Ayreon is awesome.
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Topic: Ayreon is awesome.
Posted By: Harry Hood
Subject: Ayreon is awesome.
Date Posted: February 25 2011 at 22:51
I honestly didn't consider myself an Ayreon fan until very recently. I owned all his albums, listened to them occasionally, but it never really clicked with me until I picked up 01 a week or so ago.
I seriously think 01 might be some of the best work he's ever done. The way it ties everything from the previous albums together is just mindblowing. It seems like everything gets a lyrical or musical reference at some point on the album (there's even a shout out to Ambeon on the first track!). And the cast of vocalists he got together was incredible, probably the best yet. He brought together some of the most emotive vocalists in metal, and I think it did a lot to really humanize the Forever, who seemed rather cold and distant on the previous albums. Also, the twist at the end was mindblowing.
After listeneing to 01 exclusively all week, I've started working my way through the back catalog again. There's so much context and references that I feel like I missed before. Right now I'm listening to The Final Experiment. I honestly never cared much for this album before, but suddenly it's like the best thing ever.
I definitely feel like there's a lot of people who don't get what he does. I guess his inclusion in "prog metal" threw some people off. He doesn't go out of his way to be complex like a lot of prog metal does. The music is there to serve the narrative, and the narrative exists to serve the music. The way it all comes together is just incredible.
Share your love for the only prog musician from SPACE!
Posted By: Repner
Date Posted: February 25 2011 at 23:00
I've been a huge fan of Arjen for a few years now. I'm really into the other projects as well
Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 00:19
Agreed, 01 is genius. Provides the context that the rest of the albums needed to fit together, and I'm still absorbing it all but damn. Definitely bumped my love and respect up a few tiers
Probably going to do some writing on it if I find the time. Any other Ayreonauts lurking about with some insight to the story? :3
------------- https://soundcloud.com/erin-susan-jennings" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.
Commissions considered.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 02:10
I'm going to say something controversial for a change:
People who don't like Ayreon and say that it's bland or boring may simply be superficial listeners.
------------- https://tagyourmusic.org/users/Mike" rel="nofollow - https://tagyourmusic.org/users/Mike
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 02:17
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
I'm going to say something controversial for a change:
People who don't like Ayreon and say that it's bland or boring may simply be superficial listeners. |
let me be superficial then....
better that than being brainwashed 
------------- let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 02:20
Im totally down with Ayreon- a unique Metal experience.A band that is unique in a genre where it is hard to separate yourself from others....
Posted By: Prog Geo
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 05:44
The human equation is one of the best albums in music.And not only this album.
------------- Sonorous Meal show every Sunday at 20:00 (greek time) on http://www.justincaseradio.com
Posted By: let prog reign
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 10:02
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
I'm going to say something controversial for a change:
People who don't like Ayreon and say that it's bland or boring may simply be superficial listeners. | after listening to The Human Equation, I wouldn't say that it's boring or bland just really cheesy and at times annoying.
------------- Once upon a time there was some writing on the wall we all ignored, until the time that there was war and feasts of famine at our door
Posted By: JakeMM626
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 10:06
Check out Arjen's Star One. Just came out with a new album last year called Victims of the Modern Age. Their self-titled is my favorite debut album. Give them a listen if you like Ayreon.
Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 12:50
I like Star One pretty well, especially the Live On Earth DVD concert!
So, I always had the impression that the prior albums were vaguely connected by universe and some common themes, but mostly existed as standalone stories. 01 turns this on its head, as the story it provides could be seen as a "big picture" for all of the other albums to fit into as closer examinations of events therein, providing a great deal of context for them. Even Actual Fantasy, which wasn't supposed to be a part of the story, feels like an alt-verse The Truth Is In Here.
This new perspective reveals the Ayreon discography to exist as something of a clean, well-executed, cohesive musical novel, which strikes me as rather unique even in the prog world. Are there any other artists who have done anything similar, perhaps to the same degree? I'm aware of Coheed and Cambria, but they suck and lost the storytelling trail ages back for something much more...uninteresting.
------------- https://soundcloud.com/erin-susan-jennings" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.
Commissions considered.
Posted By: Junges
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 12:53
01 doesn't come even near to The Human Equation.
Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 12:59
I only own The Human Equation but it is amazing nonetheless.
------------- http://blindpoetrecords.bandcamp.com/" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 14:07
I have been a fan of Ayreon for years. I also like the side-projects particularly, Star One and Guilt Machine! Arjen is a brilliant musician and composer and I always look forward to new offerings with enthusiasm. My favourites are: Into The Electric Castle; Star One; The Dream Sequencer and Guilt Machine. I felt that The Human Equation, though a great concept album, was palatable in small parts. O1 I consider be the weakest offering.
"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp
Posted By: Antennas
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 21:11
Yo man, he IS. Fantastic musician, lovely fellow.
Jesus never managed to figure out the theremin either
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 21:50
Ayreon is one of the great prog bands and The HUMAN EQUATION is one of my top 5 all time great prog albums undoubtedly. I love every track. Timeline is an amazing boxset featuring the most incredible set list. i have all the albums and they are all great.
Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 22:09
In 1999 I came across an intriguing album in a record shop. I looked at the name of the band and it said Ayreon and the name of the album was Into The Electric Castle - A Space Opera. The drawing on the album was beautiful and mysterious. Having not any idea of what the music might be and who the band (at that time I didn't know who was behind the music), I took a chance and bought it. At home I was very pleasantly surprised to hear this concept album, an extravaganza of progressive rock songs with many different contributors and vocalists. And so this inspired me to look for more info on the band I got Ayreon's 1995 release, The Final Experiment which is also a delightful album, albeit not without flaws (but with two great songs, Sail Away to Avalon and The Charm of the Seer). From that point on, I kept getting any new release whenever it came out. Still my favourite is The Electric Castle, but I enjoy all his releases tremendously (as well as all of the other projects, though not as much).
