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Favourite Prog from Finland!

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Favourite Prog from Finland!
Posted By: Eria Tarka
Subject: Favourite Prog from Finland!
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 22:26
Simple topic everybody, so whats your favourite prog from Finland.
Mine is Haikara (just an amazing band). Looking forward to responses!! Thanks

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:09
I love Haikara as well.
Bands at the top of the list for me besides Haikara would be Kingston Wall, Hoyry-Kone, Wigwam and Silent Voices. I'm probably forgetting some but that's an impressive top five in my opinion.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:20

Scarlet Thread Psykedeelisiä Joutsenlauluja album cover

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:23
Alamaailman Vasarat

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:34
Deep Turtle... I'll remember more later.

There be dragons

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:43
Sepi Kuu (doesn't seem to be in PA,) currently.  Also Astro Can Caravan, Hoyry-Kone and Alamaailman Vasarat....

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: April 27 2012 at 23:49
Oh yeah Hory-Kone is awesome too.

There be dragons

Posted By: NecronCommander
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 11:47
Definitely Circle.  There's nothing those crazy Finns won't put to tape.

Otherwise Callisto are pretty awesome.  I've only sampled Hoyry-Kone in the past but I've enjoyed what I've heard.

Ooh, I think Scorch Trio are from Finland as well.  They're pretty excellent.


Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 11:49
Hmmmm, maybe Barren Earth or Ghost Brigade or Vompatti.

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Posted By:
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 16:06" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 16:34
Originally posted by colorofmoney91 colorofmoney91 wrote:

Hmmmm, maybe Barren Earth or Ghost Brigade or Vompatti.

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 16:39

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: April 30 2012 at 20:13
Pekka Pohjola
Alamaailman Vasarat
Hidria Spacefolk

Damn I didn't even realize I had albums by 3 Finnish bands until I checked.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 04 2012 at 10:54
Damn, there's a lot of Finnish acts that I really adore. 
Here are some fusion/Canterbury ones - to start out with.

Tasavallan Presidentti:


Pekka Pohjola:

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Junges
Date Posted: May 04 2012 at 12:54
Pekka Pohjola.


Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: May 04 2012 at 14:10
I forgot Cult of Luna.
nvm, Swedish.

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Posted By: The Cassini Projekt
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 13:54
I think Orne are pretty good, very melancholy yet stoic.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 14:14
I'm currently on a Finnish kick and will be reviewing some albums from the country. Some I like more than others though - that last one I did by Temples is one of those meh records, and frankly I'd rather listen to a Neurosis album...

But hey - if you want some inspiring new fusion that will blow your socks off, then have a listen to Astro Can Caravan:

Modern Sun Ra.
Highly recommended. One of my current favesThumbs Up

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Rivertree
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 16:17
I'd suggest MOONWAGON first of all .. as they are more unknown but prolific nevertheless

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Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 16:24
Tasavallan Presidentti
Hidria Spacefolk
Von Hertzen Brothers

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 16:37
Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Alamaailman Vasarat
A really enjoyable band. I know so very few artists from Finland though, so saying that they are my favorite doesn't really carry much weight. LOL


Posted By: wilmon91
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 17:35
Höyry-Kone! Yeah they have been mentioned a few times, but...very cool band. Saw them live in -98. 
Magyar Posse was a nice post-rock band that I saw live two years ago.
This Empty Flow. Fantastic obscure band, dark shoegazer, not exactly classified as prog. But if Sigur Ros is called prog...then, well... They aren't around anymore, but there's a sort of new incarnation of the band called Magenta Skycode, and is much more extroverted, pop oriented but the songwriting is at a high level, and I really like them.
Tenhi. Not exactly categorized as prog either, more instrumental neo-folk.

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Posted By: gerdtheater
Date Posted: May 27 2012 at 17:25
Nightwish! Specially with Tarja Turunen Big smile

Playing a three-hour Rush show is like running a marathon while solving equations.
Neil Peart

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 02 2018 at 22:20
Took this old thread, because there have been also Swedish & Norwegian prog threads. If there isn´t yet Danish, will you do it David? Also somebody for Icelandic then we have all the nordic countries here!

My additions:
from the 60-70ties:
Blues Section - Not prog, but the only protoprogband in Finland and first band in Finland, who put only their own stuff into album. It´s kind of pre-Wigwam, Pembroke on vocals, Österberg on drums and Groundstroem on bass. Their debut from the 1967 (!) is highly recommended for all psych and protoprogfans and naturylly Wigwam-fans!

Nova - made only Atlantis-album. Great, have some Pink Floyd influences

Nimbus - also made only Obus-album. Like this one too, maybe some Colosseum and Zappa influences.

