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"The Week That Was" - proggish pop

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Topic: "The Week That Was" - proggish pop
Posted By: ProgBob
Subject: "The Week That Was" - proggish pop
Date Posted: June 18 2009 at 17:21
Just wondered if anyone else has heard an album I have been listening to recently and really enjoying. 

The album is the eponymous "The Week That Was" which I picked up on the strength of a session that I heard by accident on the radio.  You couldn't really call it prog, but you might get away with some label such as "prog pop" particularly of an early 80s persuasion.  I'm thinking of artists like XTC, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush.  Anyway it's a short album but nicely produced and full of quirky, interesting arrangements.  One thing that some listeners might not like is that the singer sings in quite a strong north-east England accent but it doesn't bother me.


Posted By: pianoman
Date Posted: June 18 2009 at 20:50
I havent heard the one you are talking about, but two of my favorite albums are Between Now and Then by O.A.R. and Viva la Vida by Coldplay

O.A.R. are like a pop/reggae/prog/jam band. They are really amazing live!

Viva la Vida has a proggy pop/post rock sound. Many may dissagree with me, but I thing its a masterful work of art. Really good stuff.   

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