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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Do The Decemberists have people fooled?Posted By: ~Rael~
Subject: Do The Decemberists have people fooled?
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:07
Because I was blown away to see that they are actually listed in the archives. Now, I'm not sure what makes a band folk-prog, but I have seen a couple of their live performances, and I saw nothing progressive. I saw a band trying to be progressive, and failing. I remember the performance from the Colbert Report, where they discussed how their music had 18th century influences. Very interesting, I thought, and then discovered those "18th century" influences were based on the song beginning with a keyboard programmed to sound like a harpsicord, and then it turned into a rather mundane rock song, with a poor Janis Joplin impersonater thrown in.
From what I can tell, the only thing progressive about these guys is the lyrical content, which I admit is interesting, but nothing amazing.
------------- I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress . . .
Replies: Posted By: Synchestra
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:14
I'm a little suprised to see them listed as prog folk too. Crossover or something like that maybe, as some of their songs are proggy (the island, and title track(s) from the crane wife, for example), but for the most part they seem a sort of folk-pop-rock band. but regardless, i love them prog or not
------------- 'Yeah, thats.. Whatever you're talking about for ya' - Zapp brannigan
Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:15
*resists the urge to say anything*
This will end badly; I can see it now. All I'll say is: listen to their music more carefully, particularly their latest release.
Posted By: horsewithteeth11
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:19
If OP isn't trolling, I'll stop listening to The Decemberists for forever (or assume he hasn't heard The Hazards of Love yet, or maybe even any of their albums).
Also, I don't really care if they're prog or not. I just listen to them because I enjoy their music.
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:23
If the Decemberists are prog, then evolution is true.
And we all know evolution is made up by science.
-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!
Posted By: WalterDigsTunes
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:24
~Rael~ wrote:
I saw a band trying to be progressive, and failing.
We see too much of that these days.
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:24
I'm waiting until December to try them...
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:33
^ or a military coup
Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:35
Well I'm the one who added them, so I may be the biggest fool
Admittedly their first couple of albums are more like artsy pop-folk with very mild prog influences, particularly on keyboards, and there are valid comparisons to be made to bands like R.E.M. and Let's Active, along with groups like the Baghdaddies and plenty of modern klezmer music on the folksy side. And there are other bands like Rev. Glasseye and the Handsome Family who pen similar campy and morbidly dark character sketches. So the various pieces are nothing new individually. And I will say there was reluctance by some collaborators to add them.
But IMHO 'The Crane Wife' and, more significantly, 'The Tain' and 'The Hazards of Love' have proven Colin Meloy and Company are also serious fans of both folk and prog rock. At the same time they know how to entertain, and with the last two albums have managed to do so without compromising their music despite being signed by a major label. Sure, they appeared on Letterman, the Colbert Report, NPR and the like, but who cares really - I grew up in a time when bands could be both popular and progressive, so I don't see a problem there.
The Decemberists aren't Yes or ELP, but they don't pretend to be either, and those TV appearances don't do justice to their live concerts. Check out their current tour if you can, or look for clips on youTube at least, and check out their DVD 'A Practical Handbook'. There's more than a little Peter Gabriel mixed in with the Michael Stipe and Freddy Mercury showmanship on that thing.
Prog Folk is about as accurate a label as 'world music' when it comes to describing the bands who are listed under that tagon this site. Most if not all the bands under the Prog Folk heading have three things in common:
- plenty of acoustic and ethnic instrumentation; - a strong emphasis on lyrics, mostly in the form of story-telling; and - clear cultural contexts, often based on regional history, mythology, religion or ethnic themes.
We used to have a definition of prog rock on this site that included the description "ambitious, eclectic, and often grandiose style of rock music" (not sure if that's still written anywhere here - I think it may have been changed when Art Rock morphed into Crossover. Anyway, that fits the Decemberists IMHO, so that's good enough for me
------------- "Peace is the only battle worth waging."
Albert Camus
Posted By: ~Rael~
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:36
Not trolling, just an honest opinion.
