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Digital releases, long tracks and segues

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Topic: Digital releases, long tracks and segues
Posted By: benbell
Subject: Digital releases, long tracks and segues
Date Posted: October 21 2013 at 12:45
I'm in the process of sorting out a digital release to go on iTunes, Amazon et al and am trying to get my head around what the best thing to do about long tracks.

As I understand it, Amazon and iTunes decide on whether a track is available as a "single" or only as part of the full album simply by looking at the length of the track. The problem I have is that our album is essentially three long songs set between four short musical interludes which knit them together. On the CD, these four interludes are individual tracks but if someone were to download a one of them as a sample track (given that the "real" tracks wouldn't be available) they'd get completely the wrong impression of the album and, I'd have thought, feel a bit cheated too.

I'm wondering whether the best solution would be to put together a separate version of the album, labelled as a Digital Release, with only the main three tracks on it and to save the interludes as bonus tracks for people who buy the CD, but I'm not entirely comfortable with this solution either.

What do people think? How have other people handled this issue?


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