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Family Tree of 1970's Catalan Prog

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 11:46
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Topic: Family Tree of 1970's Catalan Prog
Posted By: Gerinski
Subject: Family Tree of 1970's Catalan Prog
Date Posted: January 26 2012 at 14:46
Being a native catalan I'm pretty familiar with the prog from this area from Spain, especially that from the 70's (I lost a bit track afterwards).
An interesting thing of 70's catalan prog was that musicians moved a lot from band to band, they interacted a lot, many bands were short-lived and morphed from one to another.
For quite some time I had been thinking that it would be interesting to put that in the form of a family tree, but I don't have much free time and it was not easy. But, bit by bit, I have been working on it and by now I have reached what I believe is a pretty nice family tree (I don't claim it to be perfect, even quite some things I know have been ommitted for simplicity).
It is far too big to show here as a picture, when printed in A4 paper (for those not using ISO216 A-format that is 8.3 x 11.7 inches sheets) it will produce 16 pages which you have to "glue" in a 4x4 matrix to have the total view, making a panel measuring 1.2 x 0.9 meters, you need to hang it on a wall or lay it on the floor to have a total picture. I show below a very reduced picture of how does it look overall and a zoom-in of a small part.
Anyone interested in getting it send me a PM with your email addess and I will send it, be patient if I take some time, I'm quite busy.
One thing you should know if you are not familiar with catalan prog: for reasons that it would be too long to discuss here it was in its vast majority based in Jazz-Rock/Fusion, often with mediterranean Folk or Latin elements (with a few exceptions like Atila or some of Fusioon). Other main sub-genres like Symphonic or Electronic never really took off in Catalonia, so don't be surprised to see so many bands in the JR/F sub-genre, also the likely reason why many of them are not in PA.
Musicians switching bands and bands transforming from one to another is certainly not unique to catalan prog, so it would be really nice if other PA members expert in other prog fields would endeavour in the task of making other family trees of Prog ! Eventually such family trees could be incorporated as material in the PA site itself, for the benefit of all proggers in the world.

Posted By: Charlielong12
Date Posted: November 22 2015 at 12:40
Wow super detailed!

I've doen a bit of writing on the Roc Catala scene of the 90s/2000s
It would be great to have some feedback! :)

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