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RHCP: I'm With You

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Topic: RHCP: I'm With You
Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Subject: RHCP: I'm With You
Date Posted: September 26 2011 at 19:13
I know that they're not "prog", but whatever, they're an enjoyable band to listen to. Has anyone picked up the Red Hot Chili Peppers' latest album? It's extremely bass-driven with the departure of Frusciante, but there are some pretty good songs on it.

The first single sounds like a rip-off of The White Stripes' "seven Nation Army", but the album as a whole is pretty good. "Ethiopia" was definitely the highlight song of the album for me, being in 7/8 timing, which I wasn't expecting, and being really groovy.

I'm not a fan of most music that's on the radio, but this is one radio band I actually appreciate the music of.

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: September 26 2011 at 19:36
I've seen a few people post it in the "What Are You Listening To Now?" Thread, so you aren't alone.

The last album i liked by them was By The Way, but i've heard 1 or 2 songs that i liked - "Monarchy of Roses" and "The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie".

Posted By: awaken77
Date Posted: September 27 2011 at 02:41
if we talk about RHCP and prog relationship, there is jazz-fusion band Bombastic Meatbats(drummer Chad Smith plays in there). I think it's quite "proggy" 

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