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heartsong62 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2010 at 21:46
_popupControl(); As a Supertramp fan, I love Ricks music, I love Roger music.   This is not about drawing a line in the sand and downgrade one performer over the other, this is about the love of music played live.  Both Roger and Rick do offer their music to the public. 
I would love to see Rick's jazzy, bluesy, masterfully played performance, but would struggle with someone else singing Rogers songs.  I struggle with many groups who filled spaces left open by exiting members, but is just me.  If Rick would tour under his name as Roger does that would help many fans who understand the relationships within this group.. 
Truly it's about the music and how the people who love it interact with it.  It's not about who is better/worse for that is subjective not objective, involving personal opinions, but yet that is a persons love of music, personal. 
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Chris S View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2010 at 01:21
^ That's cool so you would say that David Gilmour should have renamed MLOR and DB under his solo name? Bollocks///// Both Roger's left and relinquished the band names too.... Just drawing an analogy with the Floyd scenario.....anyhow peace, great to see many new forum members climbing into this topicThumbs Up
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carlfitz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2010 at 04:22
Originally posted by Chris S Chris S wrote:

Originally posted by Rosie D Rosie D wrote:

While I would love to see an actual Supertramp reunion, I have to say I would certainly prefer seeing a Roger Hodgson solo show over a RIck Davies solo show [posing as Supertramp] any day of the week.  My understanding is that Rick is the only member of the original ["golden years"]  band actually participating -- which will make it even more bogus when they perform Roger's material, in blatant disregard of their verbal agreement. 

Chris S., I think you may be one of maybe 3 people I've ever heard of [the other 2 being Rick & Sue Davies ;)] who prefer the post-Hodgson material.  Rick & Roger were perfect together, bouncing ideas off each other & spurring each other on -- yin & yang, maybe.  Rick's subsequent stuff just didn't cut it for me, personally.  Roger's solo stuff, on the other hand, was and is excellent for the most part [excepting Hai Hai, which isn't half bad either ;)].  His solo shows are superb. 

I totally agree with Strawberry Fields: Roger is well worth going out of your way for.  I wish I could go to Europe to see him!  Check out the website for info on his 2010 world tour:

Comments respected and yes Hodgson/Davies were great for their earlier works. Personally I dislike most of Hodgson's solo work ( Open the Door aside) but I am sure he is great live. I was fortunate to see Something's never Change tour and Slow Motion tours in the UK and believe me Mark Hart was a more than able replacement. Supertramp evolved into a more jazz orientated band and with the exception of Doug Thompson, the Siebenberg prescence was still there ( Bob's son). Rick's music and the band's output really was refreshing. Heliiwell also in fine form still. I guess opinions vary just like I enjoyed say Collin's era Genesis just as much as the Gabriel era. I just think Rick Davies owned the  Supertamp sound format and continued with it
Brother Where You Bound 4/5
Free As a Bird 3/5
Some Things Never Change 4/5
Slow Motion  3.5/5
Notwithstanding that their most commercial era was with Hodgson in it but I would sacrifice that nowadays to see the jazz sound of latter day Supertramp. So I don;t think Rick & Sue Davies and me are the only three. Maybe run another pollSmile
I saw the post Hodgson supertramp in bercy in may 1997 and while i really enjoyed Rick singing his wonderful OLD supertramp stuff i could not stand hearing Mark Hart singing Hodgons songs.He seemed very uncomfortable doing them and it ruined a part of the show for me.If supertramp are touring again this fall i hope Rick sings his own great compositions and leaves Hodgsons alone,as he did in 1986 on the BWYB tour.
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Supagormas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2010 at 08:30

I must admit at not only being annoyed but totally dissapointed that for Supertramps 40th Anniversary tour it does not include Roger Hodgson. Both writers Rick Davies and Roger saw the band through its 'golden' era!! Really whats that all about!!!!! For thousands of fans like myself would have loved to have seeen them reunite one last time on stage. It would be nice that any personal/business differences were put aside and considerations be given to the fans that bought the records and attended the concerts at the time of the glory years...and made them millionaires to boot...there Give A Little Bit is now Crime of the Century. Angry    