------------- http://hangingsounds.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds
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Posted By: Harry Hood
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 22:40
Bruce Dickinson's performance on "Into the Black Hole" is so intense. I didn't know he was capable of singing like that.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: February 27 2011 at 00:44
Sean Trane wrote:
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
I'm going to say something controversial for a change:
People who don't like Ayreon and say that it's bland or boring may simply be superficial listeners. |
let me be superficial then....
better that than being brainwashed  |
Posted By: Antennas
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 16:39
Harry Hood wrote:
Bruce Dickinson's performance on "Into the Black Hole" is so intense. I didn't know he was capable of singing like that. |
I have the same feeling regarding James LaBrie's performance on "The Human Equation". When I at first read that he'd participate on that album, I thought, "Oh, noes!!!" but he actually did a very decent job. Way, way better than that over-the-top rubbish of his on Dream Theater albums (sorry, fans). I guess Ajren kindly requested him to sing in stead of scream for once. 
Jesus never managed to figure out the theremin either
Posted By: Endless Wire
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 17:01
Man Overboard wrote:
I like Star One pretty well, especially the Live On Earth DVD concert!
So, I always had the impression that the prior albums were vaguely connected by universe and some common themes, but mostly existed as standalone stories. 01 turns this on its head, as the story it provides could be seen as a "big picture" for all of the other albums to fit into as closer examinations of events therein, providing a great deal of context for them. Even Actual Fantasy, which wasn't supposed to be a part of the story, feels like an alt-verse The Truth Is In Here.
This new perspective reveals the Ayreon discography to exist as something of a clean, well-executed, cohesive musical novel, which strikes me as rather unique even in the prog world. Are there any other artists who have done anything similar, perhaps to the same degree? I'm aware of Coheed and Cambria, but they suck and lost the storytelling trail ages back for something much more...uninteresting. |
Check out The Dear Hunter- they do the narrative/music thing better than anyone I've ever heard. Better than both Coheed (whom I love) and Ayreon (who I think is somewhere between OK and good). TDH is halfway through a six album concept piece, and are about to release a 9 EP set based on the color spectrum. Act II is my favorite, but I'd recommend starting with Act I and going through them in order. Let me know what you think if you decide to give them a listen.
------------- .
Posted By: Repner
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 17:54
All I can say to those who find it too cheesy it try his Guilt Machine project. It takes on a more serious tone
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 18:11
Repner wrote:
All I can say to those who find it too cheesy it try his Guilt Machine project. It takes on a more serious tone
As much as I love like 99% of Arjen's projects/albums, that would be the worst place to start because it actually combines all of his vices in one single piece of music/album.
Back on the thread, Ayreon's space metal is by far one of the most fantastic things that ever happened to progressive metal.
Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: March 03 2011 at 00:01
I like Ayreon although it can feel a bit childish or cheesy sometimes, but then that's how operas and musicals generally are.
He created a style and is a good musician so he deserves credit.
Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: March 03 2011 at 10:49
Ayreon is bland, boring, and cheesy, and I'm not a superficial listener.
------------- "One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
Posted By: madmike
Date Posted: March 03 2011 at 14:34
I'm probably most partial to The Human Equation and Into The Electric Castle, although some of my favorite Ayreon songs come off of Universal Migrator. Shame that album was so inconsistent... but does it ever have some great parts.
Posted By: felipeterry
Date Posted: November 20 2011 at 20:19
Ayreon, Star One, Guilt Machine, all awesome!
And Next year there will be a new solo Arjen Album!!!!!!!
Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: November 20 2011 at 20:24
Equality 7-2521 wrote:
Ayreon is bland, boring, and cheesy, and I'm not a superficial listener.
------------- Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
Posted By: akaBona
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 02:30
Gerinski wrote:
I like Ayreon although it can feel a bit childish or cheesy sometimes, but then that's how operas and musicals generally are.
He created a style and is a good musician so he deserves credit. |
exactly this!
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 02:36
Star Ones latest is a masterpiece - Ayreon are indeed awesome.
Posted By: abnormalist
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 12:24
As much as I love Ayreon, I have to admit that they do get cheesy at times. However, I happen to like some cheesiness, so...
Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 12:47
I think all prog is cheesy, so no problems with Ayreon on that department.
------------- Bigger on the inside.
Posted By: Oliverum
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 16:20
I discovered Ayreon about five years ago and it seriously blew me away. Arjen undoubtedly has great talent in combining exceptional progressive metal and synthesizer sounds with captivating storytelling. However, when I tried to introduce my discovery to some of my friends who I knew would not say no to a good metal album, I had to disappoint. The thing is, with its intergalactical lyrics, long descriptions and operatic singing Ayreon sounds far too theatrical and forced to the average listener who is not familiar with progressive rock conceptuality.
It may be, that this theatrical style is also what makes Arjens music a bit cheesy at times - it simply comes unnatural to hear that in rock. So I think liking or disliking Ayreon just comes down to one question - whether one believes his style or not.
------------- All the best freaks are here, please stop staring at me. Marillion - Freaks (1988).
Posted By: Jbird
Date Posted: November 21 2011 at 16:34
I have Universal Migrator and 01011001.
They aren't bad but they've just never really captivated me, cheesy power metal/prog metal fan that I am.
I still need to pick up The Human Equation one of these days just for some of the guest singers on it, if nothing else.
Posted By: DreamInSong
Date Posted: November 22 2011 at 16:49
Love Human Equation!! The rest is good, not great. Though, Guilt Machine rocks too
Posted By: Chozal
Date Posted: December 02 2011 at 03:35
Love Ayreon, but I don't truly love any album of the project. The 2-Cds format is a lengthy one and in prog I find it hard to keep the listener interested and deliver constant quality material at the same time ... I think Ayreon, through his blending of multiple influences, melodic ideas and narration succeds in keeping the listener interested, but I don't think that the albums I have - The Final Experiment, Into The Electric Castle and The Human Equation are flawless. Into The Electric Castle has The Tunnel of Light, for example (only to name one, and I really find that chorus irritating).
Also, the cheesiness is something that can come in the way - being a Rhapsody fan (just to name one) it doesn't bother me (although the story to The Electric Castle is really silly imo xD)
Haven't checked Arjen's side projects, will do in a near future !
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Posted By: andysilv
Date Posted: December 02 2011 at 13:45
I don't mind if something is a little cheesy as long as the music is still enjoyable, which in my opinion, Ayreon definitely is. And I've never really taken Ayreon all that seriously, I know there's a lot of story there, but it's always felt quite light-hearted to me and it's music that I find quite easy to listen to. Nothing wrong with that, I don't think.
Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: February 19 2012 at 12:59
I like a lot of ayreon's cds , sometimes it's cheesy yes but i always enjoy it , it's not the best music i've heard but i have a lot of 4 stars rating for them. debut has a warm place in my heart!
Posted By: soundslikeorange
Date Posted: April 01 2012 at 08:04
I really love prog metal, but the couple songs I listened to on youtube, the vocals really turned me off to this band. Maybe I should devote some more time to it.
Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: April 01 2012 at 15:07
One of the greatest things about this band is the fact they use a lot of vocalists from other known bands to contribute to the story. Vocals are actually one of the high points of this band, maybe you just heard someone you didn't like.
Posted By: soundslikeorange
Date Posted: April 01 2012 at 16:31
On second and closer listen (to songs from 01), this band is great. I want this music. It's like Amaseffer, but more epic. I listened to a song from Electric Castle before and didn't like the singing. 01 is making me reconsider.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJRpKyvq8w&feature=related" rel="nofollow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJRpKyvq8w&feature=related
That song. Too southern rockish or something.
Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 01:00
This is a great song actually with a lot of different parts in it, filled with good rocking guitars, the vocals are definitely the low side of the song i agree, but just take a look at the vocalists credit in other albums and take your pick from there. If you like this kind of music don't miss out on Ayreon.
Posted By: Harry Hood
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 11:11
soundslikeorange wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJRpKyvq8w&feature=related" rel="nofollow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJRpKyvq8w&feature=related
That song. Too southern rockish or something. |
At first I thought it was funny that a song performed by two Dutchmen could sound to someone like it came from the American South, but listening to it again, I can kind of hear it. The Duane Allman-esque leads, that Garth Hudson groove on the drums, the Freebird lead during Arjen's chrous. I guess I never noticed it before because the Allman Brothers and Skynrd don't typically sing about hippies and barbaric warlords. Pretty amazing nonetheless.
"Christ forbid I am no coward, pitted against a monster made of ghosts!"
Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 12:52
Man Overboard wrote:
I always had the impression that the prior albums were vaguely connected by universe and some common themes, but mostly existed as standalone stories. 01 turns this on its head, as the story it provides could be seen as a "big picture" for all of the other albums to fit into as closer examinations of events therein, providing a great deal of context for them. Even Actual Fantasy, which wasn't supposed to be a part of the story, feels like an alt-verse The Truth Is In Here.
This new perspective reveals the Ayreon discography to exist as something of a clean, well-executed, cohesive musical novel, which strikes me as rather unique even in the prog world. |
I only have Into The Electric Castle and The Human Equation so I don't get what you're talking about but I'm intrigued.
Could someone expand on this please?
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 18:09
Gerinski wrote:
Man Overboard wrote:
I always had the impression that the prior albums were vaguely connected by universe and some common themes, but mostly existed as standalone stories. 01 turns this on its head, as the story it provides could be seen as a "big picture" for all of the other albums to fit into as closer examinations of events therein, providing a great deal of context for them. Even Actual Fantasy, which wasn't supposed to be a part of the story, feels like an alt-verse The Truth Is In Here.
This new perspective reveals the Ayreon discography to exist as something of a clean, well-executed, cohesive musical novel, which strikes me as rather unique even in the prog world. |
I only have Into The Electric Castle and The Human Equation so I don't get what you're talking about but I'm intrigued.
Could someone expand on this please? |
Well, Rhapsody (of Fire) have had their whole discography devoted to one same story. Their last album seems to have been the last one on this same story though.
Posted By: VanVanVan
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 19:03
Gerinski wrote:
Man Overboard wrote:
I always had the impression that the prior albums were vaguely connected by universe and some common themes, but mostly existed as standalone stories. 01 turns this on its head, as the story it provides could be seen as a "big picture" for all of the other albums to fit into as closer examinations of events therein, providing a great deal of context for them. Even Actual Fantasy, which wasn't supposed to be a part of the story, feels like an alt-verse The Truth Is In Here.
This new perspective reveals the Ayreon discography to exist as something of a clean, well-executed, cohesive musical novel, which strikes me as rather unique even in the prog world. |
I only have Into The Electric Castle and The Human Equation so I don't get what you're talking about but I'm intrigued.
Could someone expand on this please? |
Basically 01 tells the story of how a race of machines try to gain knowledge of emotion by populating the Earth with humans. When humans seem to be moving towards the same machine-induced armageddon they themselves faced they provide the technology to send memories back in time as a warning (which of course is the story told on "The Final Experiment"). This however, also fails, and humanity is annihilated by nuclear war in 2084. The only survivor ends up on Mars and his experiences there with a VR machine called the dream sequencer make up the story of "The Universal Migrator." The story is completed with one final member of the machine race (called "Forevers") trying and finally succeeding to comprehend emotion on "Into the Electric Castle" and "The Human Equation," which explains the last little snippet on THE.
Hope that's somewhat helpful, I've always been impressed by how clearly the story is told without sacrificing musical integrity.
------------- "The meaning of life is to give life meaning."-Arjen Lucassen
Posted By: Harry Hood
Date Posted: April 02 2012 at 19:22
Pretty good summary, though you missed the bit about how the messages are delivered through a blind minstrel named Ayreon, who is later reincarnated as "The Hippie", who is institutionalized in 01 (and it's revealed that his name is "Mr. L").
It's an important detail because the new Arjen solo album is going to continue and conclude the story of Mr. L.
Posted By: gerdtheater
Date Posted: May 30 2012 at 12:37
I love The Human Equation not only for the music, but for all great vocalists like Arkelfeldt, LaBrie! Heather Findlay, Mike Baker, etc. Everyone concentrates on their job and the result is amazing! Really enjoy listening to this album 
------------- Playing a three-hour Rush show is like running a marathon while solving equations.
Neil Peart
Posted By: Eric Mallory
Date Posted: August 05 2012 at 06:45
I love everything Lucassen's done. A great musician and very friendly guy as well.
