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The Cardiacs Society

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: The Cardiacs Society
Posted By: The Monodrone
Subject: The Cardiacs Society
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 13:21
I've recently become a huge fan of Cardiacs, and I know that they have quite a loyal following.  I believe they deserve more appreciation here on the PA forums. They are truly an extraordinary band.

Let's discuss anything you want to involving Cardiacs, as well as the genius that is Tim Smith.

What are your favorite Cardiacs albums? Have you seen any of their shows? Have any rare memorabilia? Anything else you'd like to discuss about Cardiacs, let's do it here. Wink

Get well soon, Tim!


Posted By: Rottenhat
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 13:49
In principle I like Cardiacs, but the they  often have a grating "wall of noise" kinda sound that gives me listeners fatigue. I guess I am too old.. Even the most Hard Core RIO/Avant bands usually mellows out a bit between the hard parts, but not Cardiacs...

Language is a virus from outer space.

-William S. Burroughs

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 13:54
Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

In principle I like Cardiacs, but the often have a grating wall of noise kinda sound to them that gives me listeners fatigue. I guess I am too old.. Even the most Hard Core RIO/Avant bands usually mellows out a bit between the hard parts, but not Cardiacs...

Guess so. Tongue

I guess I sort of felt the same way the first few times I listened to them, but that shortly left.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 13:57
The Cardiacs family (including band themselves, Knifeworld, Sea Nymphs, Spratley's Japs, etc) are right up there with the Yoshida bands and Can and such for me.  Tim is a very special man, able to bring us such beautiful music. 

Favorite albums?  Right now, A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window and Sing to God, later it may change.  Favorite song?  R.E.S. easily, followed right now by A Little Man and a House.  The Special Garage Concerts are great albums too.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Rottenhat
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 14:12
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

In principle I like Cardiacs, but the often have a grating wall of noise kinda sound to them that gives me listeners fatigue. I guess I am too old.. Even the most Hard Core RIO/Avant bands usually mellows out a bit between the hard parts, but not Cardiacs...

Guess so. Tongue

I guess I sort of felt the same way the first few times I listened to them, but that shortly left.

Have to give them a go, again :)

Language is a virus from outer space.

-William S. Burroughs

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 14:34
Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

In principle I like Cardiacs, but the often have a grating wall of noise kinda sound to them that gives me listeners fatigue. I guess I am too old.. Even the most Hard Core RIO/Avant bands usually mellows out a bit between the hard parts, but not Cardiacs...

Guess so. Tongue

I guess I sort of felt the same way the first few times I listened to them, but that shortly left.

Have to give them a go, again :)

Sounds good! Big smile

 BTW, does anyone have the recent Tim Smith tribute album, Leader of the Starry Skies? And what do you think of it?


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 14:41
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

 BTW, does anyone have the recent Tim Smith tribute album, Leader of the Starry Skies? And what do you think of it?

Yep, just finished listening to the second disc.  After first listens of each, I definitely enjoy the first one more as it's got a lot of great interpretations on it, but the second disc has some really great ones too (first to spring to mind are those by Sterbus and The Scaramanga Six).

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 17:37
They began as a punky prog band (the Mothers (Zappa's backing band) of punk ?) and evolved towards a more proggy punk band in the late eighties/early nineties (with a certian boost of energy with comparison to the previoous records). Everything they released is good actually. 
Progsters will prefer 'a little house', more pop-punk appreciating people will be more delighted with 'on land' or 'heaven born'

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 19:47

Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 20:32
I like them a bunch, I've got Sing To God but it bothers me I only have it in digital format. I'm really hoping for an affordable re-release or something soon.

Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 20:49
Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

I like them a bunch, I've got Sing To God but it bothers me I only have it in digital format. I'm really hoping for an affordable re-release or something soon.

Exactly this Fantastic band. Shame there's no current/readily available CD pressing for Sing To God.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 20:54
Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

I like them a bunch, I've got Sing To God but it bothers me I only have it in digital format. I'm really hoping for an affordable re-release or something soon.

Exactly this Fantastic band. Shame there's no current/readily available CD pressing for Sing To God.

As if we need any more reason for Tim to get better than just Tim getting better, this is a reason.  I feel like once he's recovered more, we'll get reissues, plus the Garage Concert Rehearsal DVD and the new album before too long.  As long as he recovers I'll be happy, though too bad they're not touring anymore.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 21:37
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Originally posted by progkidjoel progkidjoel wrote:

Originally posted by TheGazzardian TheGazzardian wrote:

I like them a bunch, I've got Sing To God but it bothers me I only have it in digital format. I'm really hoping for an affordable re-release or something soon.

Exactly this Fantastic band. Shame there's no current/readily available CD pressing for Sing To God.

As if we need any more reason for Tim to get better than just Tim getting better, this is a reason.  I feel like once he's recovered more, we'll get reissues, plus the Garage Concert Rehearsal DVD and the new album before too long.  As long as he recovers I'll be happy, though too bad they're not touring anymore.

