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Led Zeppelin members poll!

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Topic: Led Zeppelin members poll!
Posted By: Gandalff
Subject: Led Zeppelin members poll!
Date Posted: September 05 2010 at 08:55
Another poll like my previous one with The Beatles.
- Another great band creating a history of Rock
- Four more or less equivalent members
- Disbanded on the top of their popularity
(Bonzo is favourite of mine. One of best drummers ever, "Hendrix with sticks")

A Elbereth Gilthoniel
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-díriel
o galadhremmin ennorath,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon!

Posted By: b4usleep
Date Posted: September 05 2010 at 08:57
Plant makes them different

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.
My words but a whisper, your deafness a shout.

Posted By: johnobvious
Date Posted: September 05 2010 at 09:14
Page is the man.  Driving force of the band.

Biggles was in rehab last Saturday

Posted By: JonteJH
Date Posted: September 05 2010 at 09:29
John Bonham, I am a drummer myself. so he's truly an inspiration.


Posted By: Shevrzl
Date Posted: September 05 2010 at 09:33
I admit it was Jimmy Page that made them a legend, but my favourite is always Bonham. His solos are epic, as good as Cobham. Plus, he's a speed freak!

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2010 at 09:49
can't choose really; Robert Plant is one of my favourite vocalists, loved his vocals in LZ but i also like his solo work and the album he did with Jimmy Page - Walking into Clarksdale.
Jimmy Page is an amazing guitarist, another favourite LOL of mine. Even Coverdale Page was great, underrated I'd say.
John Bonham - what to say, what to say - indeed the driving force as it's been previously said, great drummer. There's a Dazed and Confused live version on the BBC Sessions, the drumming there is jaw dropping for me.
Last but not least, John Paul Jones's bass work in LZ was great; his keyboard work as well; I absolutely love the live version of No Quarter on The Song Remains the Same. Outstanding!
I sound like a fanboy...LOL

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: September 07 2010 at 11:16
I must agree with Cristi.
Led Zeppelin, like many great bands. was greater than the sum of its parts.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 07 2010 at 14:02
I like Jones for his post Zep solo albums. Big smile

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Gandalff
Date Posted: September 10 2010 at 02:07
I  believed in Bonzo´s victory, but I´m surprised to Plant´s weak result.

A Elbereth Gilthoniel
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-díriel
o galadhremmin ennorath,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon!

Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 01:33 was his band!

I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....

Posted By: Gandalff
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 03:50
Oh, now it´s just better with Plant.

A Elbereth Gilthoniel
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-díriel
o galadhremmin ennorath,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon!

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 03:57
Bonzo I suppose

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 04:50
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I like Jones for his post Zep solo albums. Big smile

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: October 02 2010 at 23:28
Wonder what would have happened if R.A.P. had not been Page's winning third choice and BJ Wilson had been drumming and not Bonzo. Were it not for Jimmy none of the rest would have been possible. They probably would have been well noted but it was Page's vision....

JPJ does make a great solo album.

So does Plant. Except for Shaken an' Stirred....

Unlike Jimmy who really needs to put some of his unreleased stuff he occasionally hypes to the press. The Outrider album just didn't... quite... hit the spot.

The electric bit on that movie It Might Get Loud and his Domino track from Net Aid are good indications that he's got some fantastic material waiting for the light of day. Come on Jimmy. While we're still young. Ofr at least alive FFS!

Bonzo made Zeppelin sound great though. Made drum solos even I could listen to as well. He actually structure them unlike everyone else who just hit everything. I do not include Neil Peart or Bruford there.

Vote for Zeppelin...Wink

Posted By: Billy Pilgrim
Date Posted: November 17 2010 at 02:56
The voice. I'd recognize it anywhere.

Posted By: paganinio
Date Posted: December 03 2010 at 18:39
Bonzo is the devil, Plant is the demon, John Paul Jones is the angel, and Page is God.


