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Sleepytime Gorilla Museum in Paris, 29/09

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
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Topic: Sleepytime Gorilla Museum in Paris, 29/09
Posted By: Alucard
Subject: Sleepytime Gorilla Museum in Paris, 29/09
Date Posted: September 24 2010 at 02:45
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum at Le Glazart 29 of september (nord of Paris, just outside the peripherique highway) with Charlie O and Gregaldur vs Super Splendor
I am really not a big fan of the Glazart, even so I am more then happy to see SGM again : an ancient concrete storage place with a very low ceiling, crappy acoustic and a very small scene (I wonder how they will fit in their 3 meter long ultrabass), and over the top the audience consist mainly of art students who come there to show their new clothes and don't really care about the music. I saw Yoshida Tatsuya play there with Ruins Saxes in juin playing before an ignorant audience.
Good thing, the entry prices are as low as the ceiling (not the beer prices so) I hope SGM won't be too disappointed after having played in Carmaux and Würzburg, among two of the best places in Europe to see Prog concerts.
Come plenty to support them!!!

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