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other worlds

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Topic: other worlds
Posted By: dude
Subject: other worlds
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 11:58
"Bridge of Sighs by Robin Trower"
For me there are two types of music............
!:that music that i like ,indeed ,love but still keeps me  in the world with all its cares,that is probably 80% of what i listen too.....
2; then there is that last 20 percent,those tracks that lift me above the world and its problems,those tracks that take me away and help me transcend............that truly takes me away to another world and time where,even for a short period,i forget where ,who and what i am........perhaps you may call it transcendent music, i don't know...something that truly moves you  to the point where nothing matters but the music itself.....and the world it puts you in..............
Where and what is your transcendent point?...............who makes you leave this world? 

Posted By: mr70s
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 16:01
Music has this power to transport us to another dimension. But of course it's only some music that does this !  For me, Where Have I Known You Before by Return To Forever certainly does this. It conjures up images of travelling through space, even though some of the tracks are solo acoustic piano. These piano pieces have a depth and contrast that gives you time to catch your breath before the next electronic intensity.
But a record that seems to be always in my mind is one that I heard many years ago around 1983. But the music sounds like it is from the heyday of prog fusion so I would estimate the year as being 1975 or 76. The problem is that I have no idea who the band are ! I recorded the music from a European radio station, and I believe that I must have recorded most of it as the duration is around 30 minutes. There are long instrumental tracks which are started by electric piano . At  times I am reminded of Mahavishnu Orchestra due to the fiery guitar playing which clearly shows a Mclaughlin influence in the extreme string bending. However, there is no violin, but  plenty of classic synth solos. Underpinning all this is excellent  bass playing, used to good effect to give a hypnotic trance  - like feel on one track. The music is accessable and always melodic,  perhaps sometimes revealing a slight Santana influence. I have searched prog sites, and in doing so, I have discovered hundreds of great bands. However, this music just seems to elude me.

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 16:34
Just about anything by Tangerine Dream or David Sylvian does it for me.

Posted By: mr70s
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 16:41

The first time I heard Tangerine Dream I thought it was incredible !

Posted By: darkshade
Date Posted: July 24 2008 at 00:34
a good portion of my music collection does this to me. most straight jazz doesnt necessarily do that to me, at least in the way you and i are describing. jazz is different, dont get me wrong, it definitely takes me to other worlds, but it's also the kind of music that's just nice to have on, and if you're with friends, it's not distracting. jazz also calms me which is something i cant say about all music. There are plenty of exceptions of course, im just generalizing.

now about music that takes me to another place, this would be stuff like Yes. i've gotten into many prog bands over the years, but this is one band that has not gotten old, or a band ive grown out of. even though the band is talked about to death on this site, there is a reason. songs like Close to the Edge, Gates of Delirium, The Revealing Science of God, Heart of the Sunrise, Going for the One the album, even some songs on Tormato and Drama will do it.

King Crimson is another band like that, mostly their 70s output and The Power to Believe.

Return to Forever does it to me, especially WHIKYB (probably their best album), Romantic Warrior, HOTSG, and LAAF (underrated). True the band can be a little virtuoso, but they made great music that never gets old

Brand X, one of my favorite bands ALWAYS takes me other worlds. They use such interesting sounds and chords progressions. The atmosphere they create is sooo cool and i never tire of them.

Pink Floyd did it to me back when i was big on them, but since i rarely throw them on, i dont know. i know every detail in their music from Meddle through The Wall that i dont quite get the thrill out of them as i used to. I put on Wish You Were Here recently and it was just kinda ho-hum and nothing spectacular. Im sure one day the sparks will fly again, but this band definitely used to do it for me.

Chick Corea Elektric Band's "Paint the World" really takes me to other worlds, there is something about this album that sets it apart from all the other albums, (probably the lineup changes). Their earlier albums are great, but doesnt achieve the musical bliss i find in Paint the World.

theres so many more. Miles Davis, Frank Zappa, Area, PFM, Phish, Herbie Hancock, Garaj Mahal, Joe Zawinul & The Zawinul Syndicate, Scofield, Pharoah Sanders, Steve Jenkins, too many to list...

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