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Peter Hammill remasters

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Topic: Peter Hammill remasters
Posted By: Fassbinder
Subject: Peter Hammill remasters
Date Posted: December 30 2006 at 18:29
Since the "Track Listing" section is inaccessible for me, below is the list of bonus tracks on remastered albums; please, insert them into the appropriate section:
1. Fool's Mate
Remastered CD (2005): Virgin/EMI CASCDR 1037
with bonus tracks:
13. Re-Awakening (4:33)
14. Summer Song in the Autumn (2:46)
15. The Birds (3:18)
16. Sunshine (3:50)
17. Happy (2:46)
(all are VdGG demos)
2. Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd., 2006) contains also bonus tracks:
9. Rain 3am (4:45)
10. Easy to Slip Away (4:47)
11. In the End (7:23)
3. The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd., 2006) contains also bonus tracks:
8. The Lie (6:31)
9. Rubicon (5:02)
10. Red Shift (5:51)
4. In Camera
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd., 2006) contains also bonus tracks:
8. The Emperor in his War Room (6:39)
9. Faint-Heart and the Sermon (6:05)
10. (No More) the Sub-mariner (6:12)
5. Over
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd., 2006) contains also bonus tracks:
9. Betrayed (4:47)
10. Autumn (4:49)
11. (This Side Of) The Looking Glass (4:11)

Tracks are labelled incorrectly on the reverse. Track 9 is Autumn, track 10 is Betrayed.
6. The Future Now
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd., 2006) contains also bonus tracks:
13. If I Could (4:36)
14. The Mousetrap (Caught In) (4:05)
7. pH7
The remastered version (Virgin Records Ltd.) contains also bonus tracks:
12. Mr. X (Gets Tense) (6:05)
13. Faculty X (4:50)

Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: December 31 2006 at 07:04
Phew .... I suppose I did say .... LOL

Anyway .... thanks for that .... done Big smile

Next ....

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