Oh, crap. Former Ottoman district of Greece? Former British colony of Ireland? Former Soviet republic of Estonia?
C'mon people, get a picture! They are MACEDONIANS, they speak Macedonian, they live in Macedonia!
How should they call themeselves? Martians? Jupiterians? BetweenAlbaniansAndBulgarians?
We all know that they got nothing to do with old famous Greek Macedonia and Alexander the Great! That is sheer GREEK heritage, and Im sure Greeks are proud of it. I know I would be.
It's not the Macedonians fault that they got the name hundreds of years ago, most probably by some Byzanthian historian. They are Slavic nation with Slavic roots and language, along with Serbs, Russians etc...they are writing Cyrilic letters, not Greek, etc etc.
What, citizens of Rome shouldn't be called "Roman" bc of some ancient
empire? What about Egyptians??? Hello, Egyptians!!?? Should they be
Present Arabic State on a Space of Former Ancient Egyptian Empire,
I can understand that Greeks are annoyed by the name, but that is not Macedonians fault. We can't really expect that some
country will be named with stupid acronyms untill the end of the word.
Peace and respect to everyone,