Man, I would totally love to have those on CD/DVD... such wonderful albums. I hope Tim does have a speedy and full recovery. To be able to have a DVD of Cardiacs performances would be a dream. Have any of you guys listened to The Sea Nymphs or Spratleys Japs? Pretty wonderful stuff.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 22:02
Yep, I've heard an album from both of those groups.  Next on my list of full-on attack are Knifeworld and Tim Smith's Extra Special OceanLandWorld. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 22:06
Will attempt to listen to Sing to God tomorrow.

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 01 2011 at 22:55
Be prepared to give it multiple listens - if you're anything like me, it might take some time to grow on you. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 11:24
In case anyone's interested, I found a pretty interesting unofficial Cardiacs website:" rel="nofollow - .

It's got some audio interviews if you look under the 'Music Player' tab.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 11:49
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

In case anyone's interested, I found a pretty interesting unofficial Cardiacs website:" rel="nofollow - .

It's got some audio interviews if you look under the 'Music Player' tab.

And they have forums over there pretty dedicated to all things Cardiacs/Tim Smith related.  I'm a member there (not as active as here) as is Trouserpress, and the people there really know their Cardiacs.  The Music Player has at least one or two unreleased tracks too, I think.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 12:12
Gave Sing to God (pt. 1) a whirl this morning - it was pretty good, but you're right Jon I'm going to need some time with it.

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 12:15
Glad you enjoyed it so far, hopefully you'll like it more in time.  I'm giving it a spin right now actually, pt. 1 is almost over. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 12:27
Originally posted by Padraic Padraic wrote:

Gave Sing to God (pt. 1) a whirl this morning - it was pretty good, but you're right Jon I'm going to need some time with it.

Took me 3 or 4 listens for it to really soak in. One of my favorite albums now.


Posted By: ergaster
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 16:30
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Be prepared to give it multiple listens - if you're anything like me, it might take some time to grow on you. 


First few times there were a lot of wtf?? moments, a lot of laughing out loud (like "What the hell is going on in this song??), and a few that I tended to play a lot (Nurses Whispering Verses remains among my faves off Sing to God).

And then one day I realized I loved the entire album.  So yeah, it takes some dedication, but it is well worth it.

We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Reality rules, Honor the truth
Chemist99a R.I.P.

Posted By: dedokras
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 18:35
Cardiacs have been my favourite band for the last several years, so in my biased opinion:

Sing to God - one of the best albums ever; A Little Man and a House - not too far behind

The Garage Concerts - one of the best live albums...


Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 02 2011 at 21:46
Originally posted by dedokras dedokras wrote:

Cardiacs have been my favourite band for the last several years, so in my biased opinion:

Sing to God - one of the best albums ever; A Little Man and a House - not too far behind

The Garage Concerts - one of the best live albums...

Do you have any physical copies of these albums? 


Posted By: daslaf
Date Posted: February 03 2011 at 03:48

Awesome band, one of my favorites from all time I must say... speaking of Cardiacs related music. Have you heard Briny Hooves by William D. Drake? I NEED TO GET THAT ALBUM!!! There are two songs on youtube which are bloody brilliant, any opinion about this record?

But now my branches suffer
And my leaves don't bear the glow
They did so long ago

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: February 03 2011 at 04:00
You are all under arrest!

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Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 03 2011 at 04:35
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

I've recently become a huge fan of Cardiacs, and I know that they have quite a loyal following.  I believe they deserve more appreciation here on the PA forums. They are truly an extraordinary band.

Let's discuss anything you want to involving Cardiacs, as well as the genius that is Tim Smith.

What are your favorite Cardiacs albums? Have you seen any of their shows? Have any rare memorabilia? Anything else you'd like to discuss about Cardiacs, let's do it here. Wink

Get well soon, Tim!

Tim's music is a gift that keeps on giving. No matter how deep you delve there's always something new and wonderful to discover. Every time I stick on a Cardiacs record it's like a flower opening its petals out anew and bathing my world in glorious technicolour. In short, I f**king love Cardiacs.

Favourite album? Impossible choice. It's usually whichever one I'm currently listening to.

Shows? I saw them twice - once in London (Astoria 2006) and again in Bristol on their final tour in 2007. Unique, unforgettable experiences both.

Memorabilia? I used to have a set of badges but they had a terrible habit of quietly detaching themselves and getting lost. I also have a copy of the limited edition Ditzy Scene EP - their last official release. Not a patch on some of the rareities in the museum!

Oh, and to whoever it was asking about William D. Drake's Briny Hooves album, he's made it available for purchase through bandcamp here:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 03 2011 at 19:46
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

I've recently become a huge fan of Cardiacs, and I know that they have quite a loyal following.  I believe they deserve more appreciation here on the PA forums. They are truly an extraordinary band.