Posted By: Withnail
Date Posted: August 10 2012 at 06:24
I first heard Ayreon when someone played me the Hawkwind melody they did on the Star One album. Been hooked ever since.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: August 14 2012 at 07:59
I love Arjen's latest solo album too so he is always going to be awesome even on his own
a review
| Technophobia and an apocalyptic dystopian future revealed in Arjen's masterful project."Lost In The New Real" by legendary Arjen Lucassen grabbed my attention for a number of reasons. First and foremost is that I have always had a huge adoration of Arjen's projects such as Ayreon and Star One, both producing some masterpiece albums that I have been completely in awe of. I have, as a result, very high expectations for Arjen's albums, having set the bar so high on previous albums. Arjen as a solo artist is a new direction, but I was hesitant as I have always loved the way he has been able to integrate many artists into his projects; a kind of conglomeration of many vocalists injecting their own inimitable style making his projects so endearing. I needn't have worried as this new album is a sensational project from Arjen, who takes the helm as vocalist and guitarist. He is not alone though with some amazing musicians and a legendary actor in the form of Blade Runner's villain Roy Batty; the one and only Rutger Hauer as Dr Voight Kampff (Blade Runner reference to the replicant detecting device). The actor lends a special quality to the album with his rasping baritone narrations. The music is dense and heavy mixed with symphonic passages of keyboards, and some awesome melodies that will lock into your skull after a few listens. The album is a full blown concept album with very powerful lyrics that focus on technophobia and the cyber highway to destruction, and along the way the protagonist merges out of the real to the realm of fantasy. Hauer plays the psychiatrist who is attempting to help Mr L come to terms with the new world, having been revived from a long cryogenic hypersleep. The world has changed irrevocably into a cyber space non-reality and Mr L's perspective is shown in the lyrics. Hauer narrates the opening of all the songs on CD1 maintaining the conceptual framework that unravels throughout the album. The songs blend seamlessly together and switch into many styles and vocalisations, from clean vocals and sweet harmonies, to some gravelly rage, according to the mood of the protagonist. It begins in a blaze of glory with an organic heavy atmosphere on 'The New Real', embellished by an infectious melody that always grabs me, gentle vocals and amazing guitar distortion and violin. 'Pink Beatles in a Purple Zeppelin' is a clever title that captures the psychedelic 60s counterculture perfectly. The opening narration by Hauer is so thought provoking; "why create more music if it was all done before, computer generated noise in millions of games of all kinds and in all formats." The lyrics are cynical and even are sung over a Beatles like melody and with a Lennon like vocal; "every song's been sung before, every notes been played, every chords been strummed before and every melody's been made, they've heard it all by now, nothing left to be inspired by, it all seems so unreal somehow, as I sit back and close my eyes." Ironically the piano run used is similar to an Ayreon melody, and I would say purposely to augment the sentiment in the lyrics. "Human population is to be reduced to a much safer level," warns Hauer ominously as a pounding rhythm begins.'Parental Procreation Permit' continues the heavy sound, Arjen sounding terrific throughout, and the music with an Eastern flavour. This moves into a kind of folky violin driven jig on 'When I'm a Hundred and Sixty Four', that reminds me of 'Loser' from "The Human Equation". Hauer says that Orwell was not a bad guy, the internet should be embraced, surveillance police and global activity secretly monitored from digital means is the new real. A steady rhythm cranks along on 'E-Police' that is more straight forward than some of the other tracks, a true rocker with anthemic chorus and sweet harmonies. The scary lyrics are about the E-Police surveillance methods and control; "You're in their files, their database, There'll be no trial, you have no case, Take care, for the E-police are near, They know your name, your interface, You will be framed, you'll be erased." After this blistering heavy start to the album, it settles into the dreamy 'Don't Switch Me Off' which is very close to the bone, talking about internet addiction; Hauer says, "draw a line in the sand, Fact dash machine, or truth, lies and Youtube, delete your Skypad2 avatar, she's so real, so dangerous, do you want to talk about it." 'Dr Slumber's Eternity Home' is a slice of fun with some nice bright violins and an Ayreon style melody, similar to the music that can be found on "The Universal Migrator" or "01011001". The lead break is excellent on this track, over a chugging riff, and then a banjo strum and a horn bass section. The lyrics are chilling; "Our expert team is here, to serve you, once you arrive, you're here to stay, sleep your last sleep, time to answer your last call, we're overcrowded anyway." This is followed by 'Yellowstone Memorial Day' with Hauer's golden tones stating that "despite hi-tech discovery man still fights wars, and mankind still fights nature, let me tell you about mamma nature." The bass synth builds with electronic percussion crashes and metal clangs, the music industrial and atmospheric. The metal riff crunches in as Arjen speaks of the earth in ashes, "thousands die in the flames", an apocalyptic nightmare vision. In this vision "shockwaves circle the earth, the unstoppable force, our technology fails to a pointless event", showing a dystopian future with the planet under attack by technological forces and mother nature combining. Hauer snarls out some more dialogue and then violins strike up for the measured tempo of 'Where Pigs Fly' that makes reference to a number of historical figures and rock stars in a humorous way to unravel historical truths such as, "Darwin defended creation, Einstein travelled in time, Columbus discovered India, And Shakespeare couldn't rhyme." Then there is the verse about rock stars that is quite intriguing, "Elvis was a Vegan, Dylan never got stoned, Alice was known as Vincent and Bowie was just Jones, Madonna was a virgin, and Jimi played the flute." The jigging violin is balanced with spacey synths and a soaring lead guitar break. The lyrics are full of fun pop culture references such as "Darth Vader had no son, Dorothy was still in Kansas, and Clint didn't own a gun, Rocky had no sequels and Arnold never came back." Some of the most humorous and in some ways unsettling vocals from Arjen, as we remember what Michael Jackson said in that infamous press conference, that the historical text books are all wrong and nothing is as it appears, everything is fabricated and controlled by the press and the government is the all-powerful all seeing eye. Hauer returns with some cynical banter, "what the hell is real, who am I and why not, why don't we smell the roses anymore, why can't we get another shot." The bassline than locks in to one of my favourite songs, 'Lost In The New Real', with that glorious melody and dark atmosphere. Arjen's vocals are intense and the music is industrial as we hear of the protagonist "reaching for the ghosts in my mind, dreaming of the ones I left behind, hopeless there is nothing I can do." The time sig switches to a half time feel and some excellent musicianship. The lyrics speak of being revived from a virtual reality; "why did you wake me up, in this virtual jail, why was I revived, is this all some game? Lost in this maze, locked in this brain, am I dead or alive, with all these wires stuck in my brain, so what happens now?" The dangers of cyber virtual reality are outlined with the confusion of what is real, "in the realm of the make believe, within the limits of my brain, but can I really fool myself into believing I am still me, this synthetic state of consciousness, I am therefore I think, could I dream forevermore without the fear I felt before." The slower tempo with Jeroen Goossens' flute, Ben Mathot's violin and retro synth is wondrous. The music on this track is dynamic throughout capturing beautifully the sense of wonder and confusion of awakening into a new reality, like The Matrix concept. The same Twilight Zone melody as heard in the opening track returns. Then a very heavy distorted guitar blast with some violin in an odd time signature kicks in. The harmonies remind me of retro 70s The Sweet, sounding very strong and then a lone Arjen pleads, "please switch me off" over a pulsating electro bass rhythm. The vocoder effect on the voice sounds spacey and mechanised. Thus ends the first CD and the original album; an absolutely astounding musical journey. CD 2 opens with gorgeous multi layered acoustic tones and spaced up sustained keyboard pads. 