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Clapton vs Abrahams in British Blues

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Topic: Clapton vs Abrahams in British Blues
Posted By: marktheshark
Subject: Clapton vs Abrahams in British Blues
Date Posted: August 10 2009 at 17:59
For decades despite Eric's "God" image on this, I've always thought Mick was the more stellar player. He was handling bottle-neck slide well before Eric teamed up with slide virtuoso Duane Allman.

But, Eric did have Cream which pretty much put him on forefront. But it was the pcychadelia of Cream that Mick was avoiding when he left Jethro Tull and stuck with more Blues oriented music like Blodwyn Pig and then solo.

I don't think too many people are going to agree with me on this, but I think Mick has outclassed old Slow Hand just a little bit when it comes to the British Blues scene.

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