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Enchant Appreciation Thread

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Enchant Appreciation Thread
Posted By: rushfan4
Subject: Enchant Appreciation Thread
Date Posted: October 09 2014 at 17:18
I'm curious to see how much activity, if any, this thread generates, but in honor of the release of The Great Divide, their first album in 11 years, just thought that I would start an appreciation thread for this California prog band.  As you may already know, their vocalist is Ted Leonard, who currently resides behind the microphone for Spock's Beard. 

Anyhow, are their any Enchant fans here?  What are your favorite albums?  Any good live stories?  Anything else that seems Enchant-ing enough to discuss (oh yes, I went there.)  What are your thoughts on The Great Divide?


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 09 2014 at 17:21
Along those lines, here is a poll from a couple of years back asking for your favorite Enchant album.  Link posted here with all apologies to Epi-Rob.


Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: October 10 2014 at 00:32
I appreciate Enchant.
The one disappointment about 21st century Enchant is the lack of Paul Craddick on drums.  Such an amazing drummer!

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 10 2014 at 08:47
In case you are interested, Paul and his wife, Hannah Stobart, have a new band called Rocket Moth and released their debut album called Mesolow.  A few of the songs can be heard on Band Camp." rel="nofollow -   As you may know, they teamed up with Marillion's Steve Rothery in the band The Wishing Tree.  The samples bring to mind this band, if mostly because of Hannah's singing.


Posted By: O666
Date Posted: October 10 2014 at 11:50
I like them specially "Time Lost" and " Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10" Albums. They are influenced by RUSH without copying RUSH musical elements. I listen to their last album "The Great Divide" today. IMO they change their direction and I think they play Mellower music. Perhaps I must listen to "The Great Divide" more then talk about that.
BTW Enchant is one of my fav bands and I like their RUSH style music. 

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 14 2014 at 08:48
Off on an Enchant listening marathon.  It has been a long while since I have spun any of their albums (aside from the new one).  First off is A Blueprint of the World.  Only three songs in, but so far it is as good as I remember it. Thumbs Up


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: October 14 2014 at 09:33
I have yet to explore them...added to my musical bucket list
Thanks Scott


Posted By: addictedtoprog
Date Posted: October 14 2014 at 10:00
I own only one Enchant album- "Tug Of War".
Gud album...Progtology,Comatose,Sinking Sand...gud songs.

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: October 14 2014 at 10:26
I own three Enchant albums. Great band, simple, accessible, yet interesting enough. I didn't know they had released a new album. I guess I'll have to invest on it. Their last one (I think it was Tug of War) was really good. 


Posted By: O666
Date Posted: October 15 2014 at 10:54
Yesterday I listened to CD2 of "The Great Divide" in my friend's house. Honestly I can't talk about that because I can't zoom on it. If you want buy this album , try to find Deluxe Edition. 
"The Great Divide" grown to me and I listen to this album 2or3 times in day. I like the title track. Perfect Vocal,Great Bass line,bombastic key and guitar and ... I recommend this to Prog Rock fans.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 15 2014 at 15:40
Progtology seems like a good song to "enchant" newbies with.


Posted By: The T
Date Posted: October 15 2014 at 16:05
^Tug of War is perfect album for a band that wanted to release rockin' songs with a dosage of "prog" in it. Ted Leonard's voice is an acquired taste but one that is very unique and characteristic for the type of music Enchant makes. 

How does their recent album compare to Tug of War and the previous ones? 


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 15 2014 at 16:18
I'll have to let you know.  I am reacquainting myself with their older stuff.  I was initially thinking that the new album was mellower than their older stuff, but they have a lot of mellow tracks on the older stuff too.  I've enjoyed my listens to the new album enough to make me want to go back and revisit the older that is something. 

I wasn't aware of the deluxe version, so I just have the one disc version, but I have all of the older albums, so I can probably make a playlist to recreate the second disc.


Posted By: O666
Date Posted: October 16 2014 at 11:17
You absolutely right about their last album and agree with you about "mellow" tracks. I haven't disc 2 too but I really like to find that. In my country this kind of music are hard to find. 

Posted By: O666
Date Posted: October 17 2014 at 11:57
Hi guys. I must talk about " The Great Divide " CD2 . This is a "mellow" selection of Enchant's previous albums without any new stuffs. I listen to that and I don't find any changes like remaster or radio edit or .... maybe you find but as I said before CD2 haven't any new stuffs for Enchant's huge fans BUT its good for proggers that want to meet Enchant for first time. 

Posted By: RoeDent
Date Posted: March 11 2015 at 07:40
I bought The Great Divide last autumn, and I absolutely love it! I diiscovered Ted Leonard through his work with Spock's Beard. I loved his vocals on Brief Nocturnes, and TGD is more of the same, which is fantastic! My favourite songs are the title track, Transparent Man and Deserve to Feel, but they're all great! Now I have to work out where to go next with their discography.

Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 11 2015 at 15:36
never heard anything by the band. but that's the bucket list adding them...

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Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 12 2015 at 00:36
I'm in the same boat - bought the 2-LP of The Great Divide, on the grounds that Ted L is the new vocalist for Spock's.
What an outright GREAT album. Not a dud second throughout. Very impressed. Each member puts in 110% and the result shows. I took a chance, thinking it should be a passable album, boy was I blown away from the first spin. I may even love this one more than Brief Nocturnes. Hard to say which is a favourite track - maybe the title-song or Here And Now, but all is superb.
I laughed to myself when I saw the photos of them on the sleeves - looking like average-Joe blokes on the work-site down the road . Ted's vocals are excellent, and he can sure write a good song.
Now this is yet another reason I'm listening more and more to modern Prog, with occasional visits to 60's-70's Prog.

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: March 14 2015 at 05:39
I have to admit that their recent album was a let-down compared to the rest of their discography, sounds rather bland to me. I don't think Enchant have ever reached the "perfection" level with any of their previous releases but they always put out consistent, excellent, albums and Ted's vocals are a trademark of their sound.

Posted By: ScottK
Date Posted: June 26 2015 at 06:13
Hello, everyone!
It's nice to see some appreciation for a band that I have a *very* personal connection with.
You see, I used to jam with Doug Ott (Guitar) and Ed Platt (Bass) back in the late 70's / early 80's. It's gratifying to see them making so much success of their considerable talents and to receive such appreciation from the fans here.
I think that "The Great Divide" is an excellent & triumphant return for Enchant.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: June 26 2015 at 06:38
Oh, the old Enchant appreciation thread trick......
Since The Great Divide is the only vinyl available, I've got that - it's a beauty, start to finish.
I don't buy CDs - I just don't.........
I wish all releases were available as LP, just like the good old days.......

Posted By: ScottK
Date Posted: June 26 2015 at 13:25
So true, Tom - sadly, today we need a way to have our music in our pockets or on our wrists to give ourselves our own "Personal Soundtrack" as we move through the day. It's not very convenient to drag vinyl along with us.
Analog Cassette? Yes, it worked and retained the warmth of "Analog" recording technology. But, Digital is here to stay and will remain the dominant medium for years to come.
I have a lovely Rotel Turntable that needs a new drive belt and needle. I also believe that "Blueprint..." is also available as vinyl as well.

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