'Our Imperfect Race' is saturated in synths flooding over a spacey soundscape, building incessantly towards the first verse outbreak. The harmonised layered vocals asks poignant questions posed by SETI, of how an alien race would see us, "would they live just us, on a planet like the earth, how would they see us, our imperfect race, what would they think of us, the mess we have made, or are we doing okay?" The sci-fi concept of Arjen's work always resonates with me in the same way as the Star One albums, that pays homage to various sci fi movies, TV shows or novels. In this song I sense nuances of "Contact", "Stargate" or "Close Encounters." 'Welcome to the Machine' is a cover of Pink Floyd's classic and it is done with some very heavy distorted guitar bursts, clangs and a dark pulsing bass synth. I love this version that has an industrial machine like pulse that is so effective. The vocals are kind of like the Pink Floyd's version but the heavy metal crunches are definitely an improvement over the original, along with those spacey keyboard swells, soaring lead guitars and awesome powerful synth heartbeats; a treasure on this album. 'So Is There No God?' is the question that brings to light whether a deity exists, but I am never a fan of this kind of theme being a believer, however I can see the value of at least bringing to light the question of existence and our purpose of being. Musically this has some nice slide guitar and a country rock feel with violins and steel guitar. The pessimist approach towards God in the lyrics is a turn off for me, but from another perspective it may be the protagonist is trying to come to terms to the new real; "there is no truth we don't understand, this game of chance, could it be we are alone, a tiny blip in space, an isolated case, so much is still unknown, the more that we reveal, the more it seems unreal, could it be life is a dream, my private fantasy created just by me, or could it be some scheme, a master plan, that has spiralled out of hand." Interesting lyrics to ponder over. 'Veteran of the Psychic Wars' is a great cover of Blue Oyster Cult's song from "Fire of Unknown Origin", and it has a nice synth driven melody that locks into very powerful drumming and lead guitar flourishes. The feel is more like Ayreon, a post metal approach, and very strong lyrics by Michael Moorcock; "Don't let these shakes go on, It's time we had a break from it, It's time we had some leave, We've been living in the flames, We've been eating out our brains, Oh, please don't let theses shakes go on." 'The Social Recluse' is a steady rocker about a man who hangs out with "virtual friends, let's meet up in 3D space, waste some time playing pointless games, we don't have to talk anymore, this idle chatter it's such a bore, don't even need to know your name, I won't remember it anyway, cos in this virtual realm of my imagination, I make friends without obligations, I live like a social recluse in the comfort of my own mind", but as the protagonist states although he is connected in a virtual life "I've never felt more alive." The lyrics are a warning to how we can become immersed in internet cyberspace technology such as LAN role playing, and if we make friends and become tired of them we can just switch them off; and I certainly relate to this in forums and on facebook where we can make friends in virtual space and discard them as easily as switching off a computer interface. 'Battle of Evermore' is instantly recognizable as the Led Zeppelin classic and it is well executed here with reverence to the original and injecting some new flavours. The 12 strings are joined by violins and great keyboard passages. The female chorus vocals of Wilmer Waarbroek are beautiful, and I swear Robert Plant showed up here, it sounds so similar. The harmonies are incredible and again this is one of the greatest covers of this song in existence. It is an odd thing to hear it on this album but it may be seen as part of the cyber space virtual reality role playing game fantasy environment that the protagonist is locked in, as it includes characters such as The Queen of Light, The Prince of Peace, The Dark Lord, The Angels of Avalon, and Ring Wraiths; a veritable Tolkien world. The ending is mesmirising with Wilmer Waarbroek's multilayered vocals lifting so high, augmented by a bone crunching distorted metal riff; simply awe inspiring. 'The Space Hotel' is not a Flower Kings song, but sounds like it, and it is very good, with a cool synth motif and strong percussion. I love Arjen's storyteller vocals; "it's 6am were about to leave, my heart is racing as I am about to take my seat, what a feeling, so unreal, a cosmic holiday." The space hotel is a place where you can make love in zero gravity, where one can experience amazing experiences, doing somersaults up to the bar, and "see the sun arise 15 times a day, the crystal shine of the milky way, spinning around and raising hell, hanging out in the space hotel." The synths and metal guitars are very effective on this song, that reminds me of Ayreon's 'Amazing Flight in Space'. 'Some Other Time' is a cover of Alan Parsons Project's gem, and it vibrates with retro synth motifs and Arjen's soft vocals, "some other place somewhere, some other time". This melody soaked track is followed by 'You Have Entered the Reality Zone', with an Ayreon feel. The lyrics are potent; "Welcome to sanctuary island, leave your possessions at the gate, rejoin the struggle for survival, a new life begins today, no machines, no computers, no TV, not even phones, no factories, industrial polluters, you have entered the reality zone". In this idyllic paradise without technology the recipients are given the chance to be techno free, a veritable primitive environment devoid of the outside world, focussing on physical reality, the old real, thus a false non-existent paradise. It is populated by Mastodons, pandas, tigers and dolphins. 'I'm the Slime' is a great way to end the journey, covering the weird well known song of Frank Zappa. The odd jazzed up time sig locks in and those bizarre lyrics are sung with deep intonations; "I may be vile and pernicious, But you can't look away, I make you think I'm delicious, with the stuff that I say, I am the best you can get, have you guessed me yet? I am the slime oozing out of the internet" (the original Zappa's lyrics was "I am the slime oozing from your TV set."). The song is a really cynical dig at the obsession with technology and finishes the concept off effectively, perfectly placed on this album. So at the end of this opus it feels like two different projects merged into one. The Rutger Hauer narration of CD1 and concept disappears on CD2, though the songs are still maintaining themes of technophobia and apocalypse. There are more covers but they are usually improvements on the originals and well worth a listen. The original album on CD1 is masterful by itself, but with these additional tracks on CD2, it really becomes a full immersive soundscape that entrances from beginning to end. I like the way the albums make up an overall concept but it would have been even better if Hauer's narrations could have continued despite the fact that the second CD was more of an additional extra bonus. The album would be impoverished though without these extra tracks as they are so wonderful, especially some of those covers. The whole album works as a tribute to science fiction concepts and it was a master stroke to include Rutger Hauer, such a legend of sci-fi. I was completely captivated by this album and have to mark this down as another triumph for Arjen Lucassen along with some of the masterpieces of Ayreon and Star One. |
Timeline Ayreon boxset is worth getting!