Let's discuss anything you want to involving Cardiacs, as well as the genius that is Tim Smith.

What are your favorite Cardiacs albums? Have you seen any of their shows? Have any rare memorabilia? Anything else you'd like to discuss about Cardiacs, let's do it here. Wink

Get well soon, Tim!

Tim's music is a gift that keeps on giving. No matter how deep you delve there's always something new and wonderful to discover. Every time I stick on a Cardiacs record it's like a flower opening its petals out anew and bathing my world in glorious technicolour. In short, I f**king love Cardiacs.

Favourite album? Impossible choice. It's usually whichever one I'm currently listening to.

Shows? I saw them twice - once in London (Astoria 2006) and again in Bristol on their final tour in 2007. Unique, unforgettable experiences both.

Memorabilia? I used to have a set of badges but they had a terrible habit of quietly detaching themselves and getting lost. I also have a copy of the limited edition Ditzy Scene EP - their last official release. Not a patch on some of the rareities in the museum!

Oh, and to whoever it was asking about William D. Drake's Briny Hooves album, he's made it available for purchase through bandcamp here:" rel="nofollow -

Wow, I would love to see Cardiacs live. I've seen The Mare's Nest videos on Youtube, and those are really nice. Have any photos you'd like to share from the shows you attended?


Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 04 2011 at 04:20
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Wow, I would love to see Cardiacs live. I've seen The Mare's Nest videos on Youtube, and those are really nice. Have any photos you'd like to share from the shows you attended?

My partner took some at the Bristol show but I'm not sure where to find them on her computer. I'll see if she can dig them out at some point! Smile

On a much sadder note, there's an article about LOTSS in today's Guardian and it goes into more detail about Tim's current condition than previous ones. It doesn't make for happy reading." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: February 04 2011 at 07:31
I really love Cardiacs, my favourite albums are "On Land And In The Sea" and "Sign To God" They influenced   a lot of bands of different styles: Napalm Death (Shayne Embury is a big fan), Wildhearts, Mike Patton, etc.

Tim get well soon!!!

Posted By: Rottenhat
Date Posted: February 04 2011 at 09:32
Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

In principle I like Cardiacs, but the often have a grating wall of noise kinda sound to them that gives me listeners fatigue. I guess I am too old.. Even the most Hard Core RIO/Avant bands usually mellows out a bit between the hard parts, but not Cardiacs...

Guess so. Tongue

I guess I sort of felt the same way the first few times I listened to them, but that shortly left.

Have to give them a go, again :)

Sounds good! Big smile

 BTW, does anyone have the recent Tim Smith tribute album, Leader of the Starry Skies? And what do you think of it?

Any good Youtube video, or the like?

Language is a virus from outer space.

-William S. Burroughs

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 04 2011 at 09:37
Originally posted by Rottenhat Rottenhat wrote:

Any good Youtube video, or the like?

Tons. A few personal favourites:

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 04 2011 at 17:24
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

Originally posted by ptkc123 ptkc123 wrote:

Wow, I would love to see Cardiacs live. I've seen The Mare's Nest videos on Youtube, and those are really nice. Have any photos you'd like to share from the shows you attended?

My partner took some at the Bristol show but I'm not sure where to find them on her computer. I'll see if she can dig them out at some point! Smile

On a much sadder note, there's an article about LOTSS in today's Guardian and it goes into more detail about Tim's current condition than previous ones. It doesn't make for happy reading." rel="nofollow -

I had no idea he was doing so bad... Ouch Please get well soon Tim!


Posted By: ergaster
Date Posted: February 05 2011 at 08:12
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

My partner took some at the Bristol show but I'm not sure where to find them on her computer. I'll see if she can dig them out at some point! Smile

On a much sadder note, there's an article about LOTSS in today's Guardian and it goes into more detail about Tim's current condition than previous ones. It doesn't make for happy reading." rel="nofollow -


No, that kind of devastating neurological damage does not bode well, alas, especially if he is still in hospital two years later.  Hope for small improvements.  Be thankful for anything.

(Speaking from personal family experience.... :(  )

We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Reality rules, Honor the truth
Chemist99a R.I.P.

Posted By: brainerd
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 14:27
Oh looky look we have the same avatar, how... embarassing?
I love this band to bits, especially Guns and Heaven Born and Ever Bright, which is underrated even by their standards. That Guardian article is heartbreaking, I had no idea Tim was in such a bad state.
Has anyone heard Knifeworld by the way? It's their guitarist Kavus Torabi's own project who released an album last year it's really good stuff!

The car's on fire, there's no driver at the wheel...

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 14:34
Please point me in a non-iTunes affordable direction for procurement of their or hard. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 14:44
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

Please point me in a non-iTunes affordable direction for procurement of their or hard. 

Well, the only digital distributor of Cardiacs albums is iTunes. You could check for the physical... not sure that the majority are 'affordable,' but they're all there.


Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 14:53
^Yeah, Amazon has them for first-borns and a favorite appendage. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 14:58
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

^Yeah, Amazon has them for first-borns and a favorite appendage. 

Yeah, iTunes is probably your only choice then.


Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 15:05
I just can't bring myself to sign up. Youtube it is!!! LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 15:34
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

I just can't bring myself to sign up. Youtube it is!!! LOL

Please consider signing up. I know iTunes sucks in a lot of ways but all the royalties go straight to Tim, who needs every penny he can get right now...

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 16:58
My wife actually has an account. Maybe I will go that direction. Clearly I must have more Cardiacs.

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 17:50
I bought the whole discography by itunes but i  want to buy the cd´s too, on the official website are not available.

Do you know a record store where I can buyit?, I probe on amazon and there is nothing

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 18:35
Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

I bought the whole discography by itunes but i  want to buy the cd´s too, on the official website are not available.

Do you know a record store where I can buyit?, I probe on amazon and there is nothing

You won't find any for under $70-75 USD, and Sing to God goes for around $150.  They are out of print right now, and will be for a while as far as I know, at least until Tim has recovered more.  My best advice is to wait (patiently) for Tim's recovery like the rest of us, and then once he's recovered more we can start hoping for CD reissues.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 18:54
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

My wife actually has an account. Maybe I will go that direction. Clearly I must have more Cardiacs.

I share your disgust at iTunes...but I finally held my nose and acquired some albums.  Burned to a CD and then transferred to my media library...and won't load up iTunes for a long, long time hopefully.

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 19:13
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

I bought the whole discography by itunes but i  want to buy the cd´s too, on the official website are not available.

Do you know a record store where I can buyit?, I probe on amazon and there is nothing

You won't find any for under $70-75 USD, and Sing to God goes for around $150.  They are out of print right now, and will be for a while as far as I know, at least until Tim has recovered more.  My best advice is to wait (patiently) for Tim's recovery like the rest of us, and then once he's recovered more we can start hoping for CD reissues.

Thanks for the advice SaltyJon

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 08 2011 at 12:10
Sing to God reissued would be a dream. I hope Tim recovers and considers it.


Posted By: Saskia
Date Posted: February 11 2011 at 14:23
I was astounded by this:

Israeli prog band Gilliam covering a number of *EXCELLENT* Cardiacs songs: RES, Tarred and Feathered, All His Geese are Swans,  Good stuff indeed.

Equally as enjoyable was this" rel="nofollow - cover of The Everso Closely Guarded Line:

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 13 2011 at 12:54
Originally posted by Padraic Padraic wrote:

Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

My wife actually has an account. Maybe I will go that direction. Clearly I must have more Cardiacs.

I share your disgust at iTunes...but I finally held my nose and acquired some albums.  Burned to a CD and then transferred to my media library...and won't load up iTunes for a long, long time hopefully.

Agreed - I downloaded them through iTunes, then converted the files to my preferred computer listening style (basically anything that plays through Winamp, but iTunes will only convert to mp3), and never opened iTunes again (unless buying more quality Cardiacs music).

Originally posted by Saskia Saskia wrote:

I was astounded by this:

Israeli prog band Gilliam covering a number of *EXCELLENT* Cardiacs songs: RES, Tarred and Feathered, All His Geese are Swans,  Good stuff indeed.

Equally as enjoyable was this" rel="nofollow - cover of The Everso Closely Guarded Line:

I've watched a video of Gilliam covering R.E.S. on Youtube, it's definitely well done:

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: February 13 2011 at 15:24
Strange band for me, I have only "A Little Man and a House ..." and the double "Sing To God" and I very honestly admit they are really great musicians, and yet the style is not my cup of tea. I would be hardly pushed if I should rate these albums, I realise they are f*k good and yet reality is that I play them very very seldom.

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 14 2011 at 03:39
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Strange band for me, I have only "A Little Man and a House ..." and the double "Sing To God" and I very honestly admit they are really great musicians, and yet the style is not my cup of tea. I would be hardly pushed if I should rate these albums, I realise they are f*k good and yet reality is that I play them very very seldom.

I wouldn't worry about it. I encounter bands that are technically proficient but do f**k all for me on a personal level pretty much every day. Cardiacs are pretty much the epitome of an "acquired taste".

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 14 2011 at 10:26
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Strange band for me, I have only "A Little Man and a House ..." and the double "Sing To God" and I very honestly admit they are really great musicians, and yet the style is not my cup of tea. I would be hardly pushed if I should rate these albums, I realise they are f*k good and yet reality is that I play them very very seldom.

I wouldn't worry about it. I encounter bands that are technically proficient but do f**k all for me on a personal level pretty much every day. Cardiacs are pretty much the epitome of an "acquired taste".

Yes, I totally agree. I would try them out a little more though, Gerinksi. You may find that you enjoy them more and more.


Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: February 14 2011 at 10:48
This was posted by Mr. Kavus Torabi over at Progressive Ears (in the thread he opened about the Tribute album. 

"To be honest I was a little surprised by The Guardian piece. Bic had done the interview about a month before and the writer Ian Gittins' father had had a stroke so he was apparently very sensitive to the issue. When I read it there we're quotes in there from Bic that did not sound like him at all ('He's a great guy'...Bic never talks like that). When I spoke to Bic he was furious, apparently he had said very little of what he had been quoted as saying. Ho hum. 

Yes, it does paint a rather bleak picture. Tim is not paralysed, nor can he do little else than 'be hoisted in and out of a wheelchair' (sorry if this is a little inaccurate, I'm quoting from memory here) however a lot of what was written is true and a lot more realistic than some of the missives and speculations that have been come out. 

I have been fairly tight lipped about the situation, as have all Tim's friends, but if I'm honest one good thing about an article like this is does clear up to some extent what a lot of people have feared and the amount of fairly inane, although mostly genuinely well meaning, emails I've been bombarded with over the last couple of years from fans has slowed down a little. 

You know; 'Hey are you and Tim Jamming again' and 'Why don't you put out Maresnest on DVD' or 'Are you working on finishing the new album again' etc. I've just found the whole thing extremely painful as you can imagine. 

Also the sales of Leader Of The Starry Skies went right up after the feature. 

We would love to make the entire back catalogue available again and are well aware everyone wants this and also the ridiculousness of a situation where interest in Tim's music is at an all time high, there is a big demand for it AND it will raise a lot of money 

All I can say here is that it is proving EXTREMELY difficult right now. I can't go into the details unfortunately. We are doing our best to sort this out. 

To re-affirm though. Tim is still the wonderful Tim in himself. He is still extremely funny and perceptive and as full of sh*t as he always was. He listens to music continually (including a lot of his own stuff) and enjoys regular visits from his pals. He just can't really do or say much right now but the money raised by this album is already going into more help for him. 

He has good days and bad days as you might expect but is incredibly positive in his all of us around him hope. 


-------------" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -  

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 14 2011 at 11:03
Yeah I caught that earlier Assaf. Typical British journalism to misquote and distort, even on a sensitive and (comparatively) minor article such as this. Still, there's some quietly reassuring stuff in that post and I'm very grateful to Kavus for clearing things up a little.

Posted By: The Monodrone
Date Posted: February 14 2011 at 12:37
It's good to hear Tim's condition isn't as bad as the article says.


Posted By: fxdregs
Date Posted: March 08 2011 at 14:52
Briny Hooves is a brillaint, yet little known record (at least here anyaway) by William D Drake.
My advice is do not hesitate to get this. You cannot buy the disc at Drake's site but you can buy the download.
Did this last week and it's been at the top of my playlist ever since.
Great record!!!!

Posted By: russellk
Date Posted: March 09 2011 at 14:02
Cardiacs are unique. I love their playfulness, their skill and the mind-blowing tunes.

Would love to have seen them live!

I too am saddened to hear that Tim is still debilitated, but whether or not he ever makes any more new music he has ensured himself a place high up in the (short) list of genuine music greats.

I've been watching Maresnest over the last few days and will write a review of it soon.

Posted By: daslaf
Date Posted: March 10 2011 at 17:46
Originally posted by fxdregs fxdregs wrote:

Briny Hooves is a brillaint, yet little known record (at least here anyaway) by William D Drake.
My advice is do not hesitate to get this. You cannot buy the disc at Drake's site but you can buy the download.
Did this last week and it's been at the top of my playlist ever since.
Great record!!!!

Well I finally got it for my birthday, best present I've given myself in a long time, hehe... 
I'm glad Briny Hooves is more song oriented than Will's first solo record, which sounded a lot like another Sea Nymphs release, BH sounds more original and gosh, Bill is such a great composer, pianist and singer... Hooray for himl!

But now my branches suffer
And my leaves don't bear the glow
They did so long ago

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: March 12 2011 at 10:02
Yoinked from another forum:

hello all
i will be presenting a one hour internet radio show to promote the "leader of the starry skies" cd
on sun march 13th at 8pm uk time on" rel="nofollow - (esoterica with dave hewitt) the show is one whole hour of all things tim smith.
i hope this will increase awareness of his needs and help sell a few more cds.
please pass the word
thank you dave

I'll be tuning in tomorrow and I hope some of you will be too!

Posted By: Sing To God
Date Posted: May 16 2011 at 02:36
Massive fan here. They have been my favourtie band bar none since I was introduced to them by a friend  in 1989. Between 1989 and 1996 I saw them live over 30 times. Then in the 00s I saw them a few times at The Astoria for their annual Xmas gig.
Get well Tim.  

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: July 03 2011 at 15:18
Tim is 50 today.

Get well soon Tim!

