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Phideaux attacks!

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Topic: Phideaux attacks!
Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Subject: Phideaux attacks!
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 10:32
Hi everybody.  I just joined here a couple of days ago, and I put up a 2-star rating and short negative review of the Phideaux Doomsday Afternoon CD.  With all the 5-star ratings this album's getting I thought it really wouldn't make much difference (and it didn't- I think the overall average changed from 4.5 to 4.4 or something)

Then today I noticed the rating and review were removed, and not only that, the actual artist had sent me a message criticizng me for not liking his album.  And apparently he even got the site moderators to remove them (no wonder his album has such high ratings!)

My question is- is this common on here?  Do you really want people to be afraid of being attacked by artists for saying something bad about an album?  The way I see it, every single album ever made- whether it's the Beatles, Genesis, Pink Floyd, whoever, will not be liked by everybody.  What's so wrong with that?  Does any artist really expect 100 percent of the world to love their albums?  Apparently Phideaux does, and he needs to get over himself.

The review I wrote was short, and honestly I can't really even remember what it was.  I could have written a lot about why I didn't like the album, but would that have really been better?  If a review is short, people don't even read it much, but if I had gone into great detail about all the things I didn't like, Phideaux would probably get even madder at me.

Posted By: N Ellingworth
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 10:40
If you've been sent what you feel is an abusive PM you should contact the site admins.

Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 10:43
Well, I can't judge anything without all the information on this situation, but to the best of my knowledge, it's not common practice.  Some reviews are deleted if they are injurious or besides the point, but they are obvious cases.  Hope someone can clarify this for you.

"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio

Posted By: proggy
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:03
I remember reading your review. I have never heard of negative reviews getting deleted. Your review was not offensive. Sorry for the bad first impression. That band needs to relax. I am sure worse has been said.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:06
Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

The review I wrote was short, and honestly I can't really even remember what it was.  I could have written a lot about why I didn't like the album, but would that have really been better?  If a review is short, people don't even read it much, but if I had gone into great detail about all the things I didn't like, Phideaux would probably get even madder at me.

You have to explain your rating in the review ... it's one of the basic requirements. I don't think that any review would be removed because of the rating, or because an artist complains about the rating (how can you even be sure it was the artist who complained and not just a user which chose the artists name as a nick name?).

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Posted By: infandous
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:24
I read your review.  While I think you should have explained your rating a bit more, I didn't think the review was offensive or pointless.  I've see reviews removed because the reviewer just wrote a couple sentences about an album being sucky and how anyone who liked it was an idiot, or something similar, with no analysis or reasons behind it.  Yours was certainly not a review like that, but didn't really explain your dislike of the album very much.  Still, it shouldn't have been removed.

If it really was Phideax who wrote you, I will have to reconsider trying out his music (I have not heard any of it yet).  I can't respect an artist that isn't open to criticism.  If it wasn't really him (as I'm guessing was actually the case......but not really sure) then you should probably take this up with the Admins of the site.

Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:27
The person signed their name as "Phideaux Xavier" and called the album "our new album"- it must be either him or an extremely dedicated fan with an identity disorder.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:30
I've had two reviews of mine nuked, but not without an explanation sent to my PM.  I am kind of mystified by the prominence Doomsday Afternoon has been getting without a slew of reviews.  I've just been raiding Phideauz's catelog and have loved everything I've obtained.  Personally DA will get a 5 star from me.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:38
There have been a flood of ratings without reviews,and the admin team is looking into possible ratings tampering concerning this album.
We will also look into this,and while I cannot say if was actually THE Phideaux who wrote you(there seem to be a few new forum members here that are big fans),you might want to pass that PM on to the admin team.
Since this a review issue,I am passing this on to Easy Livin and Atkingani,our Reviews Moderators.


Posted By: cuoredifalena
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:44

i think you should write your review again..

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:45
Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

Then today I noticed the rating and review were removed, and not only that, the actual artist had sent me a message criticizng me for not liking his album.  And apparently he even got the site moderators to remove them (no wonder his album has such high ratings!)

What RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Angry
Don't ever accuse us of removing a negative review or bad rating for that reason again,because we would NOT do that.


Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:49
OK- sorry.  The message he sent made me think that's what happened, but I don't know for sure.  I just remember the review was there yesterday and was gone today, and the artist seemed to be boasting about that.  I don't know why it was removed.

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 11:54
Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

OK- sorry.  The message he sent made me think that's what happened, but I don't know for sure.  I just remember the review was there yesterday and was gone today, and the artist seemed to be boasting about that.  I don't know why it was removed.
I seriously,seriously doubt that it was him(the real Phideaux).
Would you mind sending me the PM because I want to look into this.


Posted By: Speesh
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 12:03
That's odd, hopefully someone can clarify. I kind of remember reading the review and while I didn't agree, I'm pretty sure I've seen much worse reviews that weren't nuked. Maybe try again and instead of making it short, be more descriptive about what you didn't like?

Personally I was underwhelmed by Doomsday the first few times I heard it a few weeks ago, but it has really been growing on me. I absolutely adore it now as well as everything else in his catalog (though a good portion of it lacks prog elements). Anyway I suggest giving it another chance if you haven't already, it doesn't seem like a grower at first but it really is.

Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 12:06
The review probably was deleted 'cause some guideline was broken. Anyway, there's still room for another try, why not?
I'm quite sure that it wasn't Phideaux who wrote to you. The few times artists did it they use their press people or the label's press people and generally they are concerned about illegal copies, unoficcial bootlegs, leaks, etc. They go directly to the site owners and rarely to the Admin Team.
Be sure that some Phideaux fanatic did it which is a serious issue 'cause he cannot use the artist's name this way.
EDIT: if in any moment any honest review, no matter the rating, was changed by artist's request I'll be the first to leave this site. BUT I'M TOTALLY SURE IT'LL NOT HAPPEN...  



Posted By: 1800iareyay
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 12:10
To be fair, your review did deserve to be removed. It was only a two or three sentences about how you didn't like it, yet you explained nothing. The only thing that makes your case unique is the PM you got.

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 12:10
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

Be sure that some Phideaux fanatic did it which is a serious issue 'cause he cannot use the artist's name this way.
That is exactly why I want to see the PM that was sent to him.


Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 12:42
OK, I will try to rewrite my review tonight- I'll really go into detail about the album.

Posted By: Prog-jester
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 15:42
Some weeks ago a got a review from a manager/keyboard player of a certain band. He accused me in downloading their music via illegal sites (proofs, please!) and then one of the albums I've written review on was deleted (it was a bootleg actually). The stupidest thing is that this guy gave 1-star ratings to the band he said he's a manager of!!! The more frightening thing that he REALLY is!!!

btw, this band ceased to exist recently...

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 15:58
Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

OK, I will try to rewrite my review tonight- I'll really go into detail about the album.

Looking forward to it. I think I remember your review - it indeed only contained a remark that you didn't understand why this album got 5 star ratings and that you didn't like it. I would be curious to know - also because I haven't heard the album yet and would like to see honest opinions before I check it out.


-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 29 2007 at 17:00

No review would ever be deleted simply because an artist did not like what had been said. A site rule would need to have been broken. What does seem odd in this case is that this was the only album you have so far reviewed Ootsandoots. Nothing wrong with that, but it does seem an odd choice.

As has been suggested, try re-posting the review. It is good to get a cross section of reviews, especially for an album which appears to be subject to some hyping.

Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 10:03
I just finished my review and added it in.  It's pretty long so I won't copy it here.

Posted By: Ootsandnoots
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 10:05
Here's the link though:

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 11:54
^ I read the review ... I know what you're talking about (I'm a musician myself), but I don't think that the kind of innovation you're looking for is *that* important for the rating. I only listened to the album once and gave it 9.2 on my website (marked "first listen") ... I think that the album will drop a little bit on further listens (most albums do) but I doubt that it will drop below 8.0, which would make it a solid 4 star album.

Still, nothing wrong with your 2 stars!Smile

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Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 15:53
Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

I just finished my review and added it in.  It's pretty long so I won't copy it here.
That's better.Clap
While I don't entirely agree with your views on the album,which I think is pretty good,your review explaining why you didn't care for it was much better this time around.
Thanks for being civil and mature about this whole affair.


Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:33
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Originally posted by Ootsandnoots Ootsandnoots wrote:

I just finished my review and added it in.  It's pretty long so I won't copy it here.
That's better.Clap
While I don't entirely agree with your views on the album,which I think is pretty good,your review explaining why you didn't care for it was much better this time around.
Thanks for being civil and mature about this whole affair.
I'll second that! Thumbs%20Up



Posted By: sircosick
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 22:37
I remember when a Phideaux dude joined the site about a week ago and I was very astonished when I saw his profile..... Obviously, my first impression of it: "he's a fanboy", but probably not...... how could we know?

And I'm even more astonished when I read the first post here..... about the attacks. Indeed it's a shame, but it's also very curious and, from certain point of view, a bit funny. I'm expecting anxiously the result of Progto's investigation of the affair, though.

The best you can is good enough...

Posted By: Phideaux
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 14:37

Ahhh, another faux pas...  posting the correspondence between myself and the lovely Ooots.   (it has been removed!)

At any rate, I will assure the readers that everything is now squared away between myself and Oots.  I would like to think we are lovely mates now.

The attack wasn't really an attack as much as a slightly snarky welcome and allusion to the faint possibility that Oots had joined the site for the express purpose of trashing the album.  There was even a thought in my mind that Oots hadn't heard the album but was a mischief maker. 

Upon reading Oots' second review -- which is truly quite in depth and precise -- I realized that Oots was really just a disappointed consumer and was honestly trying to save others from the mistake he/she made.

Since that day, Oots has also reviewed other albums.  At the time of my attack (aka correspondence) Oots had only ever reviewed one single album on the site.

Oots, of course, was offered a full refund for the album (I know how disappointing it is to buy an album that everyone is raving about -- only to discover the Emperor's clothes are naught).

So, hopefully no hard feelings and DEFINITELY no worries that we/I are trying to modify opinion about our works. 

Posted By: Phideaux
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 14:40
BTW:  that is a very good album title "Phideaux Attacks".  I hope you won't mind if we use it some day.  I'll be happy to give credit where credit's due!

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 14:53
One thing please is against forum rules and guidelines to post the contents of PM's in the public forums.
So please refrain from doing that in the future,but thanks for coming back in this thread to try to clear things up.


Posted By: Phideaux
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 15:16
ahhh, well i'll edit it out right away.  sorry.

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