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Jeff Porcaro appreciation and tribute

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Topic: Jeff Porcaro appreciation and tribute
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: Jeff Porcaro appreciation and tribute
Date Posted: September 08 2009 at 16:28
I feel he realy deserve some post-space on Porgarchives since he is a verry influencual drummer and musician who sadley passed away 19 years agoe and is definatly missed

he have playd on a lot of albums here on the archives for exemple Meanwhile by 10cc, About Face David Gilmoure, Mother by Pink Floyd, Kathy Lied and Pretzel Logic, Goucho by Steely Dan, Hai-hai Roger Hodgson

and other albums by Dire Straits, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Madonna (like a prayer) and Boz Scaggs and +++++++++++ more

he have influenced drummers like Gavvin Harrison, Virgil Donati and i beleeve also Terry Bozio is influenced by him.

and you can here a clare Phil Collins influence on Jeffs druming as well as Bernard Purdie and John Bonham

and i think he was better then Carl Palmer Shocked(better timing and sound on the drums and yes i have heard Brain Salad Surgery, Tarkus and Trilogy + Asia debut) just my opinion he certenly dont have Plamers speed or technical abilaty. He just plays more tastefull and are not so interested in being the center of the universe whitch Palmer often compeated against Emerson and Lake to bekome. but i like ELP as well i just want to make a point.

pick your favourite drumwork/chops by him or five favourites if you want that and if you are a drummer tell if he had an influence on you and how he influenced your style or aproach to music
me as a bass player pay also some attention to his brother Mike Porcaro and Steve Porcaro is also quite awsome on piano, synth, moog and keybords (he play Synth on one Yes album i dont now which one)

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