Posted By: Sing To God
Date Posted: July 04 2011 at 01:52
Yea, best wishes to Tim. I'll be 50 myself soon.

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 04:00
Marc Riley did a" rel="nofollow - special edition of his 6music show in honour of Tim's birthday last night. He played three Cardiacs live session tracks (including the never-released song Silvery!), as well as tracks by "family" artists William D Drake, Levitation and The Trudy's superb cover of Day Is Gone. Well worth a listen.

Posted By: Sing To God
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 07:14
Did you buy the 2 tribute discs? Those are wonderful

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 07:31
Yep, you can read my rather gushy review" rel="nofollow - here !

Posted By: EchidnasArf
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 21:03
Just listened to Cardiacs for the first time (because of this thread). I listened to R.E.S. and watched the video along with it. First impression: these guys are crazy, but I like it. Love the guitar work and the composition of this particular song is really neat. You have my attention, Cardiacs. What's next?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Did You See Those Bats? (a few songs from my band's live radio show)

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 21:07
Depends, I think A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window, On Land and In the Sea, and Sing to God are all easily 5-star albums.  Sing to God is a bit less lushly arranged, more hard-edged, but still has a lot of that Tim Smith charm. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: EchidnasArf
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 21:50
Okay, I just checked out the "As Cold As Can Be in an English Sea" and "Jibber and Twitch" rehearsal videos on YouTube and I'm thoroughly impressed and a bit blown away. The drummer rules, and I dig the vocals on these vids much more than the stuff that I've heard so far from Sing to God and the song "R.E.S." What album is English Sea on? What are these guys up to these days?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Did You See Those Bats? (a few songs from my band's live radio show)

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 21:57
They're in what may very well be permanent hiatus, Tim Smith's health problems ensure that the band can't do anything.  Cry  Those two tracks are actually old tracks redone with the newest band formation, practice for the Special Garage Concerts (two discs of those are available, along with everything else by Cardiacs, on iTunes and nowhere else).  

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: EchidnasArf
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 22:12
That's a shame. Seems the most recent incarnation of the band might be the lineup I enjoy the most. Is the drummer from the Garage Concerts the same drummer from the original Cardiacs lineup? "To Go Off and Things" is extremely rad.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Did You See Those Bats? (a few songs from my band's live radio show)

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 05 2011 at 22:15
I can't say for sure.  Better off asking The Hemulen there, he's the one who converted me to a Cardiacs fanboy.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: July 06 2011 at 08:38
Originally posted by EchidnasArf EchidnasArf wrote:

That's a shame. Seems the most recent incarnation of the band might be the lineup I enjoy the most. Is the drummer from the Garage Concerts the same drummer from the original Cardiacs lineup? "To Go Off and Things" is extremely rad.

Bob Leith (their most recent drummer) has been with them since Sing to God, so you can hear him playing on that album, Guns (their final studio album), and the aforementioned Special Garage Concerts live albums on which you'll find similarly killer renditions of Gibber and Twitch and As Cold As Can Be In An English Sea. Their previous drummer, Dominic Luckman was also superb, IMO, and for several years they had a full-time additional percussionist (Tim Quy).

If you like their hard-edged sound then Sing to God's the one to get. Maybe get that and the Garage Concerts, as they're a great introduction to a lot of their early material but with much better sound production and incredibly tight performances from the most recent line-up. Please make sure to buy 'em from iTunes - currently the only place to get their stuff legally, and with Tim still recovering from serious health problems he could really really do with the money! Smile

Posted By: EchidnasArf
Date Posted: July 06 2011 at 15:43
This was all very helpful. Thanks a bunch Hemulen. These guys are insane. I used to be very into punk and hardcore music when I was younger (DK, Crass, Misfits, etc..). I dropped it because I grew bored with poor recording quality and just overall lame production on a lot of fronts. Cardiacs are what I want from "punk" music right now, if you can really even call it that. It's all very polished, in a completely frenetic way. The arrangements command attention at almost every second. Love it.

Listening to "Will Bleed Amen" from Guns right now. Leith is a monster. A Leithal weapon, if you will.WinkCool (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

-------------" rel="nofollow - Did You See Those Bats? (a few songs from my band's live radio show)

Posted By: fxdregs
Date Posted: July 19 2011 at 15:00
Originally posted by daslaf daslaf wrote:

Originally posted by fxdregs fxdregs wrote:

Briny Hooves is a brillaint, yet little known record (at least here anyaway) by William D Drake.
My advice is do not hesitate to get this. You cannot buy the disc at Drake's site but you can buy the download.
Did this last week and it's been at the top of my playlist ever since.
Great record!!!!

Well I finally got it for my birthday, best present I've given myself in a long time, hehe... 
I'm glad Briny Hooves is more song oriented than Will's first solo record, which sounded a lot like another Sea Nymphs release, BH sounds more original and gosh, Bill is such a great composer, pianist and singer... Hooray for himl!
Drakes new record The Rising of the Lights is a great follow up to Briny Hooves.
As for the Cardiacs - really like some of their stuff. A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window is one of my favorite records. Tim Smith is brilliant!!

