Bands that sound like Gentle Giant, from '90 to 13
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Topic: Bands that sound like Gentle Giant, from '90 to 13Posted By: Aragon
Subject: Bands that sound like Gentle Giant, from '90 to 13
Date Posted: March 06 2013 at 15:06
I discover this band just now and i wonder if exist any bands that is much influenced from Gentle Giant of "Free hands era" the much accessible sound of GG. I love the funky/fusion songs, and don't like when the bands tends to be much exsperimental inserting weird instruments like cello, violin, horn(horrible) and vibraphone.
The cooler thing is the phaser clavinet attack on "free hands", really new sound for 1975
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: March 07 2013 at 23:40
^ Great one. A must for GG aficionados.
Posted By: infandous
Date Posted: March 08 2013 at 10:43
Advent "Cantus Firmus"
They have another album, but I've never heard it. I understand it is also in the Gentle Giant style.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: March 08 2013 at 10:49
There's a 70s South American classic called Terrenio Baldio by the band bearing the same name. I know it's not from the period you are asking for, but if you enjoy the clavinet and whole vibe of Free Hand, my guess is that you're going to enjoy this one as well.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Ady Cardiac
Date Posted: March 08 2013 at 11:14
my Faves Cardiacs are deffo influenced by them.
Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: March 08 2013 at 16:12
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: March 08 2013 at 22:14
This might be reaching a bit, but I was listening to Crush of Night from Izz and it has some wonderful vocal harmonies, not to mention a few guest parts by the one and only Gary Green.
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: fanprog1981
Date Posted: July 18 2013 at 01:43
Hi to all of you, First, i'm new on this forum and my english is not so perfect! Second, i think this is the only available topic for similar Gentle Giant bands, so there will be a list of bands from the seventies to nowadays and from nearly every countries! Third, as some many peoples say, this is very difficult to find similar bands to Gentle giant because they are so unique... Fourth, here is the list:
-Maneige (70's) -Opus 5 (70's) -Nathan Mahl (80's) -Sloche (70's) -Half Past Four (00's) -Druckfarben (10's) -Miriodor (80's)
-Zoldar & Clark (70's) -Pentwater (70's) -Hands (70's) -Mirthrandir (70's) -Yezda Urfa (70's) -AUDIOSYNCHROCY (00's) -Syzygy (00's) -French tv (80's) -Frogg Cafe (00's) -However (80's) -Thinking Plague (80's) -Shadowfax (70's) -Phideaux (00's) only in Snowtorch -Little atlas (00's) -A TRIGGERING MYTH (00's) -Babylon (70's) -Neal Morse (00's) -Birds And Buildings (00's)
"This British band is just the cup of tea for aficionados who demand virtuosity,progress and originality in their mix."
Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: August 01 2013 at 15:50
I think 5uu's sounds a bit like GG at times. Especially the track Hunter Gatherer.
Posted By: aarongoldich
Date Posted: November 23 2013 at 07:48
Ampledeed: New prog/Canterbury group.
(This is actually a band that I am in :)) However, we have been told before that double-G influences are evident.
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: November 23 2013 at 13:50
infocat wrote:
This might be reaching a bit, but I was listening to Crush of Night from Izz and it has some wonderful vocal harmonies, not to mention a few guest parts by the one and only Gary Green.
Agree - track 2 'Words And Miracles' blew me away with Gary Green and the great GG arrangement. Great album, but not GG styling overall.
Posted By: stf
Date Posted: March 04 2014 at 07:34
A pure hommage: Gilbert did some other GG-influenced stuff as well.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 04 2014 at 09:55
I`d better say I`ve never been a fan of GG. But echolyn/sb bands. music. I always said GG where not that great. seems I`m wrong about GG.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
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Posted By: freudiana
Date Posted: November 16 2014 at 21:46
Try Miriodor
Posted By: Luna
Date Posted: November 16 2014 at 22:37
Primus have a noticeable modern twist on GG's silly nature
Not a direct influence, but I think it's pretty visible.
I know all these bands you mention with exception of :Stereokimono and Half Past Four.
None of these bands sound like Gentle Giant (unless by Gentle Giant you SIMPLY mean it sounds complex.)
Well... okay, I seem to recall Octohpera-Bons Amigos DOES, but a bettewr choice from Brazil would be the already mentioned (2 lps ) by T. Baldio.
