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Pakost i ukor gladne godine

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
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Printed Date: March 04 2025 at 13:46
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Topic: Pakost i ukor gladne godine
Posted By: pakost
Subject: Pakost i ukor gladne godine
Date Posted: April 02 2008 at 05:00
Band formed, in that time three not very good friends, we might even say enemies. But, at the and of 2003, weird hand of destiny joined them together and they formed “Pakost i ukor gladne godine”. Even if they didn't knew to hold their instruments, not to mention anything about playing on it, great need of playing in a band held them together all those years. If we know that they learned to play on their own stuff, you can imagine how hard was for them to make their own songs which must impress any quality musician. But that’s not even the half of the story. They must to practice didn’t they? Those three play on two guitars and bass. What about other two which was necessary to complete the band? Here begins their agony. Because nobody had the nerves to practice with them every day and whole day which they must do so because they didn’t feel the rhythm, and to repeat whole 3 songs over and over, everybody who came in band left them after one month the most. Than again begins their quest for musicians which will play in the band. Until now trough the band passed almost twenty musicians. It is amazing how they manage so quickly to be among lead bands in Serbia even with only five gigs held. After all that changes they succeeded to record their first album on their own effort. Album genre is unknown because the genre of one song isn’t same like the genre of the other ones. If you enjoyed in a story visit, it would mean a lot to them. There you can listen to the representative song or even find link to official web site.

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