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 19 2011 at 15:04
I love just about everything Tim Smith-related I've heard - Cardiacs, of course, plus Spratleys Japs, The Sea Nymphs, Tim Smith's Extra Special Oceanlandworld, etc. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: July 20 2011 at 13:37
Where has this thread been????
Cardiacs are like a sea nymph slapping you in the face so hard that you fall into a coma only to have the strangest dreams. I like that description...

Favorite albums?? Yes.

Speaking of the Cardiacs family, anyone try Bill's "Yew's Paw"? It's all classical pieces, and they're all gorgeous!! Been played constantly in my place for months now and it's still magical.

There be dragons

Posted By: Ady Random
Date Posted: July 22 2011 at 05:39
hi to this site(sorry!).....been a member of the maresnest forum for years....some people may know me from there as just ady...and no i'm not ady belch.....although he is a good friend of mine.

been a fan of cardiacs  for about 22 years now....and if it wasn't for cardiacs i would not have ended up hereSmile

a fan of allsorts of music and genre's...for me prog is just a nice way of saying loads of different styles twisted together the moment getting into Magma the usual suspects like early genesis and crimson.

if there is anywhere on this site where i can say hello to all....i'll be glad to know......and hopefully discover some gems of music along the waySmile

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: July 22 2011 at 11:38
^ firstly welcome to PA! It is a diverse home filled with with Neo Proggers and RIO-heads and Metal heads, but we all more or less get along, though of course Cardiacs fans are completely superior to anyone else! What might you mean by saying hello to all? Hello! You can also PM us. You can also find me in "Maresnest" under "dogeatspine" where I'm sorta as active but I've been there only for a few months.

There be dragons

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: July 22 2011 at 17:40
Hiya Ady, I'm Salty Jon over at Maresnest too, haven't posted there as much as I have here. 

There's a "Welcome Newbies" sub-forum" rel="nofollow - here where you can introduce yourself to the forums at large.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 04 2012 at 06:05
Just popping in to share these wonderful a capella covers of" rel="nofollow - Wireless and" rel="nofollow - Bell Clinks .

I like this general-purpose Cardiacs thread more than the other one. Smile" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 04 2012 at 08:42
^that is just epic in more ways than I can think of.

There be dragons

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 04 2012 at 10:56
Listening to the version of Wireless now - pretty great stuff so far!  May pass up the a capella covers of some Magma stuff as my favorite a capella cover. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: frogbs
Date Posted: February 07 2012 at 14:53
Any updates on Tim's condition?  Hard to believe they've been 13 years now without a proper studio album!  It seems that in the past 7-8 years especially they've gotten a huge amount of buzz through the internet and I can only imagine how huge it would be should Tim recover.  Obviously pretty much everyone in the group has been amazing but I don't think it's exaggerating to suggest that everything Timmy's done has been essential in some way, even that solo album!  Get well soon Timmy!

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 08 2012 at 23:09
^ I wish I knew anything, but he's keeping his health under wraps pretty much. I think he's pretty much OK (though I can only assume), but isn't well enough to actually go and play live. I'm not sure if he'll ever be.

There be dragons

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 16:21
I don't know how well he is, wish I did.  Just supported him a bit more though, got three more Cardiacs/related albums on iTunes.  The Seaside, Heaven Born & Ever Bright, and Tim Smith's Extra Special OceanLandWorld.  

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 16:41
Yeah, not a lot of information regarding Tim's condition, sadly, but that's a conscious choice his friends and family are making and we have to respect that. The general impression I've gotten from various slight comments on all manner of forums, facebook groups etc. is that he is improving but it is a slow and difficult process. We certainly shouldn't expect any more live performances from Tim, sadly.

Regarding the lack of new material, one of the great tragedies is that they were so so close to putting out a new album back in 2008/9. All the instrumental tracks had been completed and all that remained was for Tim to record his vocal parts before his health problems struck. My sincere hope is that one day, even if it's twenty years from now, that album sees the light of day. Ideally it would be wonderful for Tim to add his vocal contributions but if that isn't a possibility then perhaps through a combination of guest vocalists and/or reworked instrumental versions. They already "lost" one album, it would be the worst damn luck to lose two!

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 16:42
Which other album did they "lose," some of the tracks from The Seaside

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 17:17
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Which other album did they "lose," some of the tracks from The Seaside

No, those were all present on the original cassetterelease, but were left off the CD version. Not sure why that is, actually, but either way they're 'out there', so to speak.