From Canada there was only one band sounding like GG : the Quebec band, Etcetera with their sole self-titled lp.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: November 24 2014 at 01:07
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: November 26 2014 at 13:59
infandous wrote:
Advent "Cantus Firmus"
They have another album, but I've never heard it. I understand it is also in the Gentle Giant style.
This. Great band, and a bunch of very nice guys to boot. Their new album should be out by June 2015.
Posted By: Walton Street
Date Posted: November 26 2014 at 14:03
funny thing - I remembered being introduced to Gentle Giant as: a band that sounds like Genesis
(Marillion too)
------------- "I know one thing: that I know nothing"
- SpongeBob Socrates
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: November 26 2014 at 16:45
try out Ritual - The Hemulic Voulentary Band, playfull, and full of GG esque instrumentation.
Posted By: jwcasey
Date Posted: December 02 2014 at 07:05
There's a touch of Gentle Giant in the band Field Music, I think.
Posted By: jedzxor
Date Posted: May 01 2015 at 04:54
Wobbler! Gentle Giant could sue them. Their album "Rites at Dawn" could have been called "Freehand 2" especiially the song "In Orbit"
Posted By: jedzxor
Date Posted: May 01 2015 at 04:59
I love it! it's like re-discovering GG all over again!
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: May 01 2015 at 22:20
jedzxor wrote:
Wobbler! Gentle Giant could sue them. Their album "Rites at Dawn" could have been called "Freehand 2" especiially the song "In Orbit"
Haha, glad to see someone compare them to GG rather than the usual "Yes clones" comment! Totally agree, btw.
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: May 01 2015 at 23:37
There aren't any, some may try
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: ratracer
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 05:59
I would say
Happy the Man
which are, curiously, all from the US (a country whose prog music I mostly ignore but am trying to correct it)
Of those,only However is a bit more recent, but coming from the 80s it is still a long time ago, anyway.
Most notably, I would say, because it is a recent band with young but virtuous musicians, is the italian band Promenade (from Genoa) specially its largest track Athletics ... They don't exactly sound like GG, but definetely are of their major influences. Better yet, their compositions are as complex and intrincate (and as well played) as GG, except for the vocals sung in italian and with a lot more italian feel...
I listening to them some one month ago, and I am still impressed... Look for their album Noi al dir di noi.
I would like to know more bands like GG from this century...
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 09:03
I see someone has mentioned Advent. I'll second that recommendation. There aren't many bands I've heard that actually capture the essence of GG. I think aside from them Gryphon, Jethro Tull(early to mid), Banco, Echolyn and maybe a few others are worth exploring.
Posted By: Kepler62
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 09:12
I have a couple of albums by this band including this one. I would think that they sound more like early Genesis rather than the intricate music of Gentle Giant. They came a bit too late to be fully appreciated. And the name. Could have been a bit more... original? No? Another band from the seventies that could sound like Gentle Giant at times was Hands. I'not going to link it because of the goddamned friggin' robot tests. It's probably in the PA database.
Anyway, NO band sounds like Gentle Giant. It was very unique.
Posted By: Dopeydoc
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 12:46
Haken - Cockroach king
Haken has some GG moments
Posted By: RoeDent
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 13:37
Aragon wrote:
and don't like when the bands tends to be much exsperimental inserting weird instruments like cello, violin, horn(horrible) and vibraphone.
This is just wrong. So so so so wrong. If anything, the rock instruments are more weird, because violin, cello et al have been around for centuries longer than rock instruments.
Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: May 21 2017 at 13:48
Posted By: ratracer
Date Posted: May 22 2017 at 13:12
Thanks! So many suggestions. I will definitely listen to them, starting with Advent expecting that their name won't mean that they are trying too much to copy or emulate GG and moreso being influenced by them.
Funny you mentioned Gryphon and Jethro Tull (although I don't agree too much about them being like GG) as I have been recently to a prog rock festival where they were featured (and, also, were I discovered that italian band I mentioned, Promenade - listen to them, they are worth a try! - at Gouveia, Portugal. Some years ago, that same Gouveia festival hosted Three Friends (already without Kerry Minnear) and they were magnificent (pretty close to the original GG!!!!)
They still deliver, but their portfolio was too much in the past, very early albuns, I would prefer Thick as a Brick onwards, and Mushrumps onwards, but, alas, no... Well, I guess I already listened to JT too many times before...
I enjoyed more those newer bands (and I am an middle age geezer, so I surprised myself), Promenade, The Loomings and even Isildur Bane for the added diversity and originality...