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Riverside influeced band

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Topic: Riverside influeced band
Posted By: kiligian
Subject: Riverside influeced band
Date Posted: March 22 2007 at 23:13
Osada Vida-three seats behind triangle-2006

this band is good  at time u can hear riverside basslines but they r not really riverisde they have rippoff riffs on song 9
they r good prog rock band if lsiten to them keybord department is good also..

anyone heard of this band if not check htem out..not really prog emtalish like riverisde but lil infleuces in hear with this and some ripoff riffs also..

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: March 22 2007 at 23:51
There is a band from Poland called AFTER... that are influenced by RIVERSIDE,they are very good.Their cd is called "Endless Lunatic".I have not heard of the band you mentioned though.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: darkmatter
Date Posted: March 23 2007 at 00:10
I'll check the samples of Osada Vida on their myspace. 

Is there a website and/or myspace for After?

Posted By: kiligian
Date Posted: March 23 2007 at 00:11
they r polish heres there site

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