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PESNIARY "Cherez vsyu voynu" - titles

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Topic: PESNIARY "Cherez vsyu voynu" - titles
Posted By: NotAProghead
Subject: PESNIARY "Cherez vsyu voynu" - titles
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 19:40
Please add titles' translations and running time to the album PESNIARY "Cherez vsyu voynu": -
Translations are authorized, they present on LP's back cover ( - )
1. Valtz [Waltz]                                       6:42
   Provojala syna mat' [Mother's Parting with Her Son]
   Voyna sovsem ne feyerverk [War is No Fire-Work]
2. Ballada o fotokartochke [Ballad of a Foto] 5:41
3. Pered atakoy [Before the Attack] 3:37
4. Pesnya o pehote [Song of Infantry] 4:46
5. Risunok tush'yu [Drawing in Indian Ink] 5:24
6. Talianochka [Small Concertino] 3:23
7. Belorusskim partizanam [To Byelorussian Partisans] 4:52
8. Misha Kaminskiy 5:46
9. Pis'mo belorusskih partizan [Byelorussian Partisans' Letter] 3:55
10. Bagration 3:14
11. Rodnaya storonka [Native Land] 3:30
12. Banya [Russian Bath] 2:31
13. Talianochka 1:53
14. Vozvraschenie [Home-Coming] 3:02
15. Poslednie zalpy [Last Volleys] 3:51
Total time: 62:00
Note. I changed the number of tracks. It is correct, because on LP first 3 tracks go as one.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Fassbinder
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 20:16
Added. Many thanks! Thumbs%20Up

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