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: August 14 2012 at 16:18
Even though I'm a huge fan of Arjen's works, I did not liked his latest opus at all. Sounds too much like some sort of Ayreon-light to my ears.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: August 14 2012 at 17:00
^^^ Arjen does what he is best at on the latest CD and I hope he continues to create concept albums with as much passion. I prefer Ayreon of course as i love to hear the various singers but I give credit to the man for pulling it off without all those singers for once.
Posted By: CorwinA
Date Posted: June 09 2017 at 08:44
Hopefully it's not bad form to end up bumping older threads to the top, but I just wanted to express my agreement with the sentiment that "Ayreon is awesome". I only wish I had discovered them/Arjen L. sooner. Though now I do get to have this enormous catalog of amazing music to delve into since it has been building up for years. :D The first one that really grabbed me was "The Final Experiment". Specifically, the song "Listen To The Waves", for some reason. Then I got into the rest of the tracks/story and was just blown away by the obvious passion and musicianship that had gone into it. Am now making my way through "Into The Electric Castle" and looking forward to the rest!
Posted By: Dopeydoc
Date Posted: June 10 2017 at 14:16
The theater equation is also a masterpiece. But after 01, I find Ayreon is just good now. Looking forward to an opus like Into the electric castle...
Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: July 26 2017 at 07:42
Ayreon is indeed awesome
The Human Equation, Into The Electric Castle, 01011001 and The Theory Of Everything are all phenomenal albums, Dream Sequencer is not far behind, The Source is also very good, but I do worry that he is stretching the story a little far now and should do something unrelated with the next one.
Listening to Ayreon has introduced me to so many great voices and acts, I really can't thank Arjen Lucassen enough. Threshold, Damian Wilson, Anneke Van Geersburgen, Nightwish, Opeth, Devin Townsend Project, Lacuna Coil, etc......
Posted By: CorwinA
Date Posted: July 27 2017 at 16:48
Oh yeah, absolutely - Ayreon is both great in its own right as a project, and great in terms of being a gateway into a whole realm of excellent performers who all have their own stuff one can go check out.
Currently (as in, for the past week or so) I'm obsessing madly over "The Source" and "01011001" and going back and forth between those two albums picking out all the threads of story that go backwards and forwards. I LOVE how there's so much referencing of other albums across the suite of records making up the 'Ayreon story'.
It was also a nice surprise to hear Phideaux Xavier on 01011001 - would love to hear more collaboration between their projects.
Posted By: RockHound
Date Posted: July 29 2017 at 11:08
I like all of he Ayreon albums starting with into the electric castle. Universal Migrator,(vol. 1) and The Human Equation are the real standouts for me. I sense no love for The Theory of Everything here, but I guess many considered the initial revelation of 42 to be a major disappointment.
Posted By: zachfive
Date Posted: August 01 2017 at 20:28
I've been listening to Ayreon almost exclusively for about 3 months now
and I'm going to throw my two cents into this thread. Like most people
here I really enjoy Ayreons music. For those who don't like him, that's
you opinion and I get that. But I kind of equate that my feelings to for
Tom Brady. Sure I hate the man, don't like him and that's my opinion;
but if we were talking about his actual ability well then yeah he is
pretty freakin good. Arjen Lucasssen is the same way, sure you may not enjoy
his music, but his understanding of music composition and music
production are undeniable. Another stand out quality that I believe makes
his music so good is his leadership. He seems to be the anti-Fripp,
knowing when and how to utilize the talents around him without it being a
dictatorship. On many occasions he has let the vocalist for a song
develop the vocal melody, examples include - but not limited too, "My
House on Mars" and "Waking Dreams". When presenting Arjen with his
Virtuoso Award for the 2014 Prog Awards Damian Wilson said, "He is the
most wonderful man in the world, but most people don't get a chance to
see how wonderful he is. But they get a chance to hear it. And he sees
the best in everyone, and when he records with musicians he always
brings out the best in them." Any research into the man himself and you
can see how humble, modest, and talented he really is.
As for the
music itself, well I think Arjen described Ayreons sound better than
anyone. In an interview about 01011001 he said "Ayreon is a combination
of power and melody, it's very important for me" It is this cornerstone
upon which he builds his music, and it shows. In addition to this
foundation of composition, he includes power synth runs that are as
catchy as they are appropriate. Never too much and always just enough.
