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Topic: This Song
Posted By: Abstrakt
Subject: This Song
Date Posted: November 08 2008 at 14:39
I LOVE - this song. Embarrassed
Anyone else who LOVE Alice Cooper? Big smile

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: November 08 2008 at 16:52
Who loves Alice Cooper? Yeah! Billion Dollar Babies, School's Out, Welcome to my Nightmare and Muscle of Love all classics. And of course Killer.

But that song? No thanks.

Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: November 08 2008 at 17:14
C'mon, be a little more Open-minded!
How can you like other 80's and 90's songs, and not that one!?

And yes, Welcome to my Nightmare is a masterpiece! Clap

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: November 09 2008 at 08:37
Originally posted by Abstrakt Abstrakt wrote:

C'mon, be a little more Open-minded!How can you like other 80's and 90's songs, and not that one!?And yes, Welcome to my Nightmare is a masterpiece! Clap

Sorry to say, but I think it's a dumb song, no offense intended. And I know I like many 80's/90's and even 00's pop stuff, but this is just not my type of Pop song. Still I do enjoy his songs House of Fire, Poison and some others. I just enjoy some more funky or up-tempo pop music with some a good rythm/riff=Turn it on Again

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: November 09 2008 at 16:32
I would say mediocre song... my brother who is a poser freak would love it...
I enjoy Alice from times to times, but this one has quite silly lyrics..

Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: November 09 2008 at 18:53
Shocked Yikes! 80s Alice! Sorry, but that opening bass keyboard riff alone is unforgivable! Major-league CHEESE -- I only lasted about one minute.Dead
Ermm I was a big fan as a kid, when the classic albums were coming out, but I have no AC at all these days. For me, the last good Cooper album was Billion Dollar Babies -- but I simply outgrew my age 12-14 year-old fondness for ol' Vince. 
Yep, I find that song laughable -- but  to each his own.  Smile

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: November 10 2008 at 03:01
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Who loves Alice Cooper? Yeah! Billion Dollar Babies, School's Out, Welcome to my Nightmare and Muscle of Love all classics. And of course Killer.

But that song? No thanks.

Ditto, loved the classic AC era, but that video is repulsive.

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Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: November 12 2008 at 08:50
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by Abstrakt Abstrakt wrote:

C'mon, be a little more Open-minded!How can you like other 80's and 90's songs, and not that one!?And yes, Welcome to my Nightmare is a masterpiece! Clap

Sorry to say, but I think it's a dumb song, no offense intended. And I know I like many 80's/90's and even 00's pop stuff, but this is just not my type of Pop song. Still I do enjoy his songs House of Fire, Poison and some others. I just enjoy some more funky or up-tempo pop music with some a good rythm/riff=Turn it on Again

I think Poison is worse than He's Back. Tongue
It's a good thing that "Constrictor" & "Trash" always are cheap. No matter where you look! Big smile
BUT, the Original Alice Cooper Band 1969-1973 were THE BEST! (Also, Welcome to my Nightmare, which might be his best album!)

Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: November 12 2008 at 08:53
Originally posted by Peter Peter wrote:

For me, the last good Cooper album was Billion Dollar Babies

Seems like you havn't heard "Welcome to my Nightmare"? ShockedWink

Posted By: omri
Date Posted: November 16 2008 at 05:19
I am not able to open it up so I don't know what song you are talking about.
However, I love 70's AC with songs like : Is it my body, 18, Desperado, Be my lover, Bilion dollar baby, Luney tune and Nobody likes me.


Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: November 22 2008 at 03:31
^^ "He's Back (The man behind the Mask)" Wink

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