Maybe you're right, maybe I need to hear a whole album . . . though the chances of that are slim, since what I have seen hasn't impressed me.
And, just to be clear, them being on Letterman, Colbert, and the like are not reasons I would look disfavorably on them. I'm not one of the "popularity equals selling out" people.
I think two things may be the case here: 1. I need to give the band more of a chance, and 2. My understanding of what makes a prog-folk band was lacking.
Though, according to your criteria, couldn't Fleet Foxes be in the prog-folk category, or at least heading in that direction?
------------- I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress . . .
Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: June 12 2009 at 23:59
I pretty much agree, they're a folky indie band with certain songs that have characteristics of prog, so maybe crossover would be better for them... I don't know, I might need to listen to them more too.
edit: I'm listening to The Hazards of Love now, I'll say this, they are good at writing hooks, but the vocals are annoying and the pseudo-meaningful lyrics are annoying too... they're like, the Supertramp of indie. :P Supertramp is better though.
Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 00:24
~Rael~ wrote:
Though, according to your criteria, couldn't Fleet Foxes be in the prog-folk category, or at least heading in that direction?
Only thing I know of them is from TV, SNL I think. They were pretty decent if I remember; might be headed in the right direction.
Maybe if they put out an 18-minute interpretation of an Irish folktale or an album with a little vibraphone or glockenspiel or pedal steel or strings; and maybe a song or two about amateur hookers on merchant ships or ghosts of dead babies or something like that it might push them over the edge
------------- "Peace is the only battle worth waging."
Albert Camus
Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 00:48
First off what they played on the Colbert Report was an edited version of one of the most bad-ass, awesome parts from their 50 something minute song which is their latest album. I mean, they weren't always a prog band, and don't stay that way in every song. In fact, it is the fact that they blend so many genres that makes them so progressive. If you are worried about them not being over the top enough, trust me, their live show really is a theatric spectacle, specifically performing Hazards. If you need to be convinced of their progressiveness, The Crane Wife would probably be the best place to start, there are clear influences from bands such as Strawbs, Jethro Tull, and even King Crimson.
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 01:01
The perfect the perfect the perfect the the perfect perfect the PERFECT THE PERFECT THE PERFECT the perfect CRIME!
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By: russellk
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 02:06
Once again personal taste is used as the criteria for progressiveness. Using objective criteria both 'The Crane Wife' and 'Hazards of Love' are true progressive rock albums with a strong folk flavour. Their earlier albums are tinged with progressive sensibilities.
Fooled? In the end, what does it matter how music is categorised? I love their music, and if it's because I've been fooled, who cares?
Posted By: Synchestra
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 02:20
moreitsythanyou wrote:
Oh and the Ice Queen, your so called "poor Janis Joplin impersonator" is not in the band and is FING AWESOME
her part in 'The Wanting Comes In Waves' is probably my very favourite part from that album actually
------------- 'Yeah, thats.. Whatever you're talking about for ya' - Zapp brannigan
Posted By: theBox
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 05:00
Well, "the crane wife" definitely had some progressive tendencies, which led many people to believe that the band would become progressively more progressive. That could not be further from the truth however, as they proved with "the hazards of love", and so we are stuck with YET another artist in here with 3 and a half progressive songs! Hurraaay!
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 05:05
"Do The Decemberists have people fooled?"
No. Did they have any part in being included here? I don't think so. Several collabs listened to their music and came to the conclusion that they could be included here. I don't really think the band cares whether they're listed here - my guess is that they would not call their music "Prog Folk", and neither would I - but their later albums are surely progressive. I guess that long time fans of Jethro Tull's key albums from the 70s should get used to the idea that not every folk related band has to sound like a JT clone, with a slightly weird flute player (standing on one foot while playing -> extra points).
