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Adult Swim Shows

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Topic: Adult Swim Shows
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Subject: Adult Swim Shows
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:24
If you don't get Adult Swim on your TV (It's on Cartoon Network).  Here's the site: -

When you can't sleep at night this is one the best cable channels to visit, except of course for the ones that show Paid Programming. Tongue

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: The Pessimist
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:25
Metalocalypse of course

"Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."

Arnold Schoenberg

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:28
Sealab 2020 is probably my favorite of those, I enjoy ATHF and Venture Bros. quite a lot as well.

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Posted By: Evolutionary Sleeper
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:34
As much as I love Metalocalypse and Superjail, ATHF is still my fave.


Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:36
family guy - too many great characters

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:45
Robot Chicken

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:47
I went ahead and voted for The Oblongs.  

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Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 19:49
^ That's a really odd one and oddly enough not on the site.

The one's towards the bottom I either haven't seen or maybe seen only once and probably not all the way through. LOL

Three on the list I've enjoyed enough to get the DVDs: The Boondocks, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Robot Chicken.  My wife's a huge King of the Hill fan.  I think it's OK, but am not nearly as big on it.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 20:54
ATHF with no contest. The Brak Show comes in second, then Sealab.


Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 23:11
Darkplace was an incredibly odd one as well, I enjoyed all 3 or so episodes of it I ever managed to see.  Frisky Dingo was great, but it didn't last very long.  

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Posted By: UndercoverBoy
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 23:27
I'm surprised that I was the first to vote for Venture Bros.  When I heard that they reference Progressive Rock, I've been a fan ever since.

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 23:29
Venture Brothers
only one on the list to glorify Prog in an episode


Time always wins.

Posted By: SaltyJon
Date Posted: January 07 2010 at 23:40
Venture Bros is good, but it just can't match Sealab for me.  

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Posted By: rpe9p
Date Posted: January 08 2010 at 00:16
You are missing Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
That would have been my vote and im sure at least one other person on this forum because someone (I forget who) has a character from that show as their avatar.

Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: January 08 2010 at 00:18
Originally posted by The Pessimist The Pessimist wrote:

Metalocalypse of course


Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: January 08 2010 at 13:23
Originally posted by rpe9p rpe9p wrote:

You are missing Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
That would have been my vote and im sure at least one other person on this forum because someone (I forget who) has a character from that show as their avatar.

It sounds like I guy I'd get along with. LOL

I just picked up season 1 on DVD a few hours ago (I have 2 and 3 already).

Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: January 08 2010 at 20:44
Gotta love Robot Chicken.  I also enjoy ATHF, Venture Bros., Harvey Birdman, Metalocalypse and Squidbillies.  Of their non-original programs, The Oblongs and Home Movies are quite fun.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: January 08 2010 at 21:18
I like Robot Chicken.

Posted By: Epyros
Date Posted: January 09 2010 at 04:52
sealab 2021 and robot chiken are the best

Posted By: LandofLein
Date Posted: January 09 2010 at 19:41
The Venture Bros for me, it has the best pop culture references of any show

just one of the hundreds of reasons why it's my favorite 

Posted By: rpe9p
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 00:38
Originally posted by Stooge Stooge wrote:

Originally posted by rpe9p rpe9p wrote:

You are missing Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
That would have been my vote and im sure at least one other person on this forum because someone (I forget who) has a character from that show as their avatar.

It sounds like I guy I'd get along with. LOL

I just picked up season 1 on DVD a few hours ago (I have 2 and 3 already).

My friend has season one on dvd and I love the cover, nobody would ever buy that dvd if they didnt already know the show

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 02:23
havent watched all these, so I can't say

but Tim and Eric Awesome Show >all the shows I have seen.  way better than Family Guy Wink


Posted By: The Wrinkler
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 02:53
whooooo first to represent for king of the hill!