Tabula Rasa - made two albums, really melodic. Guitarist Heikki Silvennoinen has been in S.F. Blues later, also a comedyman in Kummeli

Make Lievonen - musician, made one album in the seventies, it´s fusion.

Matti Järvinen - also musician making one album in the seventies, ecclectic and melodic

Scapa Flow - also one great album "Uuteen Aikaan". really melodic, there is a great female vocalist who also played flute

Royals - not full blooded progband, but has progelements specially their Out-album. Albert Järvinen was the greatest guitarist in Finland and he play in a very great style that album.

Pekka Streng - not really prog, but many proglisteners really respect this Finnish "Donovan" made two albums

Sperm & Pekka Airaksinen - truly unique avant & experimental music

Pihasoittajat - folk band, but their "Kontaten Kotia" has also progelements and is really great!

Piirpauke - one of the first world music bands in Finland, lots of jazz influences, their two first albums is highly recommended.

80ties was quite bad time as I think everywhere else in Finnish prog, so most here are from nineties

Jukka Gustavson - started his solo career already in the seventies, made only one album in the eighties but since nineties has regulary recorded albums. All his albums are at least good. His two first solos from seventies and also eighties solo is must to Wigwam fans.

YUP - not mostly prog band, but their "Toppatakkeja ja Toledon Terästä" & "Homo Sapiens" are really prog albums to recommend for example Zappa & Tull fans. Kind of progpunk.

Keuhkot: One man avantproject. If you like Pekka Airaksinen, Nurse With Wound etc. you will love Keuhkot too

Absoluuttinen Nollapiste - a great, very seventies Finnish prog spirit band. Some of their albums are quite pop, but Muovi Antaa Periksi, Suljettu & Pisara ja Lammas 1 & 2 is highly recommended to all prog fans

Moon Fog Prophet/ Kuusumun Profeetta - very personal, maybe ecclectic prog. If you like Mika Rättös vocals in Circle, you will love this too.

Liekki - somebodies don´t think this prog at all, but anyway the band has lots of seventies Finnish prog influences. It was also really popular in the begin of 2000. Kalliot Leikkaa is the most prog album.

Sammal - melodic, old seventies heavy styled prog. Coming new album this year.

Kurki - Melodic prog, made only one album.

Uzva - Instrumental, quite jazzy prog

Malady - melodic prog, just released new album.

Rauta - made only one "Haudanmaa"-album. Mixing folk and metal (there is fiddle & accordion). Really great, really underrated and not find popularity it would have deserved.

Eleanoora Rosenholm - maybe not absolutely prog, but really love their "Hyväile Minua Pimeä Tähti"-album, it´s kind of concept-album. Noora Tommila has really great voice. Mika Rättö is also with this band, composing and do some parts also in albums.

I think there are lot more, specially in neoprog, but someone else put them because they´re not my cup of tea at all.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 02 2018 at 23:31
Just listening new Malady "Toinen Toista"-album, I believe all old King Crimson and PFM-fans will like this.

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 02:10
I posted a long list in a different thread recently, though much of it stuff that has been posted already here. Finland, how I love you!

My favourite from 2017 is Ruination by Kairon; Irse! which is epic in a very good way:

Parts of it sound like Yes circa 1972 on downers playing whilst submerged in a peat bog, other parts like Hawkwind glitterbombing your house on flying pink Harleys, but actually they have their own distinct voice. They are on PA as math/post, but this album is clearly heavy psychedelic symph spaceprog. Which is a totally valid sub-genre.

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 02:11
I forgot Kalevala from seventies list that someone else also not mentioned. Their "People No Names" is really great although Harri Saksala´s rude vocals divide opinions. To me his voice is not problem, I like also Kalevala´s predecessor Apollo where Harri was also.

Also I highly recommend all Haikara fans their later two albums Domino & Tuhkamaa. It´s shame those albums are not in spotify or youtube, but Ektro shop still has new Domino cd:s for sale in a few euros.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 02:14
Originally posted by Mascodagama Mascodagama wrote:

Finland, how I love you!


Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 02:39
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Also I highly recommend all Haikara fans their later two albums Domino & Tuhkamaa. It´s shame those albums are not in spotify or youtube, but Ektro shop still has new Domino cd:s for sale in a few euros.

Are they in similar style to the first two? I'm certainly interested if so.

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 03:06
Originally posted by Mascodagama Mascodagama wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Also I highly recommend all Haikara fans their later two albums Domino & Tuhkamaa. It´s shame those albums are not in spotify or youtube, but Ektro shop still has new Domino cd:s for sale in a few euros.