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 05:12
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
I guess that long time fans of Jethro Tull's key albums from the 70s should get used to the idea that not every folk related band has to sound like a JT clone, with a slightly weird flute player .
yes, they do
Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 06:51
even though I love them whether they are prog or not, i still think they are prog. as of late, anyway. ever since "the tain" at least.
keep in mind most big prog bands didn't start as prog in the first place.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:04
moreitsythanyou wrote:
Oh and the Ice Queen, your so called "poor Janis Joplin impersonator" is not in the band and is FING AWESOME
You rock, sir!
As for being 'fooled', now listen... I can understand you NOT liking a band, or even not thinking they're prog (it is your right, and no one is taking it away from you), but I draw the line at any implications that adult people (as Bob, Micky and I, to mention but three) definitely are, can be so be easily fooled. I don't think Porcupine Tree are particularly progressive, but I don't go around the forums implying their MANY fans are been fooled. Whenever I have seen their latest album, The Hazards of Love, mentioned, it as ALWAYS in conjunction with the word 'prog' - even on indie magazines. Now, that's a whole lot of people to be fooled...
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:19
hmmm... sort of expected a thread like this as some people will take note how prog fans have embraced this groups and will want to see what they are missing.
the simple truth of the matter is... some will see it as prog... some won't.
If one's idea of prog involves stupid, pseudo-intellectual lyrics wrapped up in emotionless, complexity for complexities-sake music.. then they will probably fail to see how some see the Decemberists as prog. Raff is right though... I heard people talking about that during the show we saw... not in our terms of course.. but it was clear.. just how different their music was from the typical sh*t out there.
if those who see them as being a modern heir to progressive folk music are fooled... then ... ahhaha... there are a hell of a lot of people that are fooled. That leads me to think that people like the OP are the ones .. not being fooled... but not musically-intelligent of listeners to discern prog from non-prog.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:28
What I can't understand is why prog fans - of all people - seem so prone to inflexibility.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:35
On this note...
theBox wrote:
Well, "the crane wife" definitely had some progressive tendencies, which led many people to believe that the band would become progressively more progressive. That could not be further from the truth however, as they proved with "the hazards of love", and so we are stuck with YET another artist in here with 3 and a half progressive songs! Hurraaay!
I just wonder why you people can't just IGNORE what you don't like, and spare us your snarky, pointless comments. You don't like the site's addition policy? Either you address it constructively and respectfully in the Help Us Improve the Site section, or leave us alone. Try and have a look at other prog websites, and you'll see what they include, if you think we're bad. We have over 4,000 bands in our DB, most of whom are what you would call prog... Why not focus on those, instead of trolling?
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:44
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
What I can't understand is why prog fans - of all people - seem so prone to inflexibility.
Try not to understand this. It can only lead to madness. Not all of us are that way. By the way I haven't tried them yet. I'm not in the mood for new discoveries at the moment. But sooner or later I will be...
Prog or not prog? Yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't yes it is, etc.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:48
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
What I can't understand is why prog fans - of all people - seem so prone to inflexibility.
Because an inferior lowly thing should not corrupt the purity of prog, or some such elitist notions? Similar to "violate the halls of heavy metal". I guess you have answered your question, once you become a 'prog' fan, you become obsessed with it, seek out only prog rock and have very rigid notions of what constitutes prog rock in turn. It's not the ideal way, but the world is hardly ideal, most music fans tend to profess 'allegiance' to one or two genres and are very possessive about it. It's a generalization but not one that fails too often.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:53
Sure. But there are also those who try to look beyond their current favorite genres ... and IMO that is the spirit of progressiveness. Maybe some people simply forgot the ideals they used to hold high when they initially became fans of progressive music.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:58
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Maybe some people simply forgot the ideals they used to hold high when they initially became fans of progressive music.
