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Whimwise tour dates in the UK

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Gigs, Tours and Festivals
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Topic: Whimwise tour dates in the UK
Posted By: Windhawk
Subject: Whimwise tour dates in the UK
Date Posted: April 12 2009 at 01:36
I got an email from Whimwise the other day, with the concert dates for this spring as listed below. By chance I also heard that US violinist Cyndee Lee Rule may appear on stage with Whimwise later this year. In case this might be of interest :-)



   April  17     -    "The Boom Boom Club", Sutton Football ground, Gander Green Lane, Sutton, SM12EY  (with Focus)
   April   21    -    "Baby Blue", Edward Pavilion, Albert Dock Liverpool, L34AF  (with Focus)
   April  23rd   -   "The Ferry",  25 Anderson Quay , River Clyde North Bank , Glasgow . G38BX , Scotland. (with Focus)
   April  25th  -   "The Real Music Club", The Greenhouse Effect, 63 Church Road, Hove, Brighton
   April 27th   -   "Coxes Yard", Bridgefoot, Stratord - Upon - Avon, Warwickshire, CV376YY  (with Focus)
   April 28th   -   "Robin 2", 20-22 Mount Pleasent, Bilston,  Birmingham, WV14LJ  (with Focus
   May  4th   -   "The Hobbit" (afternoon performance) Mayday Bank Holiday Festival, 134 Bevoir Valley Rd, Southampton, SO140JZ
   May  7th    -  "The Beehive",  55 Prospect Hill, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN13JS
   May  8th   -  "The Fawcett Club", 176 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4ODP

Websites I work with:

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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 12 2009 at 16:08
Looks like a trip down to the Hobbit is in order Approve
Ooo- Cyndee and Whimwise, now that could be interesting...


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