Are they in similar style to the first two? I'm certainly interested if so.
Well, not quite, but really close. You don´t find any Geafars there (which is my favourite track from them) but anyway I think as an old prog band they really made quite fresh albums. Domino is quite acoustic sounding, Tuhkamaa more modern, but still both are more seventies style prog than neo. I believe you will love both! And really they´re much greater than their third seventies album, Iso Lintu.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 03:10
One great piece from Tuhkamaa:

Another one from Domino (as a matter of fact this have something in common to Geafar):

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 03:18
Remembah det Prog ken only bee bri-ish

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 03:18
^^ Thanks Martti - checking them out!

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 03:26
Am I tripping to suggest Kurki and Kosmos ???

Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 04:10
From Finland, I've got albums of:

-Hidria Spacefolk,
-Taipuva Luotisuora. 

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 06:12
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Damn, there's a lot of Finnish acts that I really adore. 
Here are some fusion/Canterbury ones - to start out with.

Pekka Pohjola:

Pekka Pohjola:  

Just got a few of their albums,  thanks for the heads up..  Great scores on PA site.  Changing Waters,  is one of those albums.  Smile

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 09:09
I like the mixture of Classical, Jazz and Folk in Pekka Pohjola  music...... 

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 12:32
Pohjola has composed also two symphonies, but only the first one is recorded so far. That´s one of my favourites along with Pewit and his 70ties albums!

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 12:55
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Pohjola has composed also two symphonies, but only the first one is recorded so far. That´s one of my favourites along with Pewit and his 70ties albums!

Is this Sinfonia 1  by any chance?,  great album!!.     A friend just said that he passed away in 2008!...Cry

Posted By: Kingsnake
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 13:47
For me:

- Uzva
- Hidria Spacefolk
- Taipuva Luotisuora

- WigWam
- Pekka Pohjola
- Tasavallan Presidentti
- Piirpauke

- Jeavestone

And there are some that I don't like at all, but I won't name to keep this thread positive :D

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 15:11
Plenty of fantastic music already listed in this thread, so there's only one other artist I can think to mention, which is Hadal Sherpa, who just put out their debut last year. Very easy-on-the-ears instrumental prog in the psychedelic vein, not unlike the Swedish band Agusa." rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 17:59

classic - wigwam
modern - Magyar Posse

favorite album... the Kalevala album...  thanks to Raff to turning me on to that one.  

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 03 2018 at 23:20
Originally posted by noni noni wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Pohjola has composed also two symphonies, but only the first one is recorded so far. That´s one of my favourites along with Pewit and his 70ties albums!

Is this Sinfonia 1  by any chance?,  great album!!.     A friend just said that he passed away in 2008!...Cry
Yes, that´s the one, really great! His second symphony, also named Emmi, has performed in 2004, but although Finnish radio recorded it, it hasn´t still released. And I don´t understand why. Also it´s kind of mystery what happened to Pekka. There were some of his other music also performing in 2004, also he was touring with his band, after that it was just silence and then suddenly his death 2008. Of course he has had alcohol problem during his life, but still I don´t quite understand what happened to him before his death.

His first symphony got at least one really bad review in the main Finnish newspaper, haven´t found any reviews from his second one.

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: February 04 2018 at 03:40
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by noni noni wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Pohjola has composed also two symphonies, but only the first one is recorded so far. That´s one of my favourites along with Pewit and his 70ties albums!

Is this Sinfonia 1  by any chance?,  great album!!.     A friend just said that he passed away in 2008!...Cry
Yes, that´s the one, really great! His second symphony, also named Emmi, has performed in 2004, but although Finnish radio recorded it, it hasn´t still released. And I don´t understand why. Also it´s kind of mystery what happened to Pekka. There were some of his other music also performing in 2004, also he was touring with his band, after that it was just silence and then suddenly his death 2008. Of course he has had alcohol problem during his life, but still I don´t quite understand what happened to him before his death.

His first symphony got at least one really bad review in the main Finnish newspaper, haven´t found any reviews from his second one.

That surprises me,  this symphony is rather good!...Confused

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 04 2018 at 04:23
Originally posted by noni noni wrote:

That surprises me,  this symphony is rather good!...Confused
It was a classic music reviewer who reviewed the first one. I think he was saying that Pekka hadn´t got the right techniques to make proper symphony. Also he´s saying, it was just entertaining music, same kind as some composers make to the movies, not serious music at all. I think Pekka took it quite hard, he´s from the family where are lots of classic music players. I think he made it really seriously and to me it also works really well! I hear there influences from Sibelius, but it´s not just a copy of Sibelius music, it really has the same feelings as in Pekka´s music in his other works. And really I think symphony orchestra is a good form to perform his music!

Posted By: progoma
Date Posted: February 05 2018 at 10:20

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 05 2018 at 10:30
There is also band called "Fantasia" in the seventies. Not the greatest one, but interesting anyway. Reminds a little bit Wigwam at the "Nuclear Nightclub" times. They made only one album. Here´s three first songs from that album:

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