There you are. Ideals are for pontification and evangelization, human tendency reigns supreme in the end. I definitely cannot buy into the concept of disliking something simply because it's not prog, doesn't make sense at all because prog draws from other genres to come up with something different, just like a lot of music made in other genres in fact.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 07:59
What is really odd is that other prog websites do not seem to hold to the same idea of 'purity' many people have here... ProgEars has a good deal of pure jazz entries in their database (not to mention reviews for the likes of Bob Dylan and Napalm death), ProgGnosis includes artists such as Daryl Hall because of their occasional collaborations with prog musicians (Fripp in this particular case), and Sea of Tranquillity is chock-full of reviews of hair metal albums. Yet, I don't care, and continue to visit the sites whenever I want, without posting in their forums (if they have one) and decrying their addition policy.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 08:03
rogerthat wrote:
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Maybe some people simply forgot the ideals they used to hold high when they initially became fans of progressive music.
There you are. Ideals are for pontification and evangelization, human tendency reigns supreme in the end. I definitely cannot buy into the concept of disliking something simply because it's not prog, doesn't make sense at all because prog draws from other genres to come up with something different, just like a lot of music made in other genres in fact.
The point is that initially prog was something different. It was also more complex/sophisticated, but also added more influences from other styles (mostly Jazz and Classical). Today bands are either frowned upon for copying the classic bands, or called "non-prog" by genre elitists if they sound too differently, or have influences from modern styles of music (Electronic, Pop, Metal). Sounds like you either accept that the prog of today by definition sounds differently than the classic bands, or you simply stop listening to music that wasn't created in the 70s.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 08:19
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Sounds like you either accept that the prog of today by definition sounds differently than the classic bands, or you simply stop listening to music that wasn't created in the 70s.
If it didn't sound different from the prog of the 70s, it wouldn't be progressive. Which leads to the conclusion that people are in it for the specific musical elements and not the ideals, which is what eventually happens in a lot of genres.
Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 09:01
Are The Decemberists prog folk? Not always. But so what? Neither is Jethro Tull.
The first three releases are not exactly prog folk as many might consider the term, but they're all still great and have some pleasing exceptions, like "Odalisque" from the debut- this is progressive folk if there ever was a such thing.
But then you have The Crane Wife, which is partly a concept album (and contains the masterpiece "The Island") and The Hazards of Love, which is a progressive folk masterpiece in the richest sense.
Do The Decemberists have us fooled?
My answer: Who cares? If they do, I'm damn happy to be that fool!
Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 09:42
Yep, without a doubt they have us fooled. The are just another indie-pop band who for whatever reason decided to create, with their most recent release (HoL), a full-blown rock opera with a (reasonably) coherent narrative, with (reasonably) repeating but expanding motifs and themes, and with an inherent knack for pleasantly manipulating the emotions of the listener. For some reason, The Crane Wife also exhibits many of these same traits. Let's just hope they can keep fooling us.
------------- Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 09:52
Synchestra wrote:
I'm a little suprised to see them listed as prog folk too. Crossover or something like that maybe, as some of their songs are proggy (the island, and title track(s) from the crane wife, for example), but for the most part they seem a sort of folk-pop-rock band. but regardless, i love them prog or not
Here's another viewpoint I suppose: - Rolling Stone called the Decemberists 'prog' and 'folk' - Paste called them prog and folk (also called them the 'Dorks of Hazard', but that's okay ) - Pitchfork called them prog-folk - Crud called them prog and folk - Slant called them prog (but not folk since no one at Slant knows what folk music is) - QRO called them prog and folk - Treble called the prog folk - Pop Matters calls them folk and prog "geeky" rock - SEE called them prog-folk - Barnes and Noble calls them prog and folk - Billboard calls them prog folk - Captain Obvious calls them prog and folk (thanks Captain Obvious!)
So if you were some relatively clueless but well-meaning young lad (or lass) and were trolling around the big scary and confusing internet looking for some folks who knew a bit about prog and folk music and maybe had some good advice on which Decemberists albums were the best, and possibly even some other bands that might be considered in that same general category; where would you more than likely end up?
This place is called a prog Archive after all, not a 'prog club', and the primary reason it exists is to provide people with a comprehensive reference source for prog music. That, of necessity, means including quite a bit of music that isn't going to appeal to some (or even most) of us who frequent the site.
