Just thought I would drop by to let you all know that The Enid will be touring this year.
Confirmed dates so far are as follows:
Birmingham Town Hall Friday 16th April
"A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" With special guest appearance from Francis Lickerish
Sponsored by The Enidi
British Premier of Journey's End, the long awaited new album from The Enid
Various works from the bands repertoire including The Lovers - Sheets Of Blue - Dark Hydraulic
Special performance of music from “Aerie Faerie Nonsense” and the massive Orchestral Brass and Percussion sections of The Chandos Symphony Orchestra, plus the great Victorian Pipe Organ in full flight. Live DVD recording.
Childe Roland - Ondine - Fand
Tickets at £24 with concessions for Senior Citizens at £18 Young people on Benefits People in full time education at £15
http://www.thsh.co.uk/view/the-enid - http://www.thsh.co.uk/view/the-enid
200 Best seats in the house now on sale to members of The Enidi.
www.theenidi.org - www.theenidi.org
Blackburn King Georges Hall Friday 23rd April
Valiant Hearts Celebrating St Georges day
Adults £16 advance
Senior Citizens £14 advance
Students/unemployed £10 advance
http://www.kinggeorgeshall.com/whatsOn.html - http://www.kinggeorgeshall.com/whatsOn.html
London Union Chapel Sat 24th April
Only London Show for 2010 "The Best Little Venue in Town"
Great Atmosphere - Plenty of Seating Quality Sound System
http://www.seetickets.com/see/event.asp?e%7Cartist=THE+ENID&n|artist=null&resultsperpage=20&filler1=see&filler2=art-srch&orderby=date,time - http://www.seetickets.com/see/event.asp?e%7Cartist=THE+ENID&n|artist=null&resultsperpage=20&filler1=see&filler2=art-srch&orderby=date,time
Leeds Irish Centre Thursday 20th May
Exmouth Pavillion TBC
Milton Keynes Stables Thursday 10th June
Nearfest USA Sunday 20th June
Please visit www.theenid.co.uk - www.theenid.co.uk for more information.
There are also plans for dates in Europe so keep yourselves posted.
Many Thanks
Robert John Godfrey