The "lost" album was the original attempt at a follow-up to Guns. The song "Faster Than Snakes With a Ball and a Chain" which was included on the 2002 "Greatest Hits" compilation was allegedly taken from a "forthcoming" album which never actually materialised. Apparently that work-in-progress album was lost in a hard drive crash. The files hadn't been fully backed up and Tim said in an interview that he tried to "fix" the unfinished songs but eventually abandoned them in favour of starting afresh on what would've been LSD, the current not-quite-finished album. There's a brief (unreferenced) mention of it on the wiki page for Greatest Hits and a few references in interviews, but I can't think where I would've read them right now.

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 17:47
Ah, OK.  I didn't know what Faster Than Snakes With a Ball and a Chain was originally from, that explains it.  

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 19:33
Maybe you can help me...where in the WORLD did this track come from?  I've looked through their discography here and on Cardiacs Museum and on Wikipedia, and nowhere do I see a track by this name...I like it, though!

Ah, did some quick searching on the forums over at The Mares Nest, apparently it's a Jon Poole composition which appears(?) on the second God Damn Whores album.  Guessing it was originally intended for a Cardiacs release though...

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 23:40
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Maybe you can help me...where in the WORLD did this track come from?  I've looked through their discography here and on Cardiacs Museum and on Wikipedia, and nowhere do I see a track by this name...I like it, though!

Ah, did some quick searching on the forums over at The Mares Nest, apparently it's a Jon Poole composition which appears(?) on the second God Damn Whores album.  Guessing it was originally intended for a Cardiacs release though...

That's a great song, I think it was destined for the "lost" album. I think they call it just "Silvery" now, there's another live radio version from 2007, which is pretty great:

There be dragons

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 09 2012 at 23:40
Originally posted by frippism frippism wrote:

Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Maybe you can help me...where in the WORLD did this track come from?  I've looked through their discography here and on Cardiacs Museum and on Wikipedia, and nowhere do I see a track by this name...I like it, though!

Ah, did some quick searching on the forums over at The Mares Nest, apparently it's a Jon Poole composition which appears(?) on the second God Damn Whores album.  Guessing it was originally intended for a Cardiacs release though...

That's a great song, I think it was destined for the "lost" album. I think they call it just "Silvery" now, there's another live radio version from 2008, which is pretty great:

There be dragons

Posted By: frogbs
Date Posted: February 10 2012 at 09:35
Originally posted by The Hemulen The Hemulen wrote:

Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

Which other album did they "lose," some of the tracks from The Seaside

No, those were all present on the original cassetterelease, but were left off the CD version. Not sure why that is, actually, but either way they're 'out there', so to speak.

The "lost" album was the original attempt at a follow-up to Guns. The song "Faster Than Snakes With a Ball and a Chain" which was included on the 2002 "Greatest Hits" compilation was allegedly taken from a "forthcoming" album which never actually materialised. Apparently that work-in-progress album was lost in a hard drive crash. The files hadn't been fully backed up and Tim said in an interview that he tried to "fix" the unfinished songs but eventually abandoned them in favour of starting afresh on what would've been LSD, the current not-quite-finished album. There's a brief (unreferenced) mention of it on the wiki page for Greatest Hits and a few references in interviews, but I can't think where I would've read them right now.

Do you think this is actually true?  Sounds like one of those Aphex Twin style half-truths...

Posted By: centum
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 10:39

Hey guys

I've been listening to Sing To God recently and I found it terrifyingly awesome

but I have a tonn of questions concerning the lyrics

are there any articles or sites explaining them?

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 10:45
^ explanations? No! But here" rel="nofollow -

lyrics for all studio albums. 

I find Tim's lyrics awesome to think about, strange, weird, disquieting, beautiful.

There be dragons

Posted By: centum
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 11:12
I have all the lyrics, I just want to get into the "Cardiacs' Mythology"

Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 11:16
^ I'm not sure such a thing exists :)

There be dragons

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 23 2012 at 05:27
Yeah, there's no such thing as a "mythology" when it comes to Tim's lyrics. There are a couple of songs which reference other songs (i.e. "my hope day is forever coming closer" on the Seaside version of R.E.S.) but none of their albums strike me as being conceptual beyond vague themes, most obviously the use of Christian imagery on Sing to God.  Tim's always been fastidiously tight-lipped about the meaning of his lyrics, so ultimately how you interpret them is always down to you.

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: April 23 2012 at 20:59
Man... c´mon! This band is insanly awesome and we don´t talk about them as much as we should! 

Spread the love!!!

I´ll start by saying that Sing to God is a near perfect masterpiece, just so original and creative and fun, so much fun!!!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 23 2012 at 21:26
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

Man... c´mon! This band is insanly awesome and we don´t talk about them as much as we should! 

Spread the love!!!

I´ll start by saying that Sing to God is a near perfect masterpiece, just so original and creative and fun, so much fun!!!

Moved your topic post to this thread since there has been ongoing discussion here (even if no posts for a couple months in this thread).  Lots of Cardiacs fans here, including myself.  I particularly love Sing to God.

By the way, I found these Cardiacs covers a while back, and thought they were very well done:" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -

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