45 |
I use a 1973 Fender Bullet Deluxe Bass, a Crate BX-100 bass amp, and a few analog pedals: Vox Wah, Maestro Fuzz, and a chorus flanger.
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Posted: September 11 2005 at 02:51 |
Schecter Diamond series Elite 004 4-string bass
Ampeg BA-115 1x15 combo amp
Boss Bass Overdrive pedal
homemade boost pedal
occasionally my old Digitech RP-3 processor (once i get around to fixing it)
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Posted: September 11 2005 at 02:53 |
speaking of... has anyone here ever made their own effects?
I'm an Electrical Engineering student and I built my own boost pedal
this summer. the prospect of building my own effects pedals seems
like a lot of fun and I want to do it more often.
does anyone have experience with this?
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Posted: September 11 2005 at 03:18 |
I play a Gibson Les Paul Custom with Boss effects and volume pedal, DI'd straight into a behringer mixer.
For recording I use Sonar.
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Posted: September 29 2005 at 05:55 |
I got a bunch of stuff:
Korg 01w/fd Pro
Alesis QS6.1
Korg DW-8000 (in need of replacement due to busted processor  )
Arp/Solina String Ensemble (due to be retired!)
Roland XP-10
Yamaha PSR-400 used as a controller keyboard for an EMU Vintage Keys Pro
Roland SP606
Alesis AirSynth
Ultimate Stands, miscellaneous pedals, Behringer Mixer, Digital MIDI patchbay, Shure mics
Roland KC-550 Keyboard Amp
By the end of the year I should have a Roland PK5 pedal MIDI
controller, a Kurzwiel SP88X Stage Piano, and a replacement DW-8000
& EX-8000. Next year I plan on a MiniMoog Voyager!
Roland VS2400 16-channel, 24-track virtual studio, with Roland SI24
control surface, mouse, keyboard, and flat screen monitor.
Two Roland DS50 reference monitors
Raxxess Producer's Station
Two Behringer 48-point patch bays
Behringer Compressor and stereo 21 band graphic EQ
numerous computer based programs and soft synths
I'm concentrating on keyboard stuff this year, but I hope to have a new
headphone amp, 16 channel snake, and monitor stands by the end of the
year...if I can restrain myself from buying too many prog CDs!
Big Hairy Monster's debut CD
"View" coming soon!
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Posted: September 30 2005 at 14:32 |
Cort M600, does anybody out there own a Cort ? I love this guitar.
I play this through a Boss GT6, an old Boss analogue delay and a horrible Peavey bandit
The Boss is a great machine.I am on a very tight budget so this is the perfect machine,great sound and reletively cheap.The syth sounds are great with a bit of tweaking and the 'tracking' is a big improvement on the GT5. Many a drunken evening blasting out Riding the Scree !!
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Posted: September 30 2005 at 17:00 |
Ibanez RG 1527 through a Laney LC30 (old model, made in the u.k.)
"my kingdom for a horse!" (W. Shakespeare, "Richard III")
Karl Hungus
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Posted: September 30 2005 at 21:02 |
My rig, such as it is:
Ibanez RG1527
Tokai PR50T
BC Rich NJ Virgin (DiMarzio Tone Zone & Air Norton pickups. Tuned to C)
BC Rich Bodyart Mockingbiard (Tuned to D)
BC Rich 5 String NJ Warlock Bass
Dean Rhapsody Fretless
Mesa Boogie Nomad 45 1x12
Trace Elliot Boxer 30
Behringer V-Amp Pro
Roland Microcube
I'm sure some people are spitting when they see BC Rich mentioned. ;)
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Posted: October 01 2005 at 23:17 |
I stick a Dean Hardtail Standard through a Behringer GMX212 (2x60).
It's loud enough for my purposes and the Dean is one of the most
perfect instruments I've ever played.
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Posted: October 02 2005 at 07:39 |
At present I use:
Etherwave Theremin Pro, PolyMoog, Yamaha S90, Novation K5, Korg Prophesy, MiniMoog, Kurzweil SP88, Comgood Convolver III, Roland XV5080, Korg X3R, Korg CX3, Roland JV1080, Yamaha P80 and further VST instruments.
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Posted: October 10 2005 at 03:22 |
basic beginers rig:
OLP John Petrucci
Behriger vamp
MIDI pedalboard
Atomic Reactor 112 amp( very good for modelers)
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Posted: November 03 2005 at 17:57 |
GUITAR: Yamaha RGX312, with DiMarzio super distortion as bridge pick up and DiMarzio fast track2 as neck pick up
AMP: Behringer V-Tone GMX212
PEDALS & EFFECTS: Marshall shred master (overdrive), Korg AX1000G (send & return: it's good for such effects as chorus, delay etc but awful for distortion...)
STRINGS: D'addario .009-.046