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Motorpsycho Appreciation

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Motorpsycho Appreciation
Posted By: Smurph
Subject: Motorpsycho Appreciation
Date Posted: May 17 2012 at 20:04
I have heard one album of this bands, The Death Defying Unicorn. It blew my socks off so hard that I didn't know what to do with myself. There are so many rock 'throwback' style bands, but this band does it in SUCH an original fashion that it is the exact opposite of throwback. This album is one of the most creative achievements in music I have heard in my life. The amount of thought that was put into it is beyond me. What psychotic individuals could create such a thing?
What other albums should I acquire? Because I am reading this is their 15th album... and it is very rare that a creative peak is reached this deep into a career. This music is phenomenal.
So what do you guys think of this band? Or am I alone in my deep love for this music?

Posted By: The Neck Romancer
Date Posted: May 17 2012 at 20:57
Get Timothy's Monster and Heavy Metal Fruit, they're pretty good. Also I wanted to check out their collab album with Jaga Jazzist's horn section but I can't find it anywhere :/


Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 18:46
I only know Heavy Metal Fruit and Death Defying Unicorn, but both are great.


Posted By:
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 00:53

Originally posted by Polo Polo wrote:

Get Timothy's Monster and Heavy Metal Fruit, they're pretty good. Also I wanted to check out their collab album with Jaga Jazzist's horn section but I can't find it anywhere :/


Those two lie more on the prog side of their output; check out Little Lucid Moments too, which is more raw and stoner, but maybe their best album.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 01:21
Phanorythime is really good on the Mellotron side of things,and Angels and Deamons on Play is a underrated album IMO

this song is one of their best


Posted By: tired_feet
Date Posted: May 22 2012 at 06:15
Originally posted by Smurph Smurph wrote:

I have heard one album of this bands, The Death Defying Unicorn. It blew my socks off so hard that I didn't know what to do with myself. There are so many rock 'throwback' style bands, but this band does it in SUCH an original fashion that it is the exact opposite of throwback. This album is one of the most creative achievements in music I have heard in my life. The amount of thought that was put into it is beyond me. What psychotic individuals could create such a thing?
What other albums should I acquire? Because I am reading this is their 15th album... and it is very rare that a creative peak is reached this deep into a career. This music is phenomenal.
So what do you guys think of this band? Or am I alone in my deep love for this music?
Great band, obviously. But I'm not totally objective, to say the least Tongue
It's kinda hard to recommend other albums by Motorpsycho, though. Because their discography is extremely diverse, encompassing double digits amount of genres Big smile  So if you enjoy The Death Defying Unicorn (more or less their first all-out progrock album), it's not necessarily a guarantee that you'll like the rest of their catalogue.
But like others mentioned, the 1994 prog/indie masterpiece Timothy's Monster and 2010's Heavy Metal Fruit might be to your liking since they're not too far away musically from The Death Defying Unicorn. I also like the 1998 double album Trust Us, a very psychedelic album. Some beautiful dynamic songs on that one.

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: May 25 2012 at 03:13
I have TDDU and In the Fishtank (with Jaga Jazzist horns) and I've only listened to the latter, but it was pretty good on listen one. I need to get on to listen to The Unicorn.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Federico95
Date Posted: October 10 2012 at 12:03
Listening to The Death Defying Unicorn... May it be the 2000's Larks'/Red?


Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: October 10 2012 at 12:51
I enjoyed The Death Defying Unicorn too but I don't think it's their best. Like others, I really love Heavy Metal Fruit, you should definitely get that first. They have quite a wide discography and styles, for me Phanerothyme works the best.

Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: March 07 2014 at 15:50
Received their newest album yesterday, but haven't listened to it yet. Really excited about it though!

This was posted on Stickman Records' web pages around the time of the announcement of the new album:

"...One day in the 25th year of the Motorpsychodelic Union, the forces of D/Numbness were finally vanquished. Once again the intergalactic Four Norsemen of the Rock/Avant could fly their veg zeppelin unchallenged across the solar plains, their mission complete and the righteous deed done! In their tense alliances with the other rock-o-centric armies of the plains, the Band of Four had had to sacrifice more than they liked, but now - ultimately triumphant at the end of the longest battle - they saw that it indeed had been worth all the unpleasant childish vying for position and all the compromises that so had hurt their pride - for on this day the battle was won, and victory was finally theirs! … it had been a long war. The sickeningly precise Choreographolytes with their d’Twerked attack formations, in their unholy union with the s-Elfies in their posed perfection...the enemy was a powerful one. The troubles - as always - stemmed from Artifice and Glitz, the twins of terror. They had spawned the deadening, self-gratifying effects of d’Twerk and the narcotic, emotional stranglehold of the s-Elfie, and these evils combined seemed to hold a sway over the younglings that nulled the effects that the glorious keening of the Atonians and the mighty friendly fog of the Weedians once brought to the table. What once had seemed so self-evident, so obvious and righteous, now met with seemingly ever-increasing apathy and indifference amongst the populace. It didn’t seem glitzy enough for the proles anymore, and a number of younger citizens had even succumbed fully to the lure of the enemy and turned away for good. Times were indeed changing, and as the Rock/Avant came under increasingly bitter attack from the mindless NumNum minions of Artifice in all their different guises, the pressure on the defenders of the faith increased. D-/Numbness was a tough enemy, but The Norsemen were there to fly the freak flag of the Rock/Avant. They would fight till deafness tore them apart and care till their last breath - they would never surrender! …for still they held sway, and on this day at least - somewhere Behind The Sun - they were triumphant!"

Really looking forward to hearing the new album. Will probably get a chance to do so sometime during the weekend.

In other news: Motorpsycho's Bent Sæther (bass) and Kenneth Kapstad (drums) has joined forces with Per Borten (Cadillac/Moving Oos/New Violators) (guitar, vocals) and Rolf Martin Snustad (Hopalong Knut) (baritone sax) to form the trøndersk (from Trøndelag) supergroup Spidergawd. They play rock in the style of MC5 and Grand Funk Railroad. Not much prog here, but fans of MP, MC5 and GFR might find this interesting.

Here's a couple of samples:


Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: March 10 2014 at 04:27
I took a chance with the Death Defying Unicorn 2LP and I was very impressed with it.
Big bonus having Elephant9's Stale Storlokken involved too!

Posted By: Vellevold
Date Posted: March 10 2014 at 22:02
Probably my favourite band of all time. The consistency during their 25 years in the business is actually quite breathtaking. As expected, the latest album, Behind the Sun is a masterpiece. Listen to Hell, part 4-6 and you understand what I mean. 

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: March 11 2014 at 09:21
This is a band I've only discovered recently via the Death Defying Unicorn. I really like the album with the Jaga Jazzist Horns and currently listing to the new one. Very impressive stuff.

Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: March 12 2014 at 19:52
I figure this is probably the best place to ask...
What would be the best Motorpsycho album for a metalhead and/or early hard progrock fan (e.g. Rush, Tull) to get first?

-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.

Posted By: Vellevold
Date Posted: March 13 2014 at 10:20
Their latest release, Behind the Sun is extremely good in my ears, and very eclectic. You get pop-rock, pastoral acoustic songs, cock-rock, full blown-out prog and a bit of jazz. 

It's not easy to point out on specific record, but I would recommend Little Lucid Moments(2008), Timothy's Monster(1994), Heavy Metal Fruit(2010), The Death Defying Unicorn(2012), Trust Us(1998) or the aforementioned Behind the Sun(2014). The most important thing is that you have an open mind. They are extremely diverse but one of these records are probably a good place to start. 

Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: March 14 2014 at 10:32
Originally posted by HemispheresOfXanadu HemispheresOfXanadu wrote:

I figure this is probably the best place to ask...
What would be the best Motorpsycho album for a metalhead and/or early hard progrock fan (e.g. Rush, Tull) to get first?
I'd say Little Lucid Moments and/or Heavy Metal Fruit (a bit more psychedelic and jazzy this one).

I've seen MP described as Northern and Central Europe's Rush, which isn't a bad description, as most of their albums are pretty heavy, and they've got that guitar-bass-drums-trio going, although the guitar and bass player, as well as their second drummer, are multi-instrumentalists, and they "outsource" more than Rush ever did, giving them a broader sound, with more different instruments than just guitar, bass, drums and keyboards.


Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: March 14 2014 at 10:33
Little Lucid Moments was the only one i could listen to. 

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: March 14 2014 at 11:03
Cool! Thanks for the input Vellevoid, Bard and Horizons. I'll check out Behind the Sun, Heavy Metal Fruit and Little Lucid Moments when i get home.

-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.

Posted By: TTD100423
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 15:33
Any takers on Here Be Monsters
I've listened to it about 10 times and I'd have to say
I think it is fantastic.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: March 14 2016 at 17:23
Originally posted by HemispheresOfXanadu HemispheresOfXanadu wrote:

I figure this is probably the best place to ask...
What would be the best Motorpsycho album for a metalhead and/or early hard progrock fan (e.g. Rush, Tull) to get first?
Demon Box is so heavy it creates warps in space/time


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