I spend a lot of time at the library too, even though I only check out a very, very small percentage of the books housed there.
------------- "Peace is the only battle worth waging."
Albert Camus
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 09:52
Perhaps someone here should post a video of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again"...
Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 10:49
Don't ever trust, Don't ever trust the OP, it lies.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 10:52
I don't believe in Prog I never have, I never will
Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 11:05
I don't know. I started listening to them because "The Hazards of Love" was edited in Argentina. They aren't bad , but there was so much hype about them that I thought they would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Of course it's not like that. They are a cute artsy indie-like band that can write catchy melodies. I can see them having high rotation in hip radio stations or alternative music shows.
Their main features are the lyrics and theatrics , and I normally don't pay much attention to them. I prefer the chops above everyrthing. In the end , I can give their records a few listens but their aren't groundbreaking or jaw dropping musicians.
Posted By: enemyofthesundevils
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 11:33
i haven't heard much from them but from what i've heard they are not prog.If they are prog then so is Arcade Fire but i'd say they both fall into the indie/folk category.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 11:37
^ well, what have you heard? It depends a lot on which album you listened to, since many bands change their style from album to album.
Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 13:35
There are a lot of bands listed on this site that I don't consider really prog, but then there is no clear definition of the term, and there are a lot of categories that are related. A band doesn't have to be Prog to be good.
I have but one Decemberists album - The Crane Wife. I enjoy it a lot. While not all the songs are Prog, some clearly are - Crane Wife as a suite, and The Island. But even our beloved (or not) classic bands, such as Yes and Tull and ELP and King Crimson, didn't always do proggy songs on their albums, and no one would contest their place in our hallowed halls.
------------- The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"
Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 14:03
crimson87 wrote:
Their main features are the lyrics and theatrics , and I normally don't pay much attention to them.
I'm assuming you never saw Emerson sitting at the spinning piano, which was of course pure theatrics.
------------- Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 14:18
As if the theatrics have never been part of prog since its inception... And don't get me starting about the 'jaw-dropping or groundbreaking musicians'... If those were the criteria for being called a prog band, we should scrap half of our entries (to be optimistic), especially as regards the 'ground-breaking' part. Technical proficiency sure is not enough when all you're doing is imitating other bands... Anyway, having seen The Decemberists live less than one week ago, I can tell you they definitely know what they are about in the chops department. They just choose not to show it off.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 14:26
tasteful musicianship that is what is about... a lesson some bands could sure learn from.
In that this group has been a revelation to me... as I have posted much. I have NEVER been a lyrics person... I made of passion of Italian prog not giving two sh*ts as to what they are singing about... and knowing later what the lyrics ARE about... realizing that like much of prog... I wasn't missing a damn thing.
However with The Decemberists ... I took to this band so passionately because they didn't make up for lack of musical chops and concentrate on pure songwriting... like many so called pop artists do. Or cover their song writing inadequencies under layers of technical music. In a way... it is the perfect meeting of incredible songwriting, lyrics, and great... tasteful musicianship.
Take for what it's worth... from the guy listening to his 3rd Decemberists album of the day... wearing a HoL t-shirt hahah
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:00
Not really prog, but really good!
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:03
In threads like those you sometimes wish that people would - along with their post - list which albums they listened to.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:11
hahahha... that would be the day. The day discussion here is limited to what you know...and have truly listened to
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:16
^ I'm just saying ... knowing which albums someone listened to would be a huge asset in understanding their point. Of course it's unlikely to happen ...
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:21
the problem Mike is the usual problem.... there is no point being made.
there never is... another case of ... I don't like it.. .or doesn't sound like a w**k-fest. Thus isn't prog.
as you said... prog fans are far from being as open-minded as they should be. Worthy of the open-minded music that is what prog is ALL about. Oh I told the troll in the other thread.
if someone doesn't want to open their ears and turn them off when they first hear Meloy's voice... it is their loss.. not mine..yours... or the forums.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:26
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:28
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:30
hahhaha.... oh great... do I have to hijack this thread with my man-love for Keith Moon as well
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: JROCHA
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:43
Prog or Not! They are a excellent band! And thats what counts.
