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Help this guy out!

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Topic: Help this guy out!
Posted By: Jake Kobrin
Subject: Help this guy out!
Date Posted: June 29 2011 at 17:45
Quote Sometime in the early morning on Sunday, June 5th 2011, thieves broke into our studio located in Delta (Tilbury), British Columbia, Canada. They stole approximately $50,000.00 worth of Vintage Guitars, Instruments and Equipment.

Among the things stolen was a custom 1953 Gibson Les Paul that the man had for 43 years! He's not looking for donations, just that the word be spread around. The more places that know about this, the less of a chance there will be that the theives can sell or use this equipment." rel="nofollow -!/Stolen53LesPaul" rel="nofollow -!/Stolen53LesPaul" rel="nofollow -

Spread the word!

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Jacob Kobrin Illustration

Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: June 30 2011 at 08:40
This sucks the sweat off a dead man's.......? and this was all for drugs probably correct? These dirt bags pawn off this and that and the money piles up for a supply of drugs.Back in the 80's I had a studio and many guitars stolen from me for this reason only. These low life dirt bag degenerates make it their business to know the area musicians and think...."That's a game plan?" Two detectives from N.Y. came to Vineland N.J. and opened up a pawn shop. They filmed anyone on camera that sold off merchandise and traced everyone back to the original source which was a drug ring that robbed houses every day in Cumberland County. The detectives called me 6 months after I was robbed and asked me to pick up all my equipment at the station. That week the theives were on the news handcuffed and walking in a line to the prison transportation meat wagon.  The head ring leader was a girl who used to visit my house with my best friend who was a musician. Many times it is someone you know. How do you like that garbage? Isn't that just nice? Good luck and I will spread the word. 

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