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College Music Journal: New Music

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Topic: College Music Journal: New Music
Posted By: Plankowner
Subject: College Music Journal: New Music
Date Posted: August 13 2009 at 18:19
I was wondering if there were any other subscribers to this magazine on PA.  I started getting them in May of 2001 and just received my latest issue today.  Seems they are struggling to stay afloat and have even considered stopping altogether.  They used to include a cd with every issue, but now they are going digital.  I had to contact them since I do not have an eMail attached to my subscription.
Anyway we could discuss some of the articles and new acts and/or reviews.
There's a big article on the group Dead Weather (also the cover) which seems to be another band Jack White has formed out of a jam session with his Raconteur-mate "Little Jack" Lawrence (bass), Dean Fertita (keys) for both Raconteur and Queens of the Stone Age, Waxwings, and Alison "VV" Mosshart of the Kills ..
And it seems after two weeks, we have a debut album "Horehound"  Tongue
Has anyone else heard this?
I'll post as I go along the magazine if I find anything interesting.

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