------------- Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights...
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:52
sounds like a good note to close the thread on.... if the OP and others don't think it's prog... great... but who cares. Enough think it is prog to have the band listed here. Many think it is great music... prog or not. It doesn't have to be prog to be great music.
I'd put Willie Nelson on over Dream Theater 7 days a week....52 weeks a year hahah.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 15:57
Colin Meloy: "Hay guy, let's make people think we're making prog-folk
when in fact we are making only folk-rock? That way we"
Other band members: "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Colin Meloy: "I don't even know anymore." (goes away to cry and reflect)
-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:00
^ scriptwriter fired for not knowing that being labeled as prog is considered the commercial kiss of death.....
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Captain Capricorn
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:05
micky wrote:
I'd put Willie Nelson on over Dream Theater 7 days a week....52 weeks a year hahah.
That isn't saying a whole lot ...I'd choose just about anything over DT
Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:11
jammun wrote:
crimson87 wrote:
Their main features are the lyrics and theatrics , and I normally don't pay much attention to them.
I'm assuming you never saw Emerson sitting at the spinning piano, which was of course pure theatrics.
Probably I was misunderstood , theatrics are to me dressing like a flower , puting a fox head and a red dress , acting. Keith Emerson , on the other hand was just fooling around the stage while playing. He never had the intention to get you into the song like for example Peter Gabriel does with his stage presence.
In the end , I am not saying the band is bad just that I enjoy the musicianship and "in your face" playing more than other aspects. If they are prog or not , I just don't care.
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:11
The annoying thing for me about DT bashers is that I usually like all the stuff they present as an alternative ... but I also like DT. Perhaps this simply means that I'm more flexible ...
(In this case I could surely listen to Willie Nelson ... and most surely to Gong)
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:14
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
The annoying thing for me about DT bashers is that I usually like all the stuff they present as an alternative ... but I also like DT. Perhaps this simply means that I'm more flexible ...
(In this case I could surely listen to Willie Nelson ... and most surely to Gong)
That's right, Mike! I like lots of different stuff, and it's a matter of pride to me. I'm willing to give anything a try before I dismiss it outright... And I'm surely not the kind of person who calls other people fools for liking what I don't. We should all be a bit more tolerant, I believe...
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:17
^ I think the key is to know that it's not a simple decision between liking only a few albums and liking everything ... some people like a large number of albums from many genres, but still are quite particular about what they like. I am such a person ... although I sometimes come across as liking everything, I'm actually quite picky.
Posted By: angelmk
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:18
i've read whole discussion and my view is that Hazards of love is undisputed masterpiece, one of this years best release , and surely it is Progressive , also i can say it Cranes wife is also Prog , other albums has some touch of prog, but what is Prog anyway ? just sound alike 70' bands ? not adding new , fresh sound .. i don't think so. Am i fooled , i don't care at all, it is very good music for me , and was the happiest fool in the world when first heard HoL
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:21
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
The annoying thing for me about DT bashers is that I usually like all the stuff they present as an alternative ... but I also like DT. Perhaps this simply means that I'm more flexible ...
(In this case I could surely listen to Willie Nelson ... and most surely to Gong)
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:26
Can't help but agree with Mike and Raff on this page.
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:36
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
^^ Look at that ... The T doesn't like Tea!
Something to do with Gong?
Actually... I don't drink much tea... too difficult to prepare for me...
By the way, I also like The December people.... So let me join the fool-show...
Who are we kidding? Being a prog fan is already being 50% fool....
Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:36
^^ I was talking about Greg House (Hugh Laurie). Don't know if Willie Nelson ever played an electric guitar. Guess not ... and that's a good thing, because his style of music definitely connects this conversation to the topic (Decemberists).