His influences are many, but the sounds at the forefront are metal,
folk, and symphonic prog all wrapped in a rock opera delivery system
that just seem to coalesce into one deliciously cheesy experience. I say
cheesy, well, because it is, but in the best way possible. The story he
tells, and the music through which he tells it, is so grandiose that it
couldn't be any other way. I remember the first time I listened to
"Connect the Dots", so much lyrical cheese I was face palming. But I
realized I was taking the song out of context, listening to it as a
single entity rather than a piece of the whole. This is where I feel
Ayreon loses a lot of people. Like a cake, Ayreon is best enjoyed as a
whole fully baked product, not eaten one ingredient at a time. Within
the context of the album "Connect the Dots" becomes one of the most
powerful songs. Delving beneath the surface of lyrics like "I picked up
fast food on the way and it's finger licking good" or "Peer to Peer the
torrent flows into my lap." You see Arjen is speaking about the loss of
emotions and how oblivious people are of that fact, and how aware and
helpless The Forever Race is of their human progeny. This brings me to
my favorite aspect of Ayreons music and that is this amazing story he
has told. A brilliant multi layered story that while on the surface is
about an alien race and their influence on humanity, below is well
observed commentary on a human emotions. A great read is prognotes
Ayreon's The Forever Saga(http://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2017/04/13/prognotes-ayreons-the-forever-saga-part-i-the-final-experiment-kinda/). So far there are only two parts but it is a
thorough breakdown of the story behind Ayreons music.
Here is my list of favorite Ayeron albums starting with what I feel to be his best to his not as good as the others. This does not include solo albums or Star One albums, which are also very good and I would put above some of Ayerons work.
TIER ONE Into the Electric Castle - Perfect blend of story telling and song writing. Classic Ayreon sound. 01011001 - My personal favorite, very hard sounding with some balanced softer spots. Pound for pound offers the best melodies and contains my personal favorite group of vocalist. Universal Migrator pt 1 & 2 - Putting these as a single entity. Part one great symph/classic prog, Part two great metal/heavy prog. TIER TWO The Human Equation - I know most would put this higher on the list, and while musically it is stellar, I find that the story telling is a bit one dimensional. While yes, it has all the things I love Ayreon albums for, the plot is a bit straightforward, and I felt kind of jipped at the end, like a great movie with a bad ending. I very much enjoy the album, but not as much as other people. The Final Experiment - Sets the tone for Arjens style, which only refines and get better with future releases. The first Ayreon story actually told but is more around the fourth in the series of events. Great album, but actually would not recommend as a place to start to someone who is looking to get into Ayreon. Also cool to think that Merlin professed that that another minstrel will appear at the end of the 20th century and that it is actually Arjen himself, bringing a real life dimension to the story that I think is cool. The Source - Love the story, love the hard heavy sound. Some great vocal harmonies, but kind of lacks that je ne sais quoi that the The Human Equation or Electric Castle have. TIER THREE Actual Fantasy - Not considered to be part of "The Forever Saga",
but has sci-fi elements and a nod here or there to some Ayreon lore.
Enjoyable. The Theory of Everything - There are some parts I really enjoy, and others not so much. One thing is for sure that the style and sound are consistently Ayreon. This album is simply just alright and is also outside of "The Forever Saga". Something has to be the floor to the high ceiling set by all the other albums, this album is that floor.
TL:DR - Ayreon is indeed awesome
Posted By: CorwinA
Date Posted: August 07 2017 at 11:05
zachfive: hehe, same here on the "last 3 months of Ayreon"-listening. I wish sometimes I'd heard of him/them sooner, but then again, only having learned relatively recently means I get to devour this whole universe of interconnected albums like I'm binge-watching on Netflix. I can understand why the music would not be to everyone's taste, but the sheer scale and unwaveringly solid musicianship of the project ought to be objectively impressive to anyone.
Posted By: zachfive
Date Posted: January 24 2018 at 01:33
http://www.arjenlucassen.com/universe/" rel="nofollow - This should be interesting to Ayreon fans.
"Ayreon Universe is Ayreon live in concert for the first time ever, organized and arranged by Arjen A. Lucassen and Joost van den Broek.
The Ayreon Universe set list features selected songs from all Ayreon albums plus a selection of Star One songs."
Floor Jansen - Nightwish
Damian Wilson - Threshold
Hansi Kürsch - Blind Guardian
Tommy Karevik - Kamelot
Anneke van Giersbergen - The Gentle Storm
Marco Hietala - Nightwish
Jonas Renkse - Katatonia
Mike Mills - Toehider
Marcela Bovio - Stream of Passion
Irene Jansen - Ayreon
Robert Soeterboek - Star One
John Jaycee Cuijpers - Praying Mantis
Edward Reekers - Kayak
Jay van Feggelen - Ayreon
Maggy Luyten - Nightmare
Lisette van den Berg - Scarlet Stories
Ed Warby - Drums
Johan van Stratum - Bass
Marcel Coenen - Lead guitar
Ferry Duijsens - Guitar
Joost van den Broek - Keyboards
Ben Mathot - Violin
Jeroen Goossens - Flutes, woodwinds
Maaike Peterse - Cello
Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: January 24 2018 at 06:08
zachfive wrote:
http://www.arjenlucassen.com/universe/" rel="nofollow - This should be interesting to Ayreon fans.
"Ayreon Universe is Ayreon live in concert for the first time ever, organized and arranged by Arjen A. Lucassen and Joost van den Broek.
The Ayreon Universe set list features selected songs from all Ayreon albums plus a selection of Star One songs."
Floor Jansen - Nightwish
Damian Wilson - Threshold
Hansi Kürsch - Blind Guardian
Tommy Karevik - Kamelot
Anneke van Giersbergen - The Gentle Storm
Marco Hietala - Nightwish
Jonas Renkse - Katatonia
Mike Mills - Toehider
Marcela Bovio - Stream of Passion
Irene Jansen - Ayreon
Robert Soeterboek - Star One
John Jaycee Cuijpers - Praying Mantis
Edward Reekers - Kayak
Jay van Feggelen - Ayreon
Maggy Luyten - Nightmare
Lisette van den Berg - Scarlet Stories
Ed Warby - Drums
Johan van Stratum - Bass
Marcel Coenen - Lead guitar
Ferry Duijsens - Guitar
Joost van den Broek - Keyboards
Ben Mathot - Violin
Jeroen Goossens - Flutes, woodwinds
Maaike Peterse - Cello |
This already happened last year (apparently it was superb), the recent announcement is of the DVD/Blu-Ray of the event.
