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Michael Jackson Influenced By Genesis?

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Topic: Michael Jackson Influenced By Genesis?
Posted By: arcane-beautiful
Subject: Michael Jackson Influenced By Genesis?
Date Posted: April 22 2010 at 13:26
Ok, I know what you're saying, well not saying but an opened mouth expression, how...

Well I was listening to one of his more unheard songs, Morphine (Blood On The Dance Floor), which has a very similar vibe to his hit Scream, when I noticed that in the middle there was a sudden mood and tempo change (Prog anyone?), This amazing piano section comes in with Michaels vocals singing in a very sad and morose like fashion, later accompanied by strings and woodwind. I automatically thought of early Phil Collins era Genesis, and One For The Vine. The mellon collie is beautiful and very Genesis like.

The lyrics are also amazing with him actually prediciting his own death.

If you want to, chech the song out on You Tube, and tell me what you think (it's in the middle of the song).

The song is also 6 minutes long, which is quite long for a pop song.

Kwis Payne :)

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 22 2010 at 13:33
Stranger things have happened and fewer strange things have happened than Michael Jackson...

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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