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:39
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
^^ I was talking about Greg House (Hugh Laurie). Don't know if Willie Nelson ever played an electric guitar. Guess not ... and that's a good thing, because his style of music definitely connects this conversation to the topic (Decemberists).
nope.. .that is why the Diet Coke flowed.... he will be buried with his Martin. But you never know with Willie... maybe he he had a few too many hits before taping the episode.
indeed his music does..
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:39
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
The T wrote:
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
^^ Look at that ... The T doesn't like Tea!
Something to do with Gong?
Well, the guy had the cover of the Flying Teapot album as an avatar ... that was the connection. Admittedly, quite a reach ...
Damn... quite a Sherlock I had to be for that...
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:40
hahah... hijacked... it is a talent of mine darling.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:40
Snow Dog wrote:
Mr ProgFreak wrote:
Great music in that show ... he was even playing a Flying V at one point.
KK Downings weapon of choice!
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:40
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put it on darling....
Unleashed in the Studio coming our way!!!
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:41
micky wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Can't help but agree with Mike and Raff on this page.
Not sure I'd really like Willie Nelson though.
maybe not... but well worth checking out... prog it aint' but a musical icon on par with Miles Davis, Elvis.. or anyone.
Posted By: Captain Capricorn
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:42
I like some DT, just not the majority of it ...Metropolis Pt. 1 & Erotomania are monumental pieces of music. If DT had more stuff of that caliber then I'd hold their music in much higher regard. As it is, that vocalist just ruins it for me.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:43
probably not... Love the man.. and his music.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:43
micky wrote:
hahah... hijacked... it is a talent of mine darling.
And you haven't been logging in for a while... imagine yourself with daily practice.... no thread would survive...
Posted By: russellk
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:44
You people are mad. Mad, I say!
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:45
The T wrote:
micky wrote:
hahah... hijacked... it is a talent of mine darling.
And you haven't been logging in for a while... imagine yourself with daily practice.... no thread would survive...
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:45
micky wrote:
probably not... Love the man.. and his music.
Not because its not Prog...far from it....I love non Prog.........I just don't dig country maaaaaaan.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:47
I do hate modern country..... with a passion that dwarfs what I feel for DT but the classic stuff... I adore it. Oh well... I guess that makes us eclectic in our tastes. If all we listened to was Prog we'd be boring as all hell.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:47
Snow Dog wrote:
micky wrote:
The T wrote:
micky wrote:
hahah... hijacked... it is a talent of mine darling.
And you haven't been logging in for a while... imagine yourself with daily practice.... no thread would survive...
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:51
micky wrote:
I do hate modern country..... with a passion that dwarfs what I feel for DT but the classic stuff... I adore it. Oh well... I guess that makes us eclectic in our tastes. If all we listened to was Prog we'd be boring as all hell.
Totally agree....its just that Country is something I just....................I can';t here it! Simple as that really.
That Willie Nelson clip you posted is ok actually. Nothing wrong with it. I could never truly love it though.
Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:52
micky wrote:
I do hate modern country..... with a passion that dwarfs what I feel for DT but the classic stuff... I adore it. Oh well... I guess that makes us eclectic in our tastes. If all we listened to was Prog we'd be boring as all hell.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:55
Epignosis wrote:
micky wrote:
I do hate modern country..... with a passion that dwarfs what I feel for DT but the classic stuff... I adore it. Oh well... I guess that makes us eclectic in our tastes. If all we listened to was Prog we'd be boring as all hell.
I'm a big Nitty Gritty Dirt Band fan.
You see? Even the names of these bands puts me off!
Posted By: ~Rael~
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:55
Well, this has sure gotten a lot of attention.
When I used the term "fooled," I meant in the sense of people thinking the music is prog when it isn't, not in the sense of people thinking the music is good when it isn't. There are a lot of bands like this on here (cough...Radiohead...cough), it probably comes with the territory in prog.
In any case, judging from the consensus in this thread, it is probably me who has been fooled for not seeing the progressive qualities of The Decemberists.
------------- I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress . . .
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 16:55