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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
Forum Description: Discuss and create polls about all types of music
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 14:38
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Topic: Ska
Posted By: Chiswyck
Subject: Ska
Date Posted: October 03 2011 at 15:18
While I'd consider myself a casual fan of progressive rock, I find that, as of late, I've become rather fond of ska music. Specifically British 2 Tone Ska. Even more specifically, the group known as The Specials.

Among my favourite songs by them are:

- A Message to You Rudy 
- Concrete Jungle
- Ghost Town
- Pearl's Cafe
- Gangsters
- Blank Expression
- Rat Race

I guess what I'm asking is if there are any other users here that are equally as fond of ska as they are prog. If so, what are your favourite ska bands and songs?

Feel especially free to discuss The Specials and their songs! 

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: October 03 2011 at 16:19
Yep, I love the Specials and it might surprise many of the regular members here that some of Jerry Dammer's subsequent work as the Special A.K.A. was in places kinda erm..... borderline proggy (ish)?

I also love Terry Hall (particularly his Colourfield project)


Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: October 03 2011 at 16:57
I should check the Specials, since the sole ska album I ever had was the Selecters' first LP (and since it belongs to my aunt, I should sent it back to her).

That's funny, last week I surfed on YouTube and saw various videos of the Bodysnatchers.
By the way, Bad Manners are touring in France in october/november: are they worth to be seen on stage?

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