Posted By: MonsterMagnet
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 05:33
A very difficult question Confused because Page is maybe the best guitarist of the world, Plant one of my favorite singers (Moreover I have not heard his last album yet, which appears to be very good), Bonzo a great drummer and John Paul Jones an excellent keyboard/bass player and composer. 
 In fact, I hesitate especially between Page (even if his second album with Plant is without interest compared to the first one) and JPJ (who also realized a very good album and a beautiful one out of Led Zeppelin : The Tunderthief and Them Crooked VulturesThumbs Up)
 My classification: 
1. Page/ JPJ
1,1. Plant 
1,2. Bonham

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 05:47
Don't forget Zooma. That is how bass and drums should be done.Wink It roars like most other metal releases whimper in comparison. Saw JPJ on that tour and that was a real highlight of that year.

Oddly I've not yet heard the new Plant album, first time ever I've not got his new release on the day it did... dunno why...

The key to the Zeppelin sound is Bonham. Page's ideas are great and JPJ is also arranging the harmonies to suit the drums but were it not for that sound and precision, that almighty power then the band that became the wolrd's greatest rock band ever on the back of a mere 8 studio albums a live / best of / soundtrack/ and 550 concerts might have had to cede to the Who.

Still it is difficult as it was Pages vision from 1 to 4 and then the rest having their crrative freedom loose. Mind you the song loving public probably recognise the incomparable vocal of RP first and foremost.

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 12:27
I've changed in recent years to a Plant lover. I really like what he's done recently. Great to see someone acknowledging how his voice and abilities have changed and adapting to put out great material.

All the guys were great though. 

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 12:33
JPJ is a beast

Posted By: akamaisondufromage
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 12:39
I vote for Plant.  But I note that this is a very even vote and I think that says something.  I can't think of many bands that would get such an even spread across all the members.  That's why they were such a great band.

Help me I'm falling!

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: December 04 2010 at 13:47
Originally posted by akamaisondufromage akamaisondufromage wrote:

I vote for Plant.  But I note that this is a very even vote and I think that says something.  I can't think of many bands that would get such an even spread across all the members.  That's why they were such a great band.

Very true!Clap

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Posted By: Harold-The-Barrel
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 11:10

You must be joking.....Take a running jump......

Posted By: akaBona
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 11:55
Plant, John Paul bubbling under ...

Posted By: smartpatrol
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 14:43
Page is a hell of a guitarist, but each member is just awesome

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The greatest record label of all time!

Posted By: geneyesontle
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 16:42
John Paul Jones because he is the arranger and the progressive aspect behind the band.

Poseidon wants to Acquire the Taste of the Fragile Lamb
- Derek Adrian Gabriel Anderson, singer of the band Geneyesontle

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 17:27
Jimmy Page was Zeppelin.  He's the only one who wasn't expendable.   

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 18:22
I believe it's the Plant/Page duo that made the band - much like Aerosmith's dynamic duo. 

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 18:28
I've found I pay more attention to John Bonham's parts than anyone else's.  He just supercharges every song with his creativity and power.  At the time, I wished they'd continued after he died, but upon sober reflection, I'm glad they didn't.  

Jimmy Page of course was the genius behind it all, and he comes a close 2nd for me.

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It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 18:43
Somehow as a drummer, i'm still not too impressed by Bonham. Of course he has just completely classic and genius grooves and approaches but still - i couldn't place him as one of my favorite or most impressive drummers. 

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: Prog Sothoth
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 20:15
I have to go with Page even though each member was significant in defining the band's sound. What I've always dug about Page was his experimentation with guitar sounds, especially within a single album. Many bands stuck to particular sounds, but Page never relaxed as far as what his rhythm and lead playing actually sounded like. I mean, Black Dog had one hell of a mean rhythm sound, but it's not repeated through the rest of IV's duration; it's just tailor made for that track only. If Zeppelin's tunes weren't already ingrained in one's head thanks to being so famous, every next track would offer some sort of surprise regarding what Page would bring to the table regarding guitar tones, and I always appreciated that.

