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Krautrock recommendations etc

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Topic: Krautrock recommendations etc
Posted By: Spectral Cat
Subject: Krautrock recommendations etc
Date Posted: January 04 2010 at 17:26
At the moment I'm interested in building up my paltry collection of the above... I have heard /own stuff by Can and Faust but would like to explore the genre more and wondered if anyone could recommend anything they find interesting?
I tend to enjoy music which has a certain energy / edge to it, it doesn't have to go a hundred mph but it needs to go somewhere. I can't be doing with meandering slow stuff - I drink  too much coffee I think!
Other than my limited Krautrock collection I like a wide variety of stuff - for eg Kraftwerk, Hawkwind, Einsturzende Neubauten, Funkadelic (current favourite), some 1970s punk, early hip hop, 60s soul (especially Northern) and 70s reggae/ska. I'd say that I'm stuck in the mid 60s to late 70s music wise for the most part, despite being in my mid thirties. When I do listen to contemporary stuff it's usually live, or electronic.
What about  anyone else here?

Posted By: Tsevir Leirbag
Date Posted: January 04 2010 at 17:35
If you want a link for the album, PM me.

Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

- Paul Éluard

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