There was a previous set of concerts of The Human Equation album (The Theatre Equation) - the Blu-Ray is top notch
Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: January 24 2018 at 09:39
zachfive wrote:
I've been listening to Ayreon almost exclusively for about 3 months now
and I'm going to throw my two cents into this thread. Like most people
here I really enjoy Ayreons music. For those who don't like him, that's
you opinion and I get that. But I kind of equate that my feelings to for
Tom Brady. Sure I hate the man, don't like him and that's my opinion;
but if we were talking about his actual ability well then yeah he is
pretty freakin good. Arjen Lucasssen is the same way, sure you may not enjoy
his music, but his understanding of music composition and music
production are undeniable. Another stand out quality that I believe makes
his music so good is his leadership. He seems to be the anti-Fripp,
knowing when and how to utilize the talents around him without it being a
dictatorship. On many occasions he has let the vocalist for a song
develop the vocal melody, examples include - but not limited too, "My
House on Mars" and "Waking Dreams". When presenting Arjen with his
Virtuoso Award for the 2014 Prog Awards Damian Wilson said, "He is the
most wonderful man in the world, but most people don't get a chance to
see how wonderful he is. But they get a chance to hear it. And he sees
the best in everyone, and when he records with musicians he always
brings out the best in them." Any research into the man himself and you
can see how humble, modest, and talented he really is.
As for the
music itself, well I think Arjen described Ayreons sound better than
anyone. In an interview about 01011001 he said "Ayreon is a combination
of power and melody, it's very important for me" It is this cornerstone
upon which he builds his music, and it shows. In addition to this
foundation of composition, he includes power synth runs that are as
catchy as they are appropriate. Never too much and always just enough.
His influences are many, but the sounds at the forefront are metal,
folk, and symphonic prog all wrapped in a rock opera delivery system
that just seem to coalesce into one deliciously cheesy experience. I say
cheesy, well, because it is, but in the best way possible. The story he
tells, and the music through which he tells it, is so grandiose that it
couldn't be any other way. I remember the first time I listened to
"Connect the Dots", so much lyrical cheese I was face palming. But I
realized I was taking the song out of context, listening to it as a
single entity rather than a piece of the whole. This is where I feel
Ayreon loses a lot of people. Like a cake, Ayreon is best enjoyed as a
whole fully baked product, not eaten one ingredient at a time. Within
the context of the album "Connect the Dots" becomes one of the most
powerful songs. Delving beneath the surface of lyrics like "I picked up
fast food on the way and it's finger licking good" or "Peer to Peer the
torrent flows into my lap." You see Arjen is speaking about the loss of
emotions and how oblivious people are of that fact, and how aware and
helpless The Forever Race is of their human progeny. This brings me to
my favorite aspect of Ayreons music and that is this amazing story he
has told. A brilliant multi layered story that while on the surface is
about an alien race and their influence on humanity, below is well
observed commentary on a human emotions. A great read is prognotes
Ayreon's The Forever Saga(http://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2017/04/13/prognotes-ayreons-the-forever-saga-part-i-the-final-experiment-kinda/). So far there are only two parts but it is a
thorough breakdown of the story behind Ayreons music.
Here is my list of favorite Ayeron albums starting with what I feel to be his best to his not as good as the others. This does not include solo albums or Star One albums, which are also very good and I would put above some of Ayerons work.
TIER ONE Into the Electric Castle - Perfect blend of story telling and song writing. Classic Ayreon sound. 01011001 - My personal favorite, very hard sounding with some balanced softer spots. Pound for pound offers the best melodies and contains my personal favorite group of vocalist. Universal Migrator pt 1 & 2 - Putting these as a single entity. Part one great symph/classic prog, Part two great metal/heavy prog. TIER TWO The Human Equation - I know most would put this higher on the list, and while musically it is stellar, I find that the story telling is a bit one dimensional. While yes, it has all the things I love Ayreon albums for, the plot is a bit straightforward, and I felt kind of jipped at the end, like a great movie with a bad ending. I very much enjoy the album, but not as much as other people. The Final Experiment - Sets the tone for Arjens style, which only refines and get better with future releases. The first Ayreon story actually told but is more around the fourth in the series of events. Great album, but actually would not recommend as a place to start to someone who is looking to get into Ayreon. Also cool to think that Merlin professed that that another minstrel will appear at the end of the 20th century and that it is actually Arjen himself, bringing a real life dimension to the story that I think is cool. The Source - Love the story, love the hard heavy sound. Some great vocal harmonies, but kind of lacks that je ne sais quoi that the The Human Equation or Electric Castle have. TIER THREE Actual Fantasy - Not considered to be part of "The Forever Saga",
but has sci-fi elements and a nod here or there to some Ayreon lore.
Enjoyable. The Theory of Everything - There are some parts I really enjoy, and others not so much. One thing is for sure that the style and sound are consistently Ayreon. This album is simply just alright and is also outside of "The Forever Saga". Something has to be the floor to the high ceiling set by all the other albums, this album is that floor.
TL:DR - Ayreon is indeed awesome
Going with your scheme:
Tier 1: The Human Equation The Theory Of Everything
Tier 2: Into The Electric Castle 01011001 The Dream Sequencer The Source
Tier 3: The Final Experiment The Universal Migrator
Tier 4: Actual Fantasy
Strangely, my 2 favourites both sit outside the main story arc...
But they're all damn good really
Posted By: zachfive
Date Posted: January 26 2018 at 00:16
essesxboyinwales wrote:
This already happened last year (apparently it
was superb), the recent announcement is of the DVD/Blu-Ray of the
event. |
Yeah I knew that, I was just posting because of the DVD release and that pre orders can be placed on 30.1.18
is a youtuber who filmed the concert but the quality is only as good as
personal cameras can go. But the DVD will be an absolute must for me.
tiers. For you, what is so intriguing about The Theory of Everything?
Also remember the Human Equation is part of "The Forever Saga". Its only
at the end do we find out that it too was another experiment by Forever
to experience emotions. That's what turned me off so much and why I put
it in Tier 2. It just kind of seemed like an afterthought as to not
break the continuity.
Looking back at my earlier post, if I felt
compelled to change some things, maybe I'd split The Universal Migrator
albums and switch The Universal Migrator pt 2 and The Human Equation...
but that's still a maybe.