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Report errors & omissions here - Omega 1983 live albums - duplication
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Omega 1983 live albums - duplication

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Topic: Omega 1983 live albums - duplication
Posted By: NotAProghead
Subject: Omega 1983 live albums - duplication
Date Posted: July 13 2008 at 19:32
I think the same album is added twice:
1. Jubileumi Koncert -
Record one (34:07)
1. Rákóczi induló
2. A nagy folyó
3. Kemény játék
4. Ajÿnlott utvonal
5. Eletfogytig rock and roll
6. Atlantis
7. Tizezer lépés
8. A holló
Record two (42:30)
1. Szemközt a rózsaszinnel
2. Kenyér és információ
3. Kötéltánc
4. Örültek órája
5. A hatalom szinháza
6. Addig élj
7. Nem tudom a neved
8. Gyöngyhaju lány
2. The same album with another title and cover, Double Live -
Release date (1983) and track list are the same:
1. Rákóczi induló
2. A nagy folyó
3. Kemény játék
4. Ajánlott útvonal
5. Életfogytig rock and roll
6. Atlantis
7. Tízezer lépés
8. A holló
9. Szemközt a rózsaszínnel
10. Kenyér és információ
11. Kötéltánc
12. Õrültek órája
13. A Hatalom Színháza
14. Addig élj !
15. Nem tudom a neved
16. Gyöngyhajú lány
In my opinion the album "Double Live" should be deleted. In Jubileumi Koncert info it should be pointed out that it was also released with another cover artwork under the title "Double Live".
My idea is confirmed on -  (Discography section): 
  • javascript:fseite%28103,1983,,PEPITA%20SLPM%2017777-78,,JUBILEUMI%20KONCERT,2,,2005*u-1004*u-1002*u-1101*u-1001*u-2006*u-207*u-1007*u-1108*u-1103*u-1106*u-904*u-1110*u-602*u-601*u-202*u-%29; - JUBILEUMI KONCERT webcon.cgi?S=Album&JLP=1983&JCD=&NLP=PEPITA%20SLPM%2017777-78&NCD=&Titel=JUBILEUMI%20KONCERT&AnzLP=2&AnzCD= -
    2 LP: 1983 PEPITA SLPM 17777-78
    live 14. Nov. 1982 Sportcsarnok, Budapest
    also released as :
    javascript:fseite%281031,1983,,,,DOUBLE%20LIVE,2,,2005*u-1004*u-1002*u-1101*u-1001*u-2006*u-207*u-1007*u-1108*u-1103*u-1106*u-904*u-1110*u-602*u-601*u-202*u-%29; - DOUBLE LIVE webcon.cgi?S=Album&JLP=1983&JCD=&NLP=&NCD=&Titel=DOUBLE%20LIVE&AnzLP=2&AnzCD= -
    2 LP: 1983

    Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

    Posted By: Tuzvihar
    Date Posted: August 08 2008 at 12:51
    Done. The superfluous entry deleted.

    "Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

    Charles Bukowski

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