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Sola Scriptura

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report errors & omissions here
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Topic: Sola Scriptura
Posted By: eddietrooper
Subject: Sola Scriptura
Date Posted: March 11 2007 at 18:37
I have noticed that the information on Progarchives about Neal Morse's latest album Sola Scriptura is incomplete. Neal appears only as "vocals and keyboards" and not guitar. Paul Gilbert is credited as guitar player.
The true fact, as it can be checked on the inner sleeve of the album, is that Neal played most of the guitars on the album, and Paul Gilbert only appears as a guest guitarist playing a couple of solos on some sections of the album (end of track 1, beginning of track 2 and a few flamenco fast bits in the middle of track 2).
The guitar work on the whole album is really good. I have read some reviews praising Gilbert for the lead guitars on the intro of track 1, when that's supposed to be Neal!
I hope this will be fixed and Neal will get the credit he deserves as a guitar player.
Thank you in advance.

Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: March 12 2007 at 01:58
Done ... thanksSmile

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