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Chris S View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2010 at 11:22
LOL^LOLLOL - check the source.......LOL
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Flora View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2010 at 18:56
Wow what a discussion.  I have to admit I have never seen Supertramp and can't remember when they even toured last so please educate me.  I love Rick's & Roger's music.  I was hoping the Supertramp tour had all the original members.  Are Dougie, Jessie and John on this tour?  I love Rick's originals so Jazzy but I'm from Memphis so I'm biased.  And I have seen Roger's concerts and have been blown away heart and soul by his wonderful music and presence.  I'll probably go to both of their concerts I'm just bummed it's not a reunion tour.
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RobinSpain View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2010 at 18:56
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RobinSpain View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2010 at 19:06
I signed up for Google alerts and this popped up announcing the ST show in France. For me, I’m not going to go to it, I went to see ST 3 times in 2002 and say, they did sound like they were technically, mechanically good musicians, but didn’t feel any heart, soul, spirit.  It didn’t touch me, didn’t make me cry or laugh, it was quite dry and actually boring for me.  I was disappointed.  Whereas I’ve been to quite a few of Roger’s shows, band and solo and orchestra, and I get chills. I’m left with a feel good feeling for quite a while and deeply touched.  So the results of Roger’s show I much prefer to seeing a big band production that has no spirit or magic or heart to it. 

So, I’m going to see a couple of Roger’s shows in France, he's playing there on July 20th and 27th.  Also I noticed there is a person who wrote about Roger not going out with ST, if you go to, you can read the letter that Roger's manager wrote, saying that basically Roger was not invited to tour with ST. On another site I saw the rest of the band was only invited a couple of weeks before they announced the tour.  So it seems like this tour was pulled off last minute. For the fans sake, I think Rick and Sue Davies made a mistake in not inviting Roger to join on the tour and also to ask Dougie. Anyway, great to find your site.  

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Markus_70 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2010 at 12:58
Sorry, but here is another guy who prefers Rick Davies interpretation of Supertramp. Both, Rick an Roger, were on of the best songwriters of all time. But for me Rick is much more deep-going and sophisticated. Sure, the best thing would be if both would re-unite. But that it óbiously won´t be. I´m looking forward for Supertramp. Roger ist NOT Supertramp. Rick is NOT Supertramp too. But Rick, John and Bob are 70% of Supertramp. So I´m very excited...
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Flora View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 17 2010 at 21:06
Hey Markus I agree I love Rick's songs and I heard that Roger did offer to play some dates but it was turned down.  I already made my plans around Roger's tour dates which were posted before I ever heard Rick was going to tour so I'm going to go to both of their concerts if I can coordinate it somehow.  It's a shame Rick's management didn't take Roger up on his offer and work out something with their tour schedules for us fans.  Wish Rick had a better name for the tour, the 40th anniversary made me think it was a reunion but that would be with Dougie and Roger, the whole gang to me.
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MaryLisa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 17 2010 at 23:44
I too heard Roger was not invited to play with Rick's tour coming up, and that Roger asked to play a few shows with ST and Rick & Sue's agent said no way, it will never happen. Wow, what a bummer, this is what I heard from a fan that is close to the management. I'm just happy Roger is touring so much this year and will be playing his songs, the ones he wrote, which were all the hits I grew up with and love, love, love! It's a shame about Rick not wanting to invite Roger to tour, and I can understand that people that like jazz or blues can really relate to Rick's music, but Roger to me is and always will be the heart of ST and I will be going to Canada to see him this year!
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RobinSpain View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2010 at 08:07

CONFIRMED! - Supertramp announced this 2010 tour without inviting Roger !!  ROGER WILL NOT BE IN THIS TOUR AT ALL!!  Read the scoop here -


This article says ROGER'S management said:  " the tour is “misleading” and “disrespectful”. We’ve been told that they are billing the tour as the 40th Anniversary tour of the band and we just find this very surprising, misleading and disrespectful of Roger since he is the only other member that was a part of Supertramp when he and Rick founded the band together 40 years ago."


