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Non prog bands appreciation thread

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Topic: Non prog bands appreciation thread
Posted By: The Quiet One
Subject: Non prog bands appreciation thread
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 20:26
Having much prog in my head makes me listen some non prog bands to. Well who doesn't like classic rock? New Wave? pop? Metal?(I don't)
Perhaps this thread being closed cause not being from prog but perhaps having luck not.

Well here's my list of bands not related to prog... just naming a few

Deep Purple
Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
Nazareth (hair of the dog only)
Motorheaed (debut only)
Humble Pie!
Simply Red
Soundgarden (superunknown and down on the upside)
Pearl Jam ( first 2 albums)
Ram Jam
many others...

which bands do you like from non prog any from my list, do you recomend me a band similar from my list that you think I can enjoy or any else?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 20:31
I like the first few bands on your list (and Motorhead has several very good albums after the s/t)..  I would probably add Van Halen, Hendrix, and a big shout out to Ozzy's first two.. we miss you Randy

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 20:35
you see van halen has never been my type of style... don't know.. and ozzy 's debut being very glamish neither but has some fun rock tracks.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 21:01
his second, Diary of a Madman, is highly progressive and one of the great metal records

Posted By: Soul Dreamer
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 22:53
Here's some bands not considered prog I love (I leave off all bands which are on PA, prog or not)
- Live: I really love some of their albums..."Throwing Copper" and "The Distance To Here" some of the best music the '90 had to offer IMO.
- Tears for Fears: The album " The Seeds of Love" is a great (symphonic) album.
- Simple Minds: "New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)" is one of my preferred albums of the beginning of the '80
- Ultravox: Made some VERY good music in the '80
- Ten Years After - The album "Recorded Live" is amongst the best live recordings I own
- Golden Earring - Moontan (together with Focus the best music that ever came from the Netherlands...)
well, that's what I can think of right now, there's more...

To be the one who seeks so I may find .. (Metallica)

Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 23:20
Stone Deaf Forever!

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 23:57
To answer your first question: *I* don't like classic rock! ;P

here are some disparate but equally non-prog bands and artists I do like, spanning a zillion genres:

Einstuerzende Neubauten
Super Furry Animals
Edith Piaf
Cocteau Twins
and, um, the Namco Sound Team ;P


Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 24 2008 at 09:41
wow gees....

ah jamiroquai great..

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