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Your Year In Music 2010

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Topic: Your Year In Music 2010
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Subject: Your Year In Music 2010
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 10:12
How was 2010 for you?  I didn't see any threads on this.  What have you discovered?  New releases, old releases, any new to you artist discoveries you went nuts for?

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Prog Geo
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 10:30
This is the year that I became a forum member here(I started checking the site in the middle of 2009 if I remember well)and that I fell in love with post rock/metal and shoegaze.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 10:33
For me it was a year of binging.  Binged on Big Big Train.  Did some catch up on some old favorites.  Hackett's new release, Abercrombie/Towner's Sargasso Sea.  Never had a copy of Metheny's New Chataqua.  Wilson/Wesley's live duet,  Picked up another Davis, it was fun, but not big big.  Hassel had a new one I had to try, excellent.  Got me a Bubu.  An overdue Kuhn addition, Springtime when it was.  Hard to get a hold of in country, I had to do an overseas order of Anja Garabeck's Smiling and Waving.  Still into the exploring, Flood's Four Seasons, The Gourishankar's 2nd Hands.  Back to an old favorite in a new year, Jeff Becks Emotion and Commotion.  Tal Tal Tal.  Some new stuff from Stereolab and Monade.  A nice Prince album thanks to a recommendation on this site, The Rainbow Children.  Went on a Happy Rhodes binge.  Caught up with Hedges and Gryphon.  Well both were old albums I was familiar with.  Surprised to get a freebie disc at a package store of Umphrey's.  Sarah McLachlan put out something new.  I think one of her best in years.  Then got severely infected with the Univers.  The first Kansas.  Omphrey.  New Eno ambient. New Ferry.  Wrapped it up with the Tull Christmas album.

It was a very good year.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 10:40
As in every previous year, I discovered many new bands in various genes; I had my regular "seasonal" inclination to a certain musical style (such as a period of excessive listening to either metal, electronic, classical etc). 
However I did have some trends this year:

1. psych/stoner/sludge
2. ambient
3. trip-hop/jazz/electronic

1. For some reason, since late in 2009 and well throughout 2010 (and still now), I've become infatuated with wanting to listen to psychedelic based music, from all kinds and styles, be it ambient, stoner or sludge; rock/metal or electronic based. I've discovered many more bands in these veins this past year and it's a wonderful and continuing trip. A highlight of this would be Samsara Blues Experiment. In any case, I can't seem to get enough of this sound. Just last night I had a ball listening to Spiritual Beggars followed by Mose Giganticus.

2. In the same way as with psych, I had an infatuation with ambient sounds. Here too I discovered so many acts that maneuver and manipulate sounds to create textures, that I started to lose myself in this abundance. Highlights would be Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and their alter ego Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation.   

3. In the last few months I started to actively look for bands that mingle jazz elements with trip hop and electronics. One such magnificent finding was Hidden Orchestra and a fellow over at Prog Ears just introduced me to Red Snapper. So this trip is pretty much just starting. 

Aside from that I had my usual looking for new bands in prog-rock, electronic, metal and jazz with some very cool findings. 

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Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 10:44
Released in 2010 :
Steve Roach - 'Age of Sighs'. Marvellous ambient/electronic album.
The Enid's last album didn't convince me that much.
Besides that :
I augmented my collection of blues, funk, soul, folk, country, jazz, gothic rock, electro-pop, synth pop, punk, hardcore, metal (from 70's hard-rock to death metal), chanson française, grindcore, and classical music (from ancient greek to contemporary, with a particular stress on baroque era - the best).
Started buying records of reggae and ska.

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 15:04
I listened to buttloads of great music this year

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