I think it's so wrong to use Roger as a carrot to get people to go to Rick's concert when Roger is not even going to be there and Rick knows it. Don't get me wrong, i respect Rick's jazzy style of music and if that is what someone wants to hear, they should go see Rick. But to me, Roger is the heart of ST and it's his songs that make my heart sing, and it's dishonest to mislead fans like me so Rick could sell tickets. Shame on you Rick's management for taking advantage of fans in this way!!

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genbanks View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2010 at 16:36
Originally posted by RobinSpain RobinSpain wrote:

CONFIRMED! - Supertramp announced this 2010 tour without inviting Roger !!  ROGER WILL NOT BE IN THIS TOUR AT ALL!!  Read the scoop here -


This article says ROGER'S management said:  " the tour is “misleading” and “disrespectful”. We’ve been told that they are billing the tour as the 40th Anniversary tour of the band and we just find this very surprising, misleading and disrespectful of Roger since he is the only other member that was a part of Supertramp when he and Rick founded the band together 40 years ago."


I think it's so wrong to use Roger as a carrot to get people to go to Rick's concert when Roger is not even going to be there and Rick knows it. Don't get me wrong, i respect Rick's jazzy style of music and if that is what someone wants to hear, they should go see Rick. But to me, Roger is the heart of ST and it's his songs that make my heart sing, and it's dishonest to mislead fans like me so Rick could sell tickets. Shame on you Rick's management for taking advantage of fans in this way!!

Thank's for the link. I read the article, and it's really sad that Rick and Roger start to fight again. I must say that I read several interviews with Roger in the past in which he accuses Rick to try to uses him in the benefit of the band (refering to a possible returning of him to the band). And now he says things like "...the reaction I am getting from fans is “please don’t reunite”. I think a lot of the magic and spirit that people think they would see at a Supertramp reunion they are actually getting at my shows now. I feel the reunion I am having is with my audience and it feels really good...”. But now he wants the reunion. Of course things like this doesn't help. Seems to be that Roger has some resentment, when he was the one who left the band. In this context I could understand Rick's answer. By the way the best that could happen is that Roger could be in the tour, and Dougie too.
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Chris S View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2010 at 18:25

Roger Hodgson climbed off The Supertramp bike a long time ago.......take the long way home dear boy

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2010 at 19:17
the best would be Rick on Keybords, Roger on Guitar Bass and keybords, Palmer-James on guitar, Halliwel on  Sax and Clarinet, Bob S on Drums and Dougi as suport bass on some songs
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 24 2010 at 16:34
that's interesting news. Maybe I will attend the show...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 14:38
Definitively Roger Hodgson won`t be part of the next Supertramp Tour. Mark Hurt won't be too. Seems to be that Bob's son, Jesse Siebemberg will take the vocals in Roger's parts. Everything will be in family, what I think is good. A new website ( gives some details about. "...joining Supertramp’s founder, lead singer and keyboardist, Rick Davies, are legendary Supertramp members John Anthony Helliwell, saxophones and woodwinds, and Bob Siebenberg, drums. Veterans of past Supertramp tours, Jesse Siebenberg, lead vocals, guitars and percussion, Cliff Hugo, bass, Carl Verheyen, guitars and Lee Thornburg, horns, will round out the lineup..."
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Chris S View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 15:12
Great line up. Pretty much the same as the Slow Motion tour sans Mark Hart. Thank goodness that guy Roger Hodgson is not in the line upLOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2010 at 20:30
Hope they put the tour into a dvd. Once I saw a VHS of the Free as a bird tour, but never could find it again. I think that there's not a dvd of a Supertramp tour after the Famous last words tour.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 29 2010 at 15:43
One date in the UK and one in Ireland!

14 dates in Germany Confused and 8 in France.Confused

Why just the one here?

What have the Brits done to just get the one dateConfused
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