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Guitarist Erik Mongrain Releases Equilibrium

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Topic: Guitarist Erik Mongrain Releases Equilibrium
Posted By: OTMG
Subject: Guitarist Erik Mongrain Releases Equilibrium
Date Posted: November 10 2008 at 14:26

Los Angeles, CA – Virtuosic guitarist and composer Erik Mongrain will release his second full-length album, Equilibrium, on October 28th via MVD.

Picking up where 2007's debut Fates left off, Equilibrium is the second release from Montreal’s acoustic guitar genius and YouTube sensation, 28-year-old Erik Mongrain, who’s captivated audiences around the globe with his signature lap tapping playing style. His YouTube videos have garnered over 4 million plays, and the self-taught guitarist has captured over a dozen YouTube International viewership awards.

His live performances have left audiences enamored, as Erik’s rich talent and passion for music began developing after discovering Jean-Sebastian Bach’s classical guitar melodies. With the guitar on his lap, he tapped the chords with both hands as if they were a piano, creating his unique sound. 

Equilibrium features special guests Michael Manring and Bill Plummer, and was recorded at Paul Reed Smith's Dragon Studios in August 2008. Erik is set to tour the UK through November in support of Equilibrium.

“…Mongrain demonstrates the percussive two-handed tapping technique he calls "air-tap" that makes an acoustic guitar emit tones I never thought it could. It’s like Van Halen meets James Taylor; furious but soothing.”

- Tai Irwin, Boston Herald

Watch "Air Tap" -- nearly 4 million YouTube views: -

 For more, go to: -

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: November 11 2008 at 14:30
Although I disapprove of advertising through forum posts, I recommend checking this guy out.

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