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 06:18
I'd also be voting for Tim & Eric if they'd made it onto your list. In their absence I'm going for Look Around You which, whilst technically a BBC show which Adult Swim owns the broadcasting rights to in the US, is simply one of the best shows of the last decade.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 07:06
I had to go for Robot Chicken because it's alive..  And the Les Claypool opening theme song doesn't hurt either.  ATHF is probably my second fav.  No one's voted for The Boondocks yet.  The episode where Grandad is dating Luna will make anyone laugh their asses off.  The censored BET episode is also extremely funny.  Squidbillies is one of those that's like driving by a car crash, you can't help but look at it as you pass by. Tongue  Same for Metalocalypse.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 09:17
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Squidbillies is one of those that's like driving by a car crash, you can't help but look at it as you pass by. Tongue 
Lol.  My favorite 'billies moment was an episode that involved a Larry the Cable Guy-type comedian named Plumber Bubba who turned out to be a space alien in disguise.  When Early found him out, he yelled indignantly, "You ain't no plumber, and I'm havin' serious doubts about your bubbery!"  That tickled me so much that I submitted "bubbery" to  And they took it.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: Adams Bolero
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 11:09
The Venture Bros because they love Prog Rock.
Here is the link to the video where Dr. Venture shares his love of Prog Rock!!! -

Posted By: JROCHA
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 11:48
Where is Tim and Erics Awesome Show?

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 20:54
Originally posted by zappaholic zappaholic wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Squidbillies is one of those that's like driving by a car crash, you can't help but look at it as you pass by. Tongue 
Lol.  My favorite 'billies moment was an episode that involved a Larry the Cable Guy-type comedian named Plumber Bubba who turned out to be a space alien in disguise.  When Early found him out, he yelled indignantly, "You ain't no plumber, and I'm havin' serious doubts about your bubbery!"  That tickled me so much that I submitted "bubbery" to  And they took it.

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: January 11 2010 at 00:20
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: A
The Boondocks: D-
Family Guy: D
The Drinky Crow Show: B
Harvey Birdman: B+
King of the Hill: B+
Home Movies: A
Metalocalypse: A-
Morel Orel: B+
Robot Chicken: B-
Sealab 2020: B
Squidbillies: I think I enjoy this show but I really have no f'n idea
Assy McGee: F
The Venture Bros: A+
American Dad: D+
The Brak Show: B
Fat Guy Stuck in Internet: C-
SuperJail: A-
Minoriteam: D+
Look Around You: havent seen it
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace: A-
12 Oz. Mouse: havent seen it
The Office: honestly, I prefer the American version
Oblongs: F
Frisky Dingo: A+
The Mighty Boosh: A
Delocated: F
Tim and Eric: F-
Titan Maximum: F
Xavier Renegade Angel: F-
Lucy, The Daughter of The Devil: C
Space Ghost Coast to Coast: A
Stroker and Hoop: A (almost A+)
Tom Goes to the Mayor: D
Clerks: A
Mission Hill: B


Time always wins.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 11 2010 at 07:03
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

Squidbillies: I think I enjoy this show but I really have no f'n idea

I'm kind of thinking I feel the same way. LOL

Also that someone's been watching a little bit too much adult swim.  Is your brain still OK? Tongue

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: whydontyoueatcarrots
Date Posted: January 12 2010 at 13:19
Originally posted by Stooge Stooge wrote:

Originally posted by rpe9p rpe9p wrote:

You are missing Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
That would have been my vote and im sure at least one other person on this forum because someone (I forget who) has a character from that show as their avatar.

It sounds like I guy I'd get along with. LOL

I just picked up season 1 on DVD a few hours ago (I have 2 and 3 already).


Spooked ya!

Though I probably would have voted Tim and Eric as well, lately I've been more a fan of Tom Goes to the Mayor, which is also not on there. It is their style of humor, but more focused on creating a story of some kind. Though, I do love the randomness of awesome show.

Tim and Eric, they really are one of those things you love 'em or you hate them. There seems to be no in between.

But with adult swim, there are so many great shows. Harvey Birdman, Sealab, Squidbillies, hard to pick one favorite.

Mom, I tore a big hole in the convertible

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