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The Red Masque / Nov 1 / Baltimore, MD USA

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Topic: The Red Masque / Nov 1 / Baltimore, MD USA
Posted By: velvet
Subject: The Red Masque / Nov 1 / Baltimore, MD USA
Date Posted: October 25 2008 at 19:22

file:///C:%5CUsers%5CLynnette%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - UPCOMING SHOW: On Saturday, Nov. 1, The Red Masque will be performing at - Baltimore. Improv-band - - for information.


Red Masque, The: Fossil Eyes
by Pete Pardo / Sea of Tranquility

You never quite know what you're going to get with Philadelphia's The Red Masque. This band loves to throw curveball after curveball at the listener with each release, drawing upon influences that cover the gamut of progressive rock, gothic, psychedelic, classic rock, and avant-garde styles. Their latest Fossil Eyes, and first for ReR/Ad Hoc Records, is no exception.

Opening track "The Spider is the Web" kicks things off in spectacular fashion, a beefy, almost 'metal' tinged rocker that is like a head on collision between Van Der Graaf Generator, Magma, and Isis, Brandon Lord Ross' humongous bass lines driving the arrangement while the slithery, crawling guitar licks from Andrew Kowal add that psychedelic edge. Lead singer Lynnette Shelley adds in her ominous vocals on the creepy "Carbon 14", another aggressive number with rumbling bass and crunchy guitars, with the tricky stick work of drummer Vonorn providing plenty of jazzy underpinnings to this otherwise heavy and foreboding track. After the haunting & brief instrumental "Gliese", the band comes back with "Das Snail", a chaotic slice of avant-garde mayhem, dissonant guitars slashing across the mix above crashing drum work from Vonorn, Shelley painting the landscape with her intoxicating storytelling, much like a female Jim Morrison. On this one, the band is quite effective jumping from soft interludes to loud chaos. Another short instrumental, the spacey "The Worm", bridges the gap to "Carbon 13", a perfect soundtrack to your worst nightmare, complete with distorted bass lines, squawking guitars, noisy drums blasts, and Shelley's maniacal rantings. There's a certain King Crimson meets Jefferson Airplane meets Captain Beefheart feel to this one, making it quite an intriguing listening experience. After a couple of shorter, effects laden pieces, the band tears into "Polyphemus", a track littered with bulbuous bass, lots of wild effects created by keyboards, theremin, and guitars, and Lynnette's mysterious vocals. After the downright spooky "Metamorphosis", the epic finale "The Anti-Man (Not Afraid)" crashes out of the gate in almost doom metal fashion, Shelley's vocals almost defiant against heavy guitar & bass riffs and Vonorn's thunderous drum barrage. Lots of twisting and weaving instrumentation on this one, a heavy prog lovers dream, and easily one of the strongest songs to date from The Red Masque discography.

Lyrically, this is some pretty intense and dense stuff, and makes for interesting reading as you are listening to the demanding music that the band has created here (full lyrics are included). Nice job on the overall production by Vonorn, making Fossil Eyes a very bombastic sounding CD at times, yet dark and ominous when needed during the quieter moments. Due to the heavier nature of some of these songs, I can see Fossil Eyes appealing to the non-prog crowd as well, which should be a good thing as this band has been paying their dues for a few years now and seem like they are ready to be accepted by a larger audience willing to give their unique style a listen.

For info on purchasing Fossil Eyes, or to listen to some samples, please visit




Posted By: velvet
Date Posted: November 01 2008 at 12:56
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Halloween Concert and Party at Orion Sound Studios THIS Saturday!


The Baltimore Progressive Rock Showcase
Orion Studios
2903 Whittington Ave., Baltimore, 21230




with guests


( - )

Saturday Night, November 1st, 8:00pm

NOTE!! The Red Masque will be opening the show

All ages show
SMALL folding chairs and coolers welcome


There will be prizes and giveaways for this event and costumes are encouraged.

DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Take I-95 to exit 50A, Caton Ave., south. Take Caton Ave south to the third traffic signal and turn left onto Washington Blvd. Take Washington Blvd. about ¼ mile to the large "U-Haul" sign on your right and turn right, in front of the sign, onto Inverness Ave. Take Inverness to its end and turn left onto Whittington Ave.; take Whittington to its end and turn right, into our parking lot. Enter through door "B" in the building to your right as you enter the lot.



Also please visit The Red Masque’s website at - . In case you missed the earlier announcement, The Red Masque are offering PAY WHAT YOU WANT downloads for their debut 2001 EP, Death of the Red Masque, and their debut 2002 album, Victoria and the Haruspex. A Paypal donate button allows you to donate whatever amount you wish for the downloads. Go here: - for info.



The Red Masque’s new album, Fossil Eyes, is now available through, iTunes, Wayside, Squidco, and RER USA, among other distributors. Samples are also available at - .


Hope to see you Saturday!

The Red Masque | |




Posted By: velvet
Date Posted: November 11 2008 at 16:44

Thanks to everyone who came out to The Red Masque / Thee Maximalist gig on November 1 at Orion Sound Studios in Baltmore. We had a great time, especially giving away the Halloween “trick or treat” bags.


Images from this unique Halloween concert are - now available here : - . Thanks to Debbie Sears....


A FREE full streaming video of the complete concert will be available soon, and a professional live recording is in the works. Details to come....

The next Red Masque concert will be on December 14th in Philadelphia with Radio Eris and more. The show will be free and all ages. Please see The Red Masque's - schedule page for details.

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: November 12 2008 at 05:41
I am really looking forward to the live recording and only wish you could come to Germany one day.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

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