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Zappa Plays Zappa - Hampton Beach NH

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Topic: Zappa Plays Zappa - Hampton Beach NH
Posted By: Evolver
Subject: Zappa Plays Zappa - Hampton Beach NH
Date Posted: July 03 2010 at 11:39
"The moon was dim, the band was tight."
Yes, I proudly displayed my new t-shirt there.
The band was incredible.
They started out playing mostly easy stuff (although the first song was an abbreviated Black Page.  But they did play Daddy Daddy Daddy, followed by What's A Girl Like You Doing In  A Place Like This, but stopped just before B'wana Dik.  Slide guitarist Jamie Kime played an amazing solo on Advanced Romance.  Soon the band broke into an extremely cool Blessed Relief.  And I was amazed to hear them play an astounding Big Swifty, and Wild Love/Yo Mama
Another highlight was Latex Solar Beef, followed by Willie The Pimp.  At almost three hours of nonstop music, there was lots more, plenty of great tunes.  And Dweezil himself was fantastic himself.  He has really learned his father's unique guitar phrasing quite well.  I could close my eyes, and picture Frank up on stage playing.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: August 08 2010 at 05:01
Sounhds awesome and I have the DVD so this looks similar set list. Great artist!


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: August 31 2010 at 20:37
I wish they would do some gigs in the west coast and maybe even in Portland ... however this is the kind of stuff that tells Portland to shove it, since most clubs here are so cheap and can not do music, and they wouldn't know the difference between a Zappa and a Liberace!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: himtroy
Date Posted: September 01 2010 at 16:22
I saw them back in May.  It was a pretty amazing show.  I was VERY surprised at their song selection, in a good way.  I was expecting a greatest hits of Zappa kinda situation.  But they played Blessed Relief, Grand Wazoo, Eat That Question, Big Swifty, Florentine Pogen.....  Great choices.

Which of you to gain me, tell, will risk uncertain pains of hell?
I will not forgive you if you will not take the chance.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: September 01 2010 at 17:28
I would pay anything to see them here in Argentina.
Glad you enjoyed it, Dweezil indeed has learnt from his dad and gone beyond in a Vai-ish style, from what I could notice from the DVD.

Posted By: spookytooth
Date Posted: September 01 2010 at 20:03
I saw them all the way back in January. What a fantastic show. Dweezil knows how to put on a show, and he covers his father's material very well. Plus the musicians he had with him were fantastic and knew exactly what they were playing. Plus like his dad Dweezil knows how to interact with the audience well and his telling of Joe's Garage to the audience was hilarious.


Would you like some Bailey's?

Posted By: himtroy
Date Posted: September 01 2010 at 21:14
Yeah, he had some amazing banter with the crowd when I saw them.  Specifically at the one point in between songs somebody in the audience screamed something like "your sound guy sucks!" (dick comment, but to be fair, the sound was HORRIBLE at that place) and immediately Dweezil started berating the guy with things like "oh, okay! Well I'd like to see how well YOU'D DO at making us sound good! What are you? You're..." and so on, and immediately when he started this rant his drummer started playing a roll and building up tension and the bassist was just ascending awkward patterns.   It was absolutely hilarious.

And to be honest, while I still like Frank's (almost called him Zappa, that'd have gotten us nowhere) stylings more and like his playing more, I'd say Dweezil is more technically inclined.  Frank does a lot of the awkward two finger movement, Dweezil was fluid and smooth and displayed more technicality (but Frank has more feel).  But then again, while Frank practiced a lot, Dweezil practiced a lot AND had Frank Zappa in his genes.

Absolutely no disrespect to Frank intended, he's my favorite guitarist and a god of composing.  

Which of you to gain me, tell, will risk uncertain pains of hell?
I will not forgive you if you will not take the chance.

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: September 02 2010 at 08:19
The main difference I noticed between last year's and this year's concerts (besides having lots more time, as this year he was not opening for Dream Theater), was that he and the band are now comfortable enough with the music to start adding "eyebrows".
Last year, they played every song almost exactly as they were on record.  Now, they are loosening up, and having fun with the music, as I believe Frank intended.  He certainly encouraged that with his band.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

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