Posted By: menawati
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 20:33
Really hard to isolate one but chose JPJ 

They flutter behind you your possible pasts,
Some bright-eyed and crazy, some frightened and lost.

Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: November 26 2012 at 22:14
Originally posted by geneyesontle geneyesontle wrote:

John Paul Jones because he is the arranger and the progressive aspect behind the band.
Good point; it's hard to vote against him. However, ...
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Jimmy Page was Zeppelin.  He's the only one who wasn't expendable.
Yes! ... Com'o-o-o-o-on. Big smile Jimbo's the man! He pretty much ruled the band's music (well, most of the time).

Also, ... how the hell did the Babe-ster get 11 votes? Confused

As for Bonny-M, ... well, the man was an irreplaceable tool in the band, but ... Page just takes it, man. Big smile

Posted By: HarbouringTheSoul
Date Posted: November 27 2012 at 06:19
I think the fact that the group decided to break up after Bonzo's death shows that this was a group where nobody was expendable.

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: November 27 2012 at 07:27
Originally posted by HarbouringTheSoul HarbouringTheSoul wrote:

I think the fact that the group decided to break up after Bonzo's death shows that this was a group where nobody was expendable.


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Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: November 27 2012 at 12:22
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

can't choose really; Robert Plant is one of my favourite vocalists, loved his vocals in LZ but i also like his solo work and the album he did with Jimmy Page - Walking into Clarksdale.
Jimmy Page is an amazing guitarist, another favourite LOL of mine. Even Coverdale Page was great, underrated I'd say.
John Bonham - what to say, what to say - indeed the driving force as it's been previously said, great drummer. There's a Dazed and Confused live version on the BBC Sessions, the drumming there is jaw dropping for me.
Last but not least, John Paul Jones's bass work in LZ was great; his keyboard work as well; I absolutely love the live version of No Quarter on The Song Remains the Same. Outstanding!
I sound like a fanboy...LOL
what he said. Hard to choose.

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: November 27 2012 at 12:44
Indeed a hard call, but if I'm pressed to choose my sympathy goes to JPJ, he was like the "ugly duck" in the band, all the others were showmen and he was quietly contributing to the quality of the music.

Posted By: otto pankrock
Date Posted: November 27 2012 at 18:24
JPJ has released some very unique and underrated music over the years

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: November 28 2012 at 14:34
I think it was Townshend who once referred to Plant and Bonham as "a couple of Ernies from the Highland."
Ernie must be English slang?  I've not heard that word used....I assume it means the USA equivelant of hick?

Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: November 28 2012 at 14:44
^ Here's what I found:

General insult, the real meaning is buried in the mists of time, possibly it has to do with just how bad a name ernie was considered to be at the time. Taken to mean 'idiot', see definition of 'malco'.
In use, theaccuser would point at the 'victim' and shout 'Errrrrrneeeeeeeee!', or 'Duuuuuuh Errrrrneeeeeeeee' in a long drawn out manner. Often accompanied by any other child in the vicinity inserting his/her tongue into his/her lower lip in front of the teeth and snarling "Errrrr".
Source: circa 1990, UK

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 28 2012 at 15:51
Bonzo because he is the only reason I ever listen to Zep.

Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: November 28 2012 at 17:02
^ Not a Zep fan?

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 29 2012 at 02:01
Originally posted by Dayvenkirq Dayvenkirq wrote:

^ Not a Zep fan?
not really although I've never been a hard rock or heavy rock fan either. I have a few Led Zep compilations and DVD's and I'm happy with that. Bonham was an incredible player. Added dynamics that would not otherwise have existed.

Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: November 29 2012 at 15:30
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

Originally posted by akamaisondufromage akamaisondufromage wrote:

I vote for Plant.  But I note that this is a very even vote and I think that says something.  I can't think of many bands that would get such an even spread across all the members.  That's